Disclaimer: I own nothing of Metroid except the Original Concepts within the story.

"Do not worry. One of them will understand. One of them must." - Adam Malkovich

The Aftermath

At headquarters of the Galactic Federation Organization the CEO Leaders sat around a large metal table currently in the midst of a meeting.

"What do you propose we make the punishment be?" An executive asked looking around the men in the room.

"Bounty Hunter or not, she still works for us, and she will follow orders from now on!" another one of the executives assertively called out form his side of the room.

"What would you have in mind?" said another.

"Oh don't worry; I have something planned for Samus..."

As the hunter's gunship safely landed on the base, the Marine GF soldiers stood at attention as Samus exited her ship. Her armor deactivated as she stood in front of her ship. Her expression keeping a stern monotone to its structre. An officer walked up to her with a thin manilla folder containing papers in it.

"Samus! It's good to see you again, but not on such an occasion..." The officer said as he stood in front of her.

Samus looked at him but said nothing, for many of her own reasons.

"I have new orders from the CEO for you..." he said, "I'm pretty sure you're wondering what they are too..." He pulled out the folder from under his arm and held it in his hand. "You are to train a group of basics on Bydein in the northern quadrant... Apparently its punishment for the B.S.L. Lab incident." He proudly held out the papers to her. "Well, anyways, here you are, and good luck."

Samus took the folder as they both turned and walked separate ways; Samus boarded her ship and took off towards planet Bydein.

When she arrived on the dirt wasteland her ship blew large bits of sand and dust. She left her ship as her armor activated itself and appeared around her. She had landed in a base camp on the planet. Soldiers were running around, marching, doing many things to keep the base in shape.

Samus turned when she heard the voice of a soldier call her. She glanced and observed him from the inside of her vision, standing silently.

The soldier stepped up to her as he saluted. "Samus Aran. Headquarters told us you would be here soon. Well come now, I'll show you to your quarters and explain some information about your assignment and the planet." He did an about face and stepped in the direction of her sleeping area.

"As you know Samus, Bydein is the Federation's own Phazon mining system. With the new technology we are working on. It's one of our best sources, and its size proportion is excellent for its abundant energy sources." The soldier said as he marched through the camp, Samus following behind him silently. "As for you task... we have some rookies which need to be trained, and along with that, you may be expected to escort them on some basic missions, that's all your job." He stopped and pointed. "Your quarters are to the West and your platoon is over there." He walked off as Samus headed toward her assigned platoon, a drill sergeant already there furiously barking his head off at the cadets.

"Alright you worthless bunch of maggots! I want to see excellence, integrity, and courage from a pathetic bunch of girls like yourselves!" he demanded as he walked among the ranks of Marine soldiers lined up in a platoon. "When your new platoon leader arrives, you will give her the utmost respect she well deserves! Do I make myself clear?" he barked.

"Sergeant, yes Sergeant!" the ranking cadets loudly and clearly shouted back.

"Speak of the devil..." The Sergeant smirked as he saw Samus walk up from the corner of his eye. "Well you puny rats! Your new instructor is here! I would like you all to give a warm, fuzzy, gentle welcome from your pathetic hides, to Ms. Samus Aran!" He turned to her, "They're all yours. Take them through the training mines and back." He turned back to the cadets, "Don't forget to have fun girl scouts!"