I've started a 100 Themes challenge (what am I thinking?!), mainly because I seriously need to improve my one-shot writing abilities. I'm writing two in parallel - a Kakairu and a KuroFai one, check them both out!

This is the Kakairu one. Just so you're not surprised. ^^


1. Introduction

The trees whipped back and forth as he sprinted through the woods, laughing. He could hear the irritated shouts of his sensei, but ignored them – the man should have known better than to give his class free reign in one of the training areas, especially since said class included Umino Iruka.

His foot caught on a half-buried obstacle, and he sprawled out onto the crackling leaves. Iruka gently prodded the side of his head, which had smacked sharply against the ground, "Itai…"

The offending hazard had skipped along the ground next to him when he'd tripped on it. Sunlight glinted off the pure-white porcelain of an Anbu mask, and Iruka stretched an arm towards it, marveling at how only a few red lines could so clearly denote the features of a dog, but as his fingers brushed the curved edge, a kunai buried itself up to its hilt in the soft dirt beside him.

Iruka yelped and drew back in surprise, dusting the dirt that had sprayed up from the force of the impact out of his face. "Oi!" He shouted at the forest in general, not really sure where the attack had originated from. A presence appeared behind him, but before he could turn around, a band of cloth slipped over his eyes, he was dragged backwards until he was flush up against a tree, and his hands were bound tightly. "Oi!" He repeated, more in protest this time, "Who are you?!"

"Oh, please," The voice was annoyingly condescending, "You look like you're old enough to be at the academy, you should know that Anbu aren't allowed to reveal their faces." In the long pause that followed, it was clear that the other boy – Iruka was sure of that – moved away from him in the direction of the mask. "Or their names."

His sensei founded Iruka much later, still blindfolded and tied to a tree, shouting insults at the empty clearing.

Kakashi chuckled suddenly.

Iruka sighed, debating about whether to fall into the trap or just continue working. "What?"

"Maaa, I was just thinking…. You were such a snot when you were younger."

"Excuse me?"

"Seriously, some of those names you called me, I really don't think you should have known them at your age." Kakashi turned slightly, brandishing the dog-faced mask that he'd just rescued out of a box of stuff shoved into the corner of his apartment.


Thanks for reading! Thoughts? Love? Hate? Review!