A/N: I really wanted to read one of these. And don't worry it's EdwardxBella throughout the WHOLE THING. I don't like when Bella is with people OTHER than Edward. Anyways, I hope you like it! :D And, before anybody asks, this is before the wedding but after they told everyone.

Disclaimer: I only own Travis and the Forr's, Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn! (No duh)

Bella POV

Chapter One - Well, Crap

Edward was out hunting with the other Cullen men right now. I was left alone in my house. Well, technically I lived with the Cullens since I was there so much, but I really didn't feel like playing Barbie Bella with Alice.

The phone suddenly rang, making me jump practically ten feet off the ground.

I took a deep breath, trying to get rid of the blush that had made its way to my cheeks.

The phone rang again and I ran to the kitchen to get it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, Bells!" Renee's cheery voice said from the other end.

"Um, hi, mom. Why are you calling?" I shifted nervously. I hoped she hadn't changed her mind about me getting married.

"I just needed to warn you, well, do you remember your old boyfriend?"

What old boyfriend? I never had a boyfriend before Edward. "What boyfriend? Edward's the first person I dated."

"Oh, well I guess he wouldn't be considered your boyfriend...but, do you remember that boy that used to like you? Travis Forr?"

Travis Forr...oh! Him! I remember him. He was nice enough but he overdid things sometimes. And he marched around, claiming I was his girlfriend. He was only six months younger than me, really. Renee and Travis' mom, Laura, are best friends. "Oh, him. What about Travis?"

"He's going down to Forks for a vacation."

I was silent. Wait--why would anybody want to go to Forks for a vacation? Forks was a dreary town that just brought you down. It didn't bring me down, anymore at least. But, really? Forks for a vacation? "Why would he come to Forks?"

"His mom wanted to go to the rainest place in the continental U.S." Renee answered.

"Does he know I live her?" I asked nervously.

"Uh, no. He doesn't. But, Laura told me they were going there. I told her that you live there with Charlie, but, she didn't tell Travis or anyone else. It might get out eventually, anyways."

"Well, crap." I said, and sighed. "Thanks for warning me, mom."

"No problem, hon. I'll call you later. Love you, Bells."

"Love you, too, mom. Bye."

The line went dead.

I hung up the phone slowly. If my supposed-ex-boyfriend was coming here...well, I better keep Edward out of control, or the Cullens will have to move again.

Well, crap.

A/N: I know this is sorta bad...but, I'm still a little tired. Anyways, I hope you guys like it. I'll put out chapter two once I get...like, one review. I usually don't set those rules...but, I'm not going to keep going unless someone reviews. :D
