Hello everyone! After a month of nothing I have to say 2 things: I'm sorry! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! No, no, not to you unless it is your birthday, but today Fear Garden turns 1 year old!! And let's be honest, I haven't been the most active person. HOWEVER I have a plan I will discuss at the end of this chapter. :0 Yep yep. In the meantime, please enjoy the latest installment of the celebratory chapter of Fear Garden!! HUZZAH!

Disclaimer: I do not own Vocaloids, UTAU or Yamaha or anything. I don't have any money, so don't sue me. D;

"Oi!" a lazy bluenette shouted from across the restaurant. He was dressed sharply, in black slacks, polished black shoes and a white shirt covered by a black vest, paired with a loosened, black tie. The jacket of the suit was slung carelessly across the back of the seat he was leaning nonchalantly back in. "What's going on?"

"Hey," the brunette woman he was talking to replied, tugging on her black pinstriped pencil skirt and readjusting the black sweater in her hands. Her crimson heels clicked rhythmically against the tiled floor as she sauntered to the place the blue haired man was waiting, sipping a cup of coffee.

As she sat down carefully in the wooden chair, a blonde waitress strode quickly to their table.

"Hi!" she greeted with a warm smile, showing her white teeth between lightly glossed, pink lips. "What could I get you today, Meiko?"

"Black coffee would be wonderful, Neru," the brunette politely ordered. The man with her blanched as the waitress left, skipping away.

"I don't know how you could possibly swallow that stuff."

"It's an acquired taste. Plus, it's like a punch in the face in the morning," the woman replied, crossing her legs daintily.

"Orly?" the man said into his own white coffee mug, about to take a sip.

"Yarly," she smiled slightly, tugging at the sleeve of her red, short-sleeved blouse. "How's your internship going?"

The man brightened visibly, his expression like that of a easily excitable puppy. "We won the case," he flashed a smile. "Even though I didn't do much, it was fun to watch."

"Prosecution or defense?"

"Defense," he nodded before reaching into his pocket, pulling out a sleek, vibrating, black cell- phone. "Can you give me a minute?" he asked, watched his companion nod, then walked away from the table.

Meiko placed her elbow on the table's surface, and leaning against it stared out the large window next to her. It was raining, the sky ominous and gray, with clouds blocking out the sun's brilliant rays of light. Business men strode quickly through the thick drops holding brief- cases above their heads, while teenagers ran with their friends from store to store with pink, Hello Kitty umbrellas. The brunette sighed before sitting back in the chair, looking up to see the blonde waitress with a white mug walking carefully towards her.

"And..." she spoke as she placed the cup in front of her customer, "here you are!"

"Thank you, Neru," Meiko smiled at the waitress before taking a sip of coffee.

"So~ how are you?" the blonde questioned, taking the seat Kaito had once occupied. The brunette woman shrugged.

"I've been pretty busy lately, I just got a job you know."

"Oh, that's right! Dentistry, right?" the woman nodded in response. "Isn't that like... The occupation with the highest rate of suicide?"

The brunette waved her hand at the blonde. "That's just an urban legend. And besides, my mental health is in tip- top shape!" she tapped the side of her head in emphasis.

"Haha, I believe you, I believe you!" the blonde giggled before her smiled disappeared. "The only one I'm worried about is Rin." At this Meiko set down her coffee, and looked quizzically at the waitress.

"Really, why?"

"I dunno... It's just that she's been acting so strangely since Miku... well... you know."

"Died?" The blonde paled at the word.

"Well, they haven't really-" she started in rebuttal, only to be interrupted.

"Neru, honey, I'm sorry, but I think after they found her arms... well, apart from her, we began accepting that she wouldn't be coming back." Meiko reached across the table, placing her hand over the blonde's clenched fists on the table.

"Y- you're ri-right..." she said brokenly.

"But... I know what you're saying about Rin. She's been... off lately. I'm not sure if anyone else has picked up on yet though."

The blonde nodded in response, before glancing at the clock on her wrist. "I better get back to work," she laughed nervously before getting up from the borrowed seat. "It was great talking to you Meiko. We should get together some time," she smiled slightly. The brunette smiled in return.

"Of course! We should do dinner some time next week, when we're both free." The blonde agreed before disappearing around the corner. Meiko finished drinking her cup as Kaito returned to the table.

"Sorry, sorry!" he scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.

"Oh, don't worry about it! I got to talk to Neru, so it's no big problem," she smiled before getting out of her chair. She laughed slightly as she fished a five dollar bill out of her purse. "Sorry, but I should be getting back to the office." They both wished each other a good day, before Meiko departed from the restaurant through the front doors.

As she opened her clear umbrella, she heard bickering from her right.

"¡Cállate, hermana fea!"

"¡Pero necesito comprar un vestido nuevo!"

"Tú no tienes dinero y no quiero dárte dinero."

"¡Hermano, hermano, por favor! !Iré a gritar!"

"Tú no eres un bebé, ¡cállate!"

Finally noticed by the pair, Meiko was embraced by a red headed girl. "Ah~ Meiko! Ted is being mean to me!" Looking down at the clingy girl's red eyes, Meiko sighed before looking at the red head's brother.

"You probably deserve whatever he was yelling at you about, Teto." At this, Ted hummed in victory as his sister pouted.

"I did not! I don't deserve any of the torture he puts me through~" the drill head dramatically drawled, placing the back of her hand against her forehead. She let go of Meiko's waist and adjusted her blue and green stripped scarf before stepping back.

"How are you today, Meiko?" the older of the two smiled as he waved his hand.

"I'm actually doing pretty well. How about you?"

"As well as I can with such an energetic sister," he said as he ground his fist into the top of said sister's head. Teto shrunk back in protest as Meiko laughed.

"You two always grab a crowd when you're out. And speaking in Spanish doesn't help you blend into the scene, you know?"

"Oh, hey you guys," a pink haired girl approached from behind, a brown shopping bag in hand.

"Morning, Luka," Teto greeted her classmate with a glomp. "What did you buy?"

"Sushi," she responded, lifting up the bag as if to demonstrate her purchase. "Mainly tuna sushi."

"Eh, eh?? ¡Atún, atún! ¡Quiero comer algunos!" the excited red head began shuffling through Luka's bag.

"Woah there, drilly," Ted said in a calm voice, pulling one of sister's pig- tails.

"Nyah~ Ted!" she pouted, crossing her arms across her chest. Meiko laughed before explaining she had to leave for her office, and with a promise to have lunch sometime, she left the three and continued her commute in the rain.

As she rounded a street corner, she felt a smaller body bump against her. Uttering quick apologies, Meiko looked to see who she had ran into. It was her blonde friend, talk about déjà vu. The blonde rubbed her head before laughing at who she had ran into.

"Sorry, Meiko! This seems like it may become an everyday occasion!" she giggled before straightening her jacket.

"Oh, don't worry about it, it was my fault too!" Meiko laughed along with the blonde. "So how are you? Are you going home from shopping?"

"Yep!" she answered in a chipper tone. "Len and I discovered some evidence of mice in our house, so I had to pick up some traps."
"Eww, mice are gross! Did you get the poison ones, or the "SNAP! and they're gone" ones?"

"I wouldn't want to clean up the snap ones... So I opted for the easier clean up," Rin explained.

"Haha, good idea. I wouldn't want the snap ones either," Meiko glanced at her watch before looking up apologetically. "I have to get back to work, but we should get together for coffee or something," the blonde agreed with the proposition, and told the brunette to have a good day. "Thanks!" the brunette responded. "You too! And I hope you get rid of the mouse problem soon!" the brunette waved her good bye to the blonde.

"Oh don't worry! I will!" the blonde smiled sweetly before turning back to the direction of her home.

Take those words seriously, NE???

And in the meantime here is my plan. Projected plan.
Today I'll post one more chapter. During the week, I'll post one chapter per day, so that's 5 chapters. Then, on Saturday I'll post 2 more chapters. AND on Sunday, the oneshot I'm working on for Rina-Tanwill be released. Please watch for it! It's a LenxRin nonsib that takes place in the dreaded Walmart~ :D And I'm pretty certain it's going to end up being more than just a one-shot. -_-;; I knew this would happen. xD

Why does the lovely Rina-Tan get a story?? Because there was a lovely contest on my profile page that ONLY Rina-Tan noticed! Does anyone want me to do another contest? I could pretty much offer either a one shot, art work or a cover of any song. xD As long as it's appropriate, ya know?

!!! Back to the schedule plan! D: And then, Fear Garden will become a weekly installment, probably on Saturdays unless something comes up. :00

And that's it! But can I just say... I wrote this in the wee hours of the morn specifically 12am to 1:30 am. Sooo... by 1:30am I'm delusional and ready to go to bed, but when I try and upload the document, fanfiction is just like "HELLZ NO WOMAN. U CANNOTUPLOAD NE OF UR CRAP STORYZ TODAY." And I was like, "Please good Fanfiction, allow me to post this chapter which I have labored upon for over one turn of an hourglass. I will be forever grateful!"

D; But it denied my request and I just decided to go to bed. ;~; BUT NOW IT'S HERE, AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS, AMIRITE?

Alright, thank you for reading! Reviewing would be wonderful as well. And I would like to say that I am eternally grateful, not to fanficton, but to YOU the readers! And the reviews I get to show me your presence! I have been getting such positive feedback, and I doubt that FG would have gotten this far without all of you! So... LOVE LOVE TO YOU ALL. YOU'RE AMAZING! :D