So I know this story line is way over used but I just had to do it. I promise, it won't be like the other ones, I have had this story in my head for such a long time, and I finally just had to write it. I hope you enjoy it! They are all human!

The title is off of Lifehouse's Broken. It's an amazing song. The next words would be...."The broken clock is a comfort. It helps me sleep tonight."

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of their characters.

I was at my boyfriend, Mike's house, watching a movie. If I had had it my way, I'd be at home, in my comfiest clothes, tucked in my bed for the night, but Mike hadn't really given me an option. "You're coming over to my house tonight, Bella," he had said, and I had sighed, "Okay."

Mike was a controlling force. He always made sure he had his way, and if he didn't get it, he'd make everybody miserable. It really wasn't worth it to fight him, because he'd get you back one way or another.

Mike was one of the most popular guys in Forks High school. For some reason, out of all the girls, I was the one he wanted. I had been talking to Jessica Stanley under an oak tree after school, and she giggled when she saw Mike approaching us. Her cheeks flushed a delicate pink, and she had a goofy smile across her face. Jessica had an irrational crush on Mike Newton, and she had thought he was coming to talk to her.

Her face abruptly turned to betrayal when Mike waved to her, and sat next to me. When Jessica stomped away, furious, he had asked me to go to dinner with him. I had agreed, for no reason than I thought he was somewhat cute, and we had been together ever since.

We weren't the mini-golf-playing, movie going, IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou, kind of couple. Mike liked to just chill at his house, and not be bothered with the standard boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. I didn't really mind it, I mean, Mike was my first boyfriend, so I really had nothing to compare him with.

We were also in the time of our relationship that I felt comfortable to be in front of him in my sweats or no make-up on. It was kind of nice, I guess, but lately, unless we were making out it felt like we were just really good friends.

I had talked to my best friend, Edward Cullen, about my dilemma and he had just tried to soothe me. He was a guy, of course, he didn't really fully understand how I felt.

Edward was a beautiful person inside and out. I secretly had a crush on him, and sometimes when Mike would go a few weeks without mumbling an I love you to me, I would picture me and Edward together, going to a movie after a long day of mini-golfing, and him whispering I love you in my ear at every opportunity. But then Mike would look at me with his crystal blue eyes, and I would tell myself that he did love me, and although he didn't say it much outwardly, he showed me he loved me. Whether it was the way he brushed a lock of hair behind my ears, or the way he placed his hand on the small of my back when we were walking together. He loved me…I just knew it.

Plus we've been together for four and a half months. If he didn't love me, why would he stay with me for this long?

I turned to look at Mike, and he looked back at me and smiled. He shifted our positions, and I found myself under him. I half smiled, and he just looked at me, and then began kissing me. I knew not to expect it to begin soft and chaste, so I closed my eyes, as his mouth was hard on mine, his tongue slipping into my mouth.

"Mike," I said into his mouth after a few minutes of his rough kissing. "Please," I asked, really wanting him to stop; my mouth was actually being to ache.

I felt his hands climb under me shirt, and I froze. When he brushed his hand across my breast, I immediately reacted, placing my hands of his chest and pushing him away.

"Bella, baby," he cooed. "Loosen up a bit."

"Mike," I said, thankful that he stopped. "You know how I stand on the whole sex thing."

He looked at me with his head cocked to the side. His "playing stupid" look.

"You know," I repeated. "That I don't want to have sex until I'm undoubtedly in love with somebody. Somebody I know I'm going to spend the rest of my life with."

He rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. "Bella," he said, his voice rougher now; unkind. "You know I love you. You know I want to marry you. You have doubts about that?"

I bit my lip. Did I know that? Without question?

No. If I did love him, no question about it, I wouldn't be asking myself.

"I do, Mike, I do. It's just…I—I'm not ready yet, is all."

He ran his fingers through his blonde hair and said, "How long are you going to make me wait, Bella? It's been almost four months—"

"Five," I corrected.

"Alright," he said, annoyed. "Five months. How much longer, Bella? I'm dying here."

"Well, Mike, I'm sorry I haven't been the sex-toy girlfriend you had always wanted."

"Well no need to apologize," he murmured. "You can make it up to me now." He began to unbutton his shirt, and I squirmed out from under him.

"It's time for me to go," I said a bit curtly, grabbing my jacket off of the stair banister, and heading for the door.

I felt him grab onto my wrist, and he held onto it so tightly that I gasped.

"Bella, you know I love you." He said this with clenched teeth, and his eyes were menacing.

"Goodbye, Mike," I yelled, yanking my wrist free.

The next few hours would be the most torturous hours I'll ever have to live through.

He had taken me to his bedroom, and locked the door. My clothes were off in a matter of seconds, he had tied my hands together behind my back, and had each leg tied to a bedpost. He hit me until I was bruised, bit me until he drew blood, and at times, he had strangled me for so long that I almost blacked out. I wish I had, but instead I had stayed fully concise of the whole thing. The bleeding, the bruising, the pain.

And although that seems like that was the worst part, it wasn't. The moment I lost my virginity is when I lost it. Broke down crying while he was in me. I wanted this moment to be special; I wanted it to be with somebody I loved without question. Not like this—not at all like this.

Before he had entered me, I had said, clearly, "No." I had said—I had begged him. Without looking at me, he ignored my wishes, and continued.

When he finally let me free—about three in the morning—I had a long walk ahead of me. Mike had picked me up at my house—about ten miles away—and obviously he wasn't driving me back. The night was chilly, and my teeth were chattering. He had thrown me out of his house naked, and I had to hastily get dressed in his front lawn. I was bleeding, and every part of me ached. I threw my hood over my head, and walked with my head down. I was only walking about twenty minutes when I broke down and fell to my knees, sobbing. I clutched my torso as tight as I could, as if it was the only thing keeping me together. Thunder roared above me, and the clouds covered the moon. I had never felt so alone in my life, and I wanted to die. Right then and there.

I didn't know how I was going to hide my bruises and the rest of my injuries from Charlie. It was summer in Forks, and I'd have to walk around with pants and long sleeve shirts.

And I hated Mike. For what he did to me and for making me believe that he loved me.

I stayed there, sobbing, until I saw headlights shine in my eyes. I looked up and saw a silver Volvo. It took me a second to realize who it was, but by then he was already opening up the door and rushing to my side.

Charles Dickens couldn't have said it better in his passage in Great Expectations:

"Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day."

He meant that one moment in your life can change your fate.

This was my moment.

So, how did you like it? I promise, the next chapter will be so much longer, and so will the rest following it. REVIEW please!