Disclaimer-if you didn't already guess I own nothing but the plot.

Chapter 1
E.P.O.V - Alice had drug Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and I to yet another concert. What was this girls name again? Ah, yes, Issy Swanson-I winced. Way to close. I had heard Alice playing some of her music around the house before and it was mostly rocky type music, not my normal preference, but pretty good, this concert would be bearable, it always could have been worse, like Brittany Spears or something, why people liked her I have no idea.
It's been 50 years since I left Bella-wince-in the woods that fateful day. I regret every second of it now. She would be turning 59 today, probably happily married with children, maybe even grandchildren-things she never could have had with me- just the way things should have been. This is one of the few reasons I don't regret my choice. Though, I constantly wonder if I did indeed, make the right decision. The lights dimmed, and people behind us began to scream-front row center, naturally- the music began and the spotlight came on.

I (B).P.O.V-
I was hurried into my first outfit by my sister and best friend, Demi, who touched up my hair as I made sure my clothes hung just right off of my marble body. My name is Isabella Swan, by now I go by Issy Swanson most of the time, I also went by Bella once, but that was a long time ago. Nowadays to put it simply: I'm a Rock Star. I have an awesome boy friend, Damon, who plays lead guitar, my brother Stefan on drums, Natalie, my other sister on bass, and I play the guitar as well. Our "parents" don't really do to much in the way of working for us, they for the most part just travel around with us like "parents" should, they're names are Alex, and Lisa. Both are strict and kind , but that's what we need is tow people that love us and can keep us in line.

I have a new life after that day in the meadow when Laurent attacked me. Forever 18, every women's dream right? Anyway, back to the present, and the whole Rock Star thing, I have a huge concert I'm about to play right now in celebration of my "19th" birthday, though today was actually my real birthday-September 13th- I should be turning 59, not 19.

"Let's go Issy! We're on!" called Stefan as he ran for his drum set.