
I sat on the porch step and waited. He should have been here by now. I was never a girl much for guys and I knew other girls weren't either and now I knew why. I got stood up. I knew from movies and shows and books I should have cried but I didn't. I got up and instead of going inside and feeling sorry for myself and ripping pictures and swearing I will never talk to him again I went for a walk. I didn't feel a reason to be mad at him I felt...kinda happy and that surprised me. I wasn't happy that he wasn't here I just wasn't mad. I went through the woods on the side of the house. I had been walking for a while now. I stopped at a tree that fell over long ago. It was covered in moss. I sat on it and watched up at the sky as it got darker and darker. Charlie would be home soon. I got up and started walking back the way I came. I think I was halfway home and by now I could see out of the little light that came from the now gray sky. I walked on and I thought I should have reached the house by now . It got darker and I could barely see. I ran into something hard and cold, probably a tree. I looked up it must have been a short tree but my eyes adjusted to the dark a little more.I looked at my hands they were covered in something red and sticky. It wasn't a tree. In front of me Edward stood drenched in blood, though it wasn't his. His clothes were tattered and I could see his eyes wide open with shock. I stood there with my mouth slightly ajar. I tried to say what happened but my mouth wouldn't allow it. We both stood there for a minute until Edward broke the silence. "I'm soo sorry Bela. I would never..." I silenced him by putting my finger over his lips. "I...I...I don't know..." was all I could say before he silenced me. "Don't" he said "It was me I should have controled myself, Bella. I'm so sorry." I had never seen him this way but I knew just by looking in his eyes that he had did something I would hate him for and he was hoping that it wouldn't hurt him when I decided to leave him. "I'm not going anywhere." I said but it didn't reasure him. Instead he said "You will when you find at what I did. I'm soo sorry!" I listened to what he said quietly and then somewhere in the distance I heard a wolf howl.