
Disclaimer: No…I don't own them. If I owned the Saiyuki boys well… the point is I don't own 'em. But if Sanzo is for sale I call dibs.

Sanzo: *aims gun at author* What?

Me: Um…I mean Goku. Yeah. If Goku's for sale. Hehehe.

Sanzo: Thought so.


It was a bright warm morning and the four Saiyuki boys were driving as always. It was more calm than normal except for some half-hearted arguing from a certain kappa and monkey. In truth they were all more than a little exhausted. In the last town our boys were forced to fight youkai after youkai after youkai. It had lasted all freaking night.

It seemed that yesterday had been the "Every youkai in a hundred mile radius attack the Sanzo party day". It lasted all day and well into the night. It had even gotten so bad that Sanzo's seemingly never ending amount of bullets had run out. He was then forced to resort to bashing skulls with the mighty fan-o-doom.

So in short all they wanted was a bit of a rest. However, it still didn't look like they would get it when they spotted yet another youkai ahead in the road. Just one youkai. One very odd looking youkai at that. It was a male and had hair that reminded all of them of a calico cat except the colors were black, brown, forest green, and pure gold.

His eyes were also an oddity. The right was the same forest green as some parts of his hair and the left was a royal blue color. If this didn't make him odd enough he also had fairy wings in the colors green, black, and gold. He wore a black Queen t-shirt that had "We Will Rock You." across the front, and baggy blue jeans.

Hakkai pulled Jeep to a stop a few feet away from the strange youkai. The youkai looked at them and unexpectedly let a huge grin take over his face. Not many youkai looked that happy to see them.

"Hi! I finally found you! Holysinner said you'd come this way but it took you so LONG! You'd think that you'd be faster in that jeep. But oh well! You're here now." he smiled.

"Um…can we help you?" Hakkai asked with his signature smile.

"Oh yeah! You all don't know why I'm here." the youkai slapped his forehead for forgetting.

"Ya mean your not here to fight us?" Goku asked, standing up in the back seat.

"No. I'm not an assassin. I'm not even a youkai like you guys are thinking." he grinned.

"Tell us what you are and what you want and leave." Sanzo snapped. This guy was beginning to piss him off.

"Alright! My name is Fred and I'm a muse. I am here for my boss, Holysinner. I forced an idea into her head earlier and it involved you four. She said she'd do it if I broke the news to you." Fred was looking pleased with himself.

"What news?" Sanzo dared to ask.

"Well…you four are going to be transferred to the year 2009 in America where you'll be going to high school. Oh and you'll all be 18 again, except for Goku whose already 18."

"What?! Hell no!" Gojyo shouted now standing next to Goku in the back seat.

"Sorry. You four don't really have a choice. I'm a muse. My will is law!" Fred laughed. At that moment a voice came from the sky along with the smell of hot chocolate and the sound of a creaking chair.

"Freddie! I told you to be nice to them! And make sure to explain everything or its back under the bed with you!"

"Alright! Alright! Jeeze." Fred yelled up at the sky. "Sorry, that's Holysinner. She's a little grumpy right now. But on to the explaining! Your going to a high school called James Monroe for one day. Don't get kicked out and you win the grand prize!" Fred waved his hands to add to the effect.

"Oh! What's the prize? Is it meat buns? Can my prize be meat buns?!" Goku asked excitedly.

"Uh…sure. Your prize can be whatever you want it to be." Fred grinned.

"Can it be a chick?" Gojyo asked.

"Whatever you want." Fred repeated. "Oh and you'll all be living in a foster home and your new to the school. Good luck!" he snapped his fingers.

This was the last thing the Saiyuki boys were aware of before they were overtaken by darkness.