I believe in you and me.
I'll come and find you
If it takes me all night.
Run until you make it right
And I won't forget you,
At least I'll try.
And run, and run tonight.
Everything will be alright

-The Killers, Everything Will Be All Right

"Hey, Rosalie," he says my name, not "Blondie", in an indifferent tone. It made my heart-not in a literal sense, of course- flutter. Stop it, I slap myself mentally.

"Jacob," I force my voice to say in a flat, slightly irritated tone, when I really wanted to purr it in an affectionate one.

He leans against a tree about ten feet away from where I am sitting by the river bank. "So where is everyone else?" he asks with that voice that I love so much.

"Up by the house, what do you want?" I ask him. Me? I thought, hopeful. And another mental slap.

"Just passing by on my way up to the house, saw you sitting here alone, thought I would see if you were all right…" he trailed off in a thoughtful tone.

Go away, I wanted to say, but these harsh words would not come, so I continued to stare out across the river. He sighs softly, and then comes to sit by my side.

"So… are you?"

I look up at him. The look in his eyes was not rude or jeering. It was honest concern, with a hint of slight worry. And something else, the same something that I knew was reflecting in my eyes.

I reached out my hand, gently stroking his hair, and then pulled him closer…