disclaimer: I still am not J.K. and do not own anything.

Ten minutes later James opened his eyes and found himself staring into the emerald orbs that belonged to the girl he had worshiped for the last six years.

"L-Lily?" The grin had come back and Lily raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"I think mine's broken, Oliver. Can I exchange him for one that works?" she asked evilly.

James was up in an instant, determined to maintain an acceptable level of consciousness.

"Lils!" James shouted happily, his arms outstretched towards her.

Finding it too hard to suppress a smile, Lily met his eyes with a mischievous twinkle and allowed her lips to curve up slightly at the corners.

A nearly bloody battle over James' friend, Sirius Black, was taking the audience's attention and Lily took the opportunity to grab James by the arm and pull him off stage. They made it out the doors just as two Ravenclaw girls jumped on each other, wands forgotten, and began scratching and pulling hair in an attempt to secure Sirius' winning bid.

"-eventy gall-"

"ow! Ugh! No! seventy fi-"

"stop it you cow!"

The devilish marauder was looking on with eye brows raised appreciatively and a look of pure glee on his handsome face.

Before James could pick up his jaw that had dropped to the floor when Lily touched his arm, he found himself outside and heading quickly to a large tree by the lake.

Trying to forget all the daydreams he had had about this moment, James shook his head vigorously, stopping only when he noticed Lily laughing.

"What on earth are you doing?" she asked through giggles.

James looked bashfully at his feet and realized that his throat wasn't working. A series of unfortunate gurgles came out of his mouth before he could stop them, only causing Lily to renew her laughter.

James was in heaven.

"So," Lily started, "now that I own you-"

"Now? You always did." James interjected calmly, with a slight smile on his face.

Lily blinked in surprise, "Well…I mean..." Floundering, the red head sat down and James followed suit, together they sat in silence for a few moments.

"So…what happened?" James asked. He looked Lily straight in the eye and she suddenly found herself in the same position he was in earlier. Learning from his mistake, she cleared her throat before starting.

"Well, you didn't look particularly happy when that bimbo started bidding…so….uh….well, I thought I would…uh…"

James looked far from convinced.

Throwing caution to the wind, Lily decided to be blunt.

"I said I would go out with you if you shaped up," James' eye lit up, happy and surprised that she had remembered their conversation from the year before, "and it seems as though you have. So here I am."

There was that goofy grin again.

While Lily was busy muttering something about not expecting to have to pay for it, James jumped up and energetically brushed the dirt from his pants.

"So where are we going?"

Lily was lost. "What do you mean…going?"

"On our date…Where are we going?" James gave her a look like she was crazy for not understanding him.

"Ooohh…uh, right. Well, you see, another thing about this is that I still have that transfiguration essay to finish. And since I know how much you love transfiguration…" Lily looked hopefully up at the boy towering above her.

"You bought me to do your homework for you?" His deadpan tone made Lily's smile falter. By now all remnants of his grin were gone. Thinking fast, Lily mustered all her charm and with an elegant flutter of her eyelashes that goofy grin was right back in place.

"Alright." He said dreamily.

Lily stood up and took his hand with a smirk on her face, "But we do have all day…"

Suddenly that goofy grin didn't seem so bad.

a/n: thank you so much for all the reviews! i hope you guys liked this! i would like to start working on a different sort of a story, maybe not pathetically trying to be funny anymore, but definatly still lily/james. keep on the lookout!