Bells_vamp has logged on

Roses4me has logged on

ShoppingVamp37 has logged on

Bella-Hey everyone!



Rosalie- Where's the boys?

Alice- They went hunting.

Bella- Yeah Edward said somthing about it being so hard to live in a Blah Blah Blah Blah without Blah Blah Blah Blah

Rosalie- What were you doing during the Blah's

Bella- we were whatching Pirates of the Caribean (Don't tell Edward, but Orlando Bloom is HOT)

Alice- I agree

Rosalie- Me too

Alice- Hey do y'all want to go shopping This new store oppened at the seattle mall and there's this party later

Rosalie- Count me in

Bella- I guess there's nothing better to do

Alice- Meet me at the porsch!!!

ShoppingVamp37 has logged off to shop

Roses4me has logged off to shop

Bells_Vamp has logged off to shop