Barbara was not happy. Now, she understood now what people meant when they said, "Be careful what you wish for." Barbara had been devastated after her incident with the Joker, not just because he'd taken her legs from her, but because he'd also virtually destroyed her chances of ever having children. Emphasis on the 'virtually', for here she was, Barbara Gordon-Grayson, seven months pregnant. With twins. And on top of that, Doctor Callaghan had prescribed strict bed-rest for her, after month three. And this indigestion was killing her.

"Damn you, Dick Grayson," Barbara muttered to herself as she tapped at the keyboard of her laptop. She heard a window open in the next room. Alarmed that someone might have gotten through her security system, but realizing it was probably someone from her clan, Barbara called out, "Who is it?" Batgirl appeared in the bedroom doorway a moment later.

"Batgirl, what are you doing in Blüdhaven?" Barbara asked.

Batgirl's response, mock-hurt facial expression included, could have only been learned from the Former Boy Wonder. "What, can't a protege visit her inspiration?"

Barbara narrowed her eyes. "He is your inspiration. Now, what do you want?"

Noting that Barbara was in no mood for games, Batgirl went into "business" mode. "I need IDs on the people here. This disc is video surveillance from Gotham and this one contains photographs I took on duty tonight. I think they are linked to the mayor's kidnapping, but I can't be sure until I have IDs, and therefore, possible motives."

"And you can't use the computer 'downstairs,'" Barbara finished for her.

Batgirl's nostrils flared. "Correct."

Had she not been miserable, Barbara would have smirked at that. Instead, she took the discs with an "Alright, I'll take a look at them," and went to work. Batgirl sat down in the armchair near the bed, and removed her cowl to reveal the piercing blue eyes of Martha Wayne.

Suddenly, Barbara doubled over in pain and cried out. In an instant Martha was at her side.

"Barbara, are you okay?"

"Ugh, it's this damned indigestion. I'm gonna k-kill my husband," Barbara muttered.

Martha looked down, her eyes wide. "Uh, Barbara, I don't think it's indigestion."


In the Batcave, Batman was running data on the computer that pertained to the mayor's kidnapping. He could hear Nightwing and Robin horsing around on the mats behind him. They were biding their time until they went out on the case, again. Suddenly, the alarm sounded, alerting him to the urgent call coming in from Oracle's line.

He opened the channel. "Batman here. What's wrong, Oracle?"

Those words caught Nightwing's attention, and he strode to the computer, leaving Robin to swing at air.

The voice wasn't what either of them expected. Not on this channel. "Batman, this is Batgirl—"

"You are not to use this channel," Batman snarled, cutting her off.

Undaunted, Batgirl kept speaking. "Batman! Now is not the time! I can't reach Nightwing. Can you find hi-?"

Nightwing cut her off, already fearing the worst. "I'm here, Batgirl. What is it?"

Batgirl paused. "Babs's water broke. We're on our way to Rabe Memorial. Doc Leslie is making all the arrangements."

Nightwing was racing up the stairs to the manor before she finished.

"Nightwing, stop!" Batman yelled after him, running to catch and prevent Nightwing from going to the hospital instead of Dick Grayson. That left Robin alone in the cave. He went over to the computer.

"They're on it, Batgirl. Thanks. Send Babs my love. Robin out."


"Batgirl out," Martha clicked off the communicator. She glanced over at Barbara as they waited for the light to turn green. "Tim sends his love."

"He's a good boy," Barbara murmured through the agony. She hadn't felt pain this intense in her spine since she'd been shot. It was blinding. Martha continued driving, a little faster now that she was really beginning to worry about Barbara.


Alfred busied himself cleaning up yet another hairball. "Disgusting creature," he muttered under his breath. The cat at his feet merely rubbed against his leg and purred loudly. "Your feline wiles have no effect on me, young lady," he proclaimed, giving the cat a quick scratch between the ears.

Suddenly, the cats in the parlor dispersed. Over the racket of loud footsteps and screeching felines, Alfred heard Master Dick bellowing his name.

Alfred stepped out of the parlour, scolding, "Master Dick, one does not bellow like an elephant indoors. It is quite unbecoming—"

Nightwing stepped directly in front of him, and cut him off with, "Alfred! Babs! Babies! Now!" An instant later, "Keys!"

A half-second after that, a cowl-free Batman literally pulled him away from Alfred.


That seemed to shake him out of it, at least somewhat. "Bruce, Babs is... the babies! Let me go! I have to—"

"You have to change your clothes," Bruce smirked.