Chapter 14 – At Last

The last eighteen months were exhausting and vampires don't get tired so easily or at all. Right after the disaster of a wedding we had the eight of us plus a few friends set up shop to find Victoria and maybe if we could take down the Voultri. Before we made any moves we all got together and practiced our fighting skills and I tried to get control of my powers. It was hard and I was getting frustrated with how hard it truly was to get a hold of them. I knew I was young but I felt like I needed to get it done to help my family. It seems that if I am truly desperate it comes out naturally as a defense mechanism but when I'm not its extremely hard. I have been working with Jasper and Kate form the Denali clan to train. With their help I can use my powers fairly well but if Jasper isn't there to manipulate my emotions I can't seem to get a hold of it. Then add Edward who after the whole thing has begun to be very clingy. We had both been through a lot and we had thought we had lost each other for good. The pain I had felt when he had left me was nowhere near what I had felt when I thought he might have been dead. I knew he felt the same as I but we still had each other and that should have eased some of his anxiety. He knew I could take care of myself if I had to and with my gifts it was that much more helpful. I hope that once we had eliminated the treat he would relax a bit. At the moment I was trying to locate Victoria with the help of Jasper.

I began to feel the rage I need to open up my mind. I focused on Victoria and her evil red eyes. I thought of all the things I had gone through because of her. I thought of all the pain Edward and I had suffered because of her. I felt my mind open as it sought her out. I focused on her and her location and my mind found her. I saw a large very old looking room I saw Victoria kneeling in front of the Voultri. The room was almost empty, it only held Aro, Marcus and Caius. They were surrounded by ten other vampires not including Victoria. I saw two of them holding Victoria and one standing behind her. I saw Aro say something then flick his wrist. The Next thing I knew everything was black. I feel back in surprise as my mind shut itself again. I looked around and saw all eyes on me. I looked at every one in the room and my eyes finally landed on Edward's. I looked at him and spoke to him although I was speaking to everyone else as well.

"She's dead." I said. I could hear everyone whispering. Some happy some concerned. The look on Edward's face was unreadable. He wanted more information, so I gave it. "I saw her with the Voultri. They weren't happy with her. Aro had her killed." Edward nodded and walked over to me. He held me in his arms and I could feel that he had relaxed some. He took me to Carlisle's office and I found the rest of my family waiting there for us.

"So what know?" Emmett asked.

"I'm not sure." Carlisle said, "We still we still don't know how many guard members are left."

"How many do they usually have with them in there castle?"

"They always have at least twenty with them at all times plus they have the castle surrounded by dozens."

"If the guards around them have gone down then it's safe to say that they may not have as many guarding the castle, right?"

"Well yes but we don't know that."

"When I saw Victoria they only had about ten members with them. I'm not saying that that is all they have but in times like this I would think they would have more with them. Too many of us have seen what they really want for them to think they are safe. My guess is either they are very down on their numbers or they have more guarding the outside." they all looked at me and had contemplative looks on their faces.

"The only way to know for sure is if we send someone in to do some recon. It would have to be some one that can get in and out without being noticed." Jasper said.

"No, she's not going." Edward almost yelled. I looked up at Edward then Jasper.

"Why me?" I asked

"If they find you out they won't know what's going on because of your shield."

"Okay but if I go Edward's coming with me." they all looked at me. "He can hear them, it could be done quicker and if we do get caught then I can block his mind." I looked at Edward. "We won't leave each other's side for anything."

"I don't know" he said to me. I could see the fear in his eyes. I cupped his face in my hand and kissed him. I looked in to his eyes. He looked back in to mine. We didn't say anything to each other but we had an understanding. The decision had not been made yet but unless another option was found it would have to be just the two of us.


It had taken five months to convince Edward that he and I would be the best for this project. With the help of our family and some of our friends that had had enough of the Vulture. We all entered Italy from different sides and we stayed in groups no larger than two or three but no one was alone. We wanted to divide and concur. We all had some way of communicating with each other. It was very important that we keep in contact. Alice kept us updated on her visions. So many things were uncertain just yet that there were a few way things could play out and that made her uneasy. Most of the outcomes we would be the overall winners but the loss wasn't really worth it. We knew we might not all make it and every one was given a chance to back out no one wanted to at least not yet.

I was taken out of my thoughts when Edward told me it was time to go in. We were going in at noon. When the sun what at its highest. We wanted to contain the fighting to the castle and not have any human casualties. We had our entire alias stationed around the castle to block or guard the exits while our strongest went in to end the Voultri regime. I had tried to make a joke about us being the cops trying to take down the Italian mob. No one thought that was very funny.

We finally made it in and were making our way to the main chambers. Edward Alice and I went in together. Jasper didn't want to leave Alice but we thought that it would work out the best. He and Emmett were not far off to our left. Carlisle, Esme and Rose were close by to our right. We had two other groups of people that would come in to the castle with us while the rest stayed out to make sure no one left. Or until they were needed inside. We had Maggie, Siobhan and Liam the Irish coven. They were coming in on the opposite side from us. Then not far behind us we had some European nomads, Alistair, Charles and Makenna.

We walked in to the main hall and found the brothers and their wives sitting around, not at all surprised to find us walking in. We looked around and it seemed they had used all the guards they had left to intimidate us. I looked at Edward and we smiled at each other that they had made it so easy for us to defeat them. Alice sent out a text out to everyone that they can bring the line tighter. We stood in front of them Alice on one side of me Edward to the other.

"We came to ask you to relinquish your thrones." I stated calmly to them. I got the reaction I expected, they laughed at me. I saw the guard get ready around us. Alice sent another text.

"I think we both know that you don't have the man power to defend yourself anymore. I think that you should step aside and you will be spared. That goes for the rest of the guard as well. If you don't want to die today then step down."

"Silly girl, what do hope to accomplish with this?"

"I want to stop you from hurting any more people because you think you're a god." They laughed at my statement but we just stood there and waited.

"You won't win and once I'm done killing all of you I will make sure no one crosses me again." Within minutes we got a signal that the guards outside had been taken care of. With a smile and my family we moved in closer.

"You're done. Here and now." I pulled my shield up around me and those close by. I wasn't sure if they had any other with the gifts we had seen before and I wasn't taking any chances. Just as they called there guards and only ten showed. Jasper sent a signal out to everyone to tighten our formation. We outnumbered them two to one. IT wasn't fast and it wasn't easy but we had been able to kill off the rest of the guard. When the only ones standing were the three self-proclaimed kings it was all too easy to finish them. They didn't even fight at that point. After we had finished and had burned the remains we sat around and tried to figure out what we were going to do.

Nothing solid was decided at that moment in time but for a while Carlisle and a few other of the older vampires stayed around and tried to keep things in order. Too many came and went looking for help or guidance and we didn't want to let them down. After a few years they decided that it would make since to have a vote for which we thought would do best. Eleazar was chosen as the leader but he said he would only be in charge for short time and then someone new should take over. We didn't want any one person taking over as The Voultri had. We just hoped it worked.