[Behind the Story!!! XD]

Kishi21393: Gosh! I feel like I haven't updated in like forever! I think people will start hunting me down!

Amu: You should update!

Kishi21393: *nods* Yes, yes. I know, Amu-chan. But then!!! I didn't mention this since I'm forgetful sometimes. I have another username on . My other username is

00Eypha. Back then, I couldn't remember my original password so I created this account but then I finally remembered but I'm still keeping both user account.

Amu: Wow…no wonder you're always forgetful.

Ikuto: Hn. No wonder.

Kishi21393: Yes, yes. That's why I write then down in a notebook or type them on Microsoft to save it so I won't have to go back to look inside of my notebook. Lol. I do that nowadays.

Amu: I see.

Kishi21393: *out of the blue* I want steamed bun.

Amu & Ikuto: O.O Eh?

Kishi21393: I said I want steamed bun! I miss making them. I should ask my mom to help me make then somewhere in the weak when we go guy the ingredients. *drools about steamed buns*

Amu: Hahaha…=.="

Ikuto: Anyways…are we going to get on to the story or do I have to kick your butt?

Kishi21393: Oh, no! You don't have to! Haha. I'm about to get onto the story! Anyways! I do not own Shugo Chara characters except my own made up characters and whatever! Ja ne!

[AMU'S D R E A M…]

That human leader was here again. I saw him opening the door to walk inside of the cell. The light from the hallway blinded my eyes. I heard the shoes hitting the cold hard floor.

"Time to get up, girl." He said gruffly.

I whimpered and knew something bad was going to happen to me. Raising my head up, I met his cold emotionless eyes. My voice cracked, protesting, "N-Nooo…"

"Tsk." His hand shot out, gripping my upper arm, jerking me up. Then…I felt his breath against my ear. "Defy what I say then you know what's coming. This time it's a surprise."

I kicked and scream then as he pulled me, dragging me away, somewhere. The next thing, he threw me on the bed, ripping open my worn-out gown. I screamed loudly, trying to get him off but he took my wrists, bringing them above my head, pined me to the bed.

"I'm surprise that you do not know who's this room belong to." He whispered against my right ear.

My eyes widened, staring at the ceiling then…I saw the portrait of my parents. "No! Not in this room!"

"Oh, yes it is this room." He said then took a rope out of nowhere, tying me to the bedpost. "Now…this is what you get for defying me."

No! He was going to rape me! It's my first time! Once more, I kicked and screamed but he shoved something inside of my mouth, gagging me. I watched in horror as he spread my legs wide apart. I tried to move and kick him but that was when I heard the spell from his mouth.

"Thou shall obey thy master."

Suddenly, my body went limp to his desires and needs. Yet I watched him as he probed my sex with his fingers, sliding not inside then started to rub against my flesh. I saw his smile and I hated it. I hated him yet I couldn't do anything because of the spells. I was under his command and I hated it so much. Then, he took whatever was in my mouth away.

His body hovered over mine. He was already naked and aroused and his erection was so…huge. I felt his mouth on the side of my neck, kissing before biting it softly, making me whimper in despair. Then, he traveled down to my breasts sucking my nipples harshly as if he'd never before in his life but I knew he had different women before.

"I wonder if you're wet yet." He said as his hand went down between my sprawled legs. I felt something wet and sticky coming out of me then the human laughed softly. "You may defy me but your body doesn't. Cry if you want, no one will help you, vampire princess." Suddenly, he jerked back, pushing my legs against my chest then pierced his erection deep inside of me.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I screamed in pain. He was stretching me too much! It was hurting me! I cried as he burst out a monstrous laughter then started to thrust deep inside of me, moving out then back inside.




Ikuto shifted in his sleep but suddenly out of nowhere, his vampire instinct knew something was wrong. Opening his eyes, he first stared up at the ceiling then noticed that he wasn't in his bedchamber but in—


He whipped his head to the left then saw Amu, struggling in her sleep. Her breath shallow, gasping and unable to breathe correctly. Ikuto sat up, putting his hands on Amu's shoulder, shaking her gently. "Amu." He whispered. "Wake up. It's only a nightmare."

"It hurts…Stretching me…………No………" Amu struggled, arching her back.

"Amu!" Ikuto called out as she cried in her sleep. Taking her in his arms, he held her, rocking back and forth, stroking her silky pink hair. His heart was aching so much because of what happened to Amu. He knew she was raped multiple times by the human leader, unable to be free because of his spells that he has cast on her. Not knowing what to do as Amu struggled in his arms, Ikuto just waited.

Reach into her mind…Save her from her dream…

He didn't want to do that but Amu's life is going to be endangered if she continues to dream any further. Ikuto closed his eyes, chanted a soft spell, reaching into Amu's dream world. Opening his eyes, Ikuto stared at a bedchamber, not noticing anything until he heard a laugh. He turned towards the laugh then eyes widened in horror. There, on the bed, there was Amu and the human leader she hated the most.

"This is your first time and your body is feeling it already." The human laughed, biting Amu's breast.

"Ahhhh! No!!!! Please stop! You're hurting me! You're stretching me!!!!!!!!" Amu screamed painfully, tears rolling down her eyes.

Ikuto watched as she was being raped. It was her—dear god! It was her first time and that human dare raped her!! Eyes suddenly glowing bright red, Ikuto hissed before saying a spell, "Thou shall be released from this spell."

The scene broke into piece before Ikuto in reality opened his eyes. He noticed that Amu was back to normal, sleeping soundly yet her skin was sweaty and clammy from her nightmare.

"Tsk." Wrapping his arms around her, hugging her tightly. "Amu…"

Amu shifted slightly before opening her eyes to stare up at Ikuto. Her honey-gold eyes were glistening with tears and there were dark circles under her eyes still. "I…Ikuto…"

"Shh. It's alright, now. I'm here." He whispered against her ear, before kissing her neck. "Let's go take a shower. You're white as a ghost." He picked her up, getting out of the bed then making his way over to the bath chamber. He turned the water on, letting it get warm before setting her in then sitting behind her, his legs spread so she can sit between. "How's the water?"

Only a nod.

"Are you sure?"

Another nod.

Frowning, Ikuto shrug it off. Reaching over to his right, he took the soap then rubbing it against Amu's back, soaping under her arms over her breasts and around her neck. She didn't seem to mind him touching her yet he felt her tremble. Then he used a cloth that was hanging behind him to wash the soap off of Amu. After he was finished, Ikuto wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her against his chest, putting his head on her shoulder.

"Are you alright? You're trembling." Ikuto whispered lovingly.

"It's…no-nothing." Amu replied.

"No, it's not alright. You had a nightmare about what happened to you and you're scared that I might do something like what that human leader did to you." Ikuto growled softly, not approving that she was lying to him.

"I…He…raped me…It was my first time and it…it still hurts me whenever he raped me. I bleed when he does it to me." Amu, then, started to cry, sobbing so hard her body was shaking.

"Shhhh." Ikuto stroked her head, trying to comfort Amu. "It's alright now. You're safe with me, Amu. I'll take good care of you." He kissed her ear. Then, taking the shampoo, he squeezed it onto his hand before running it through her hair. Bubbles formed as he massaged her scalp then he took the plug out of the whole, making the water drain before turning on the shower, letting the warm water spray all over them. Ikuto, quickly cleaned himself before using the soap once more to soap Amu's body. As he was near her thighs, her hand shot out, gripping his hand tightly.

"I'll…do it." Amu said. "You can go."

Nodding, Ikuto walked out of the shower, taking the fresh cleaned robe, wearing it before walking out of the bath chamber. He walked over to the changing room, picking out a simple silk purple gown with a gold belt chain. Ikuto dressed himself in a simple navy blue tunic and black pants. Just then Amu walked out of the bath chamber, wearing the white robe. She looked fresh and cleaned now Ikuto thought. Then, he strolled over to her, handing her the silk gown.

"Wear this. I'll turn around so you can get dressed." Ikuto smiled down at her.

She looked up at him, hesitating before grabbing the gown. Turning around, Ikuto waited as Amu got dressed. First he heard a grunt before a frustrated noise from her.

"Ikuto…I need help with the zipper." Amu said from behind.

When he turned around, his breath was caught in his throat. The simple purple gown looked exquisite on her, making her skin glow as well as her hair. Amu turned around for him, showing her bare back. His hands reached foreword, zipping up the gown before clipping the chain behind her around her waist. When she turned around, her cheeks were pink and that made him smile.

"You're beautiful. Come, let's go. It's breakfast." Ikuto took her hand in his, taking her out of the bedchamber.




Later at lunch time, Ikuto took her out into the garden. The garden was big Amu thought. There were a crystallize bench that was surrounded with red roses. Walking over, she studied the roses before looking at the trees, plants and many more. Ikuto watched as Amu made her way over to Utau's personal flower garden. That was when he saw a hint of smile creeping up on Amu's face, making her look adorable and gullible.

"Tea and steam buns filled with jelly and meat and sweets, Your Highness." A maid said.

Ikuto took the tray then dismissed the maid. He walked over to the small booth that had roses growing from the center of the cement table. "Amu, tea time." He set the tray down before sitting. Amu walked over, sat across from Ikuto as he poured lemon mango tea into the tea cup. Amu took the tooth pick, stabbing it into the marinated banana before tucking it into her mouth. The banana melted, the taste was lemony with cinnamon. It tasted good. Very good and so sweet. Ikuto watched in fascination as Amu's cheeks flushed as she chewed on the sweetened banana. He knew she liked it. "Does it taste good, Amu?" He asked.

"Hm." She nodded, before sipping the tea.

"Here." He handed her a tiny steam bun. "Taste this. Tadase seem to like making filled steam buns."

Amu took it, taking a bit into it. Her eyes widened. The jelly was gooey, the bun was warm and soft, and it tasted so good. She swallowed before a smile crept up on her face. Ikuto watched Amu, thinking that she looked so much like a 5 year-old girl who'd just discovered something. Closing his eyes, he took a bit and it was filled with meat then sipped his tea. Cracking an eye open, he saw that Amu took another steam bun, biting into it like a child. Then heard her muttered "It's filled with meat…" and that made him smile even more. She was so gullible and so damn adorable. Finishing his bun, he put his elbows on the table, had his chin in his hand, staring straight at Amu, watching her with those gullible eyes and expression.

'She so cute.' Ikuto thought.

That was when she looked up at him, her hand paused midway from her mouth with the half-eaten meat filled bun. Her eyes widened. Then she set the bun down. "I…um…" Gosh, she was so cute like that. As if she was caught red handed. "I'm sorry. It tastes so delicious that I can't stop eating." She blushed violently.

"It's alright. You're body needs food right now. You've been starved for so many years, you need more meat on you to make you look more exquisite and beautiful." Ikuto immediately stopped, realizing what he'd just said. Then, he chuckled.

"Wh-What…I'm not beautiful." She whispered.

"Really? So you're beautiful I want to have you all to myself and just to let you know I don't share and never will." Ikuto said, his eyes glittered then he leaned foreword, staring at Amu, as her eyes widened, her flush deepened. He reached out, cupping her chin. His mouth was near Amu's and he wanted to kiss her, take her, make her his and his only. "Amu…" Ikuto whispered softly.

"Ikuto…" Amu whispered so soft. One of her hand reached up, cupping his nape.

"Amu. I know you're scared but I'm going to kiss you. I want you, just to let you know that." Ikuto said, growling softly. Then, he crushed his mouth against her, sliding his tongue inside of her mouth, tangling with her tongue.

"Hmmn." Amu made a soft noise.

"Hey Ikuto—WHOA!"

Both Amu and Ikuto jerked back, face flushed. Amu turned away from whoever disturbed them while Ikuto's cheeks flushed. Busted. Turning his head, he glared up at Tadase.

"What do you want?" Ikuto demanded.

"I, ah, um." Tadase made a nervous chuckle. "I see you're busy at the moment. I just wanted to check up on you before I go into the village. Well..." Tadase bowed. "Have a great afternoon, Ikuto." Then to Amu. "Your Highness." Then he quickly left the garden.


