I don't own any part of Inuyasha…duh.

WARNING: This is for Mature Adults only. This features indiscrimate sex, D/s, Humiliation, and other adult themes. If this is not your kink…please leave!


After all of the celebration of my husband Sesshoumaru's return from his most recent trip away from home - eight days gone this time…I called the number given to me at the bar two nights ago, when I had gone out with my sister and a group of my friends and hers.

Two Nights Previously…

I had a good time. I was free to do as I pleased, my husband was out of town, and I tended to get into the most trouble when that was the case. I ended up drinking a little too much, and wound up sitting in the laps of several different men, one of whom reminded me of a man that I had dated, before I got married. Apart from my husband, this man was one whom I had actually had the most fun with. He had dark hair, and a tan, tall, and very built, with guileless blue eyes. Just being next to him had made me feel fragile and child like, although he had known that I was neither.

The sister of my heart saw him first and pointed him out to me. She said, "Doesn't he look like Hojou?" I agreed with her that he did, except for the eyes. Hojou found his perfect master at 21…we had only spent one summer together, but it was one that will forever be remembered as one of my favorites. We spent nearly every day together, and we both traveled in the same circles (which is where I met my dearest friend and her slave Miroku), and liked the same things, as far as sex was concerned. There was no love involved, we both knew that, but sometimes, being with someone was not about love; not everything is hearts and flowers. Some things are about having a good time, and the pleasures of the flesh.

Sango knew that I loved my husband with all my heart, but she also knew of some of the more unusual things that went on in our marriage. Lust had filled us like a wildfire, but instead of destroying all that we were, it had bound us together. She knew all about what I liked and disliked, what I had done in the past, and what I stayed away from, and she encouraged me to talk to him, the stranger in the bar that looked so like Hojou, but was not him. She knew that sometimes my husband liked for me to drive him wild with tales of me with other men, she knew that he had a deep-seated need for me to humiliate him and drive him crazy. She was the only one that knew our secrets, and she did not even know half of them. My husband and I had a very unusual sex and fantasy life that we made into reality. We both needed things that were a little outside of the norm, and both of us loved each other enough to give the other exactly what was needed.

I had heard the strain in my husband's voice over the phone; even his silences had a taste and weight to them. I would need to see him in person, see what his face and voice and mannerisms told me that they did not tell the rest of the world. We had no secrets from each other; we could read each other like a book. One of the benefits of actually finding the one you are meant to be with, your one true love, is that you are unable to hide things from the other. I would gauge his reactions, listen to his voice in person, see if his mind was not on what we were talking about, see what his stress levels were; I would see what he needed from me. Perhaps he would need something from me that he did not even know that he needed. I wanted him always happy, and for others, what we did to keep the other happy may seem strange, but it worked for us.

We had been together for a year before we had gotten engaged and had then been married quickly and quietly in Vegas, not wanting to wait anymore; we had been married for two years, and I knew him…knew everything about him there was to know. We were good at reading each other's mood. He knew mine, my feigned innocence at our meeting, and my true proclivities, and once this was shared, I have been able to be the partner he truly deserves, and his reading of me was easier. He said I no longer carried around an air of despair, that now he could tell I was happy, nearly euphoric. He knew I loved him, loved him desperately, and he knew that I would do anything to keep him happy, although he never pushed me.

After she pointed him out to me, I abandoned the others I was playing with, and went to him. I sat in the lap of this stranger that looked so like Hojou and the girl he was with sent evil looks at me and sad looks at him, but I was drunk enough that this did not bother me. I wrapped my arms around him and whispered in his ear.

"Is that your girlfriend?"

He turned his face so he could whisper back, "She wants to be…"

I asked him, my lips close to his, "Then why am I in your lap, and she is not?"

He laughed, joy spreading across his features, "Because I am the luckiest guy in the bar."

I put my lips to his ear, "You haven't gotten lucky yet…but I'll bet you want to."

He put one arm around my waist, and the other was between my knees, he started to lift my skirt very slowly, his hand still between my legs. "Don't be so hasty," I said to him, slightly chiding, "I am not some bar whore."

He stopped trying to bring his hand up my legs right around mid-thigh. I could feel him growing hard underneath me, he felt very large already, and I was sure that there was more. I moved a bit on his lap, letting his erection touch my ass, feeling it a bit right where I wanted it…he was growing harder, and exhaled his breath down my neck. "Why me?" He asked.

"You remind me of someone." I said, giving his ear a little nip. He groaned again, shoving himself harder against me, which made my breath come out in a sigh.

"I see your ring," he said. "Who do I remind you of, your husband?"

"Why don't we just leave him out of this," I said. "He is out of town, and besides, I don't think he can give me what you can. If what I feel under me is any indication, you could fill me as he never could."

The stranger at the bar thrust his hips up a little, and shuddered. "Do you want to leave this crowd? Maybe find somewhere a bit more private?"

"No," I said forcefully. "Give me your number, and perhaps I will call you."

He looked extremely disappointed, but something about the set of my shoulders, the expression on my face, or the tone of my voice let him know that there would be no changing my mind.

He wrote out his number and scrawled his name above it. Kouga. I put this in my jacket pocket and my sister and friends left with me to go to another bar. It was hours before closing time…who knew what else we would find?

My dearest Sesshoumaru returned home, and I ran about as I usually did when it was time for him to return to me. I made his favorite dinner, I wore one of my outfits that he liked best, made sure everything in the house was perfect, pulled out the cat and crop, putting then under the bed for easy reach, and made sure that he would have no worries, as far as anything in the house was concerned, when he arrived.

He came home to me, and while I knew he was glad to see me, he was distracted. He was stressed out. We had sent each other many messages while he was away, shared some interesting phone calls (he liked my voice, which always sounded like a little girl, and we often had some very erotic conversations, where I knew he got off, and sometimes I did as well), but there was a set to his shoulders that I recognized. After making love, tenderly and gently, I jumped into the shower before him. He was dozing a bit when I came back in, and was a little surprised to see me wearing heavy makeup and having my hair and nails freshly done.

"What's going on?" He asked me, still a little sleepy.

"I am going out."


"I met someone at the bar, someone who can give me something I really need. A good fucking with a nice large cock, something I have been missing, even when you are home."

He gave me uncomprehending eyes. "Why are you doing this now, Kagome? I just got home."

"I know, that is why I just realized this is something I have been missing. I felt him against me at the bar, what he has is something that is not even in the same league as your pathetic cock. This guy has the most beautiful body, and has something that can actually give me what I need, so I will not have to pretend you are making me orgasm just to get you off of me. I would like a night of not pretending."

He stood up, and while I hate hurting him, it seemed he might have known what was going on. He tried to hug me to him, but I pushed him away.

I walked into the closet and chose what I would wear for the night. I pulled out my three-inch lace up black leather boots that came up above my knee, my black leather corset top with actual boning on the sides, a black satin shirt, and a black skirt that came to five inches below the line of my thigh high stockings, and showed my legs off to their best advantage. It was not a miniskirt, it flowed and danced in the wind, and would give people too much of a show if a strong wind came through. I also selected black satin panties and black high-high stockings.

I put these things on the bed, fixed Sesshoumaru with one of my hardest stares, and simply said, "Dress me."

He was still a little shocked by what I had said before, but he came over to me and started with my underclothes, just as I had trained him to do. He pulled up my stockings, pulled my panties up on me, and finally started to tighten the laces on my corset. He knew I hated wearing a bra, and I wore corsets whenever I could, although they were hard to get into alone. He pulled the laces tight, no looser, no tighter than I had told him I liked. He bent down and put my boots on, lacing these exactly has he had the corset. After all that was done, he put my skirt on for me, along with my shirt.

I stood in front of the mirror, looking at my reflection. I still wore my wedding ring, but no other jewelry.

I turned to him, faster than he was expecting. "What do you think, would you fuck me?" I asked him, with a malicious little smile on my face.

"Yes," he started. "Why are you doing this?"

"I thought I told you already…what part of it did you not understand?"

"I understand," he said, his voice showing a mixture of sadness and anticipation.

"Wait up so that you can undress me, Sesshy." I said as I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. I did not have to hear him say that he would. I already knew that.

I drove to where this Kouga was staying. I told him I would not meet him at his home, only at a hotel. He quickly got a suite of rooms. I found his room and knocked on the door.

He answered with a smile. I entered the room.

"You truly are beautiful," he said.

I did not reply, just stood there. I could feel the desire that he felt for me. I turned to him, and told him, "Remove my boots."

He smiled again, somehow knowing what I was, who I was. He bent over and removed them and the thigh-high stockings. He stood up and asked me, "Do you want a drink?"

"I am not here for that, I think we both know that," I told him, rather impatiently. "Take me to the bedroom."

He came over to me and scooped me into his arms. He carried me into the bedroom, and set me down beside the bed. He turned me around and removed my satin shirt, raining kisses across my bare back and neck. His touches made me shiver, even though I tried to remain passive.

He removed my skirt, and finally had me down to the corset and the satin panties. He untied the corset carefully, clearly not used to such things, and removed it along with my panties.

"Wow", he whispered, it was all he could say to me. I could see the evidence of his desire in the bulge in his pants.

I turned my back on him as he got undressed. I am not sure he knew all about women like me, even though he thought he did. Once he was naked, he came up behind me, and I could feel his hard cock against the small of my back. Just the feel of it brought a sound from my lips and made me push against him. All the promise I had felt through his pants at the bar was now pressing hard against my back. He was just as I had thought he was, very large, both in length and in girth.

He seemed to know what I wanted, because he picked me up once again and laid me down on the bed. He climbed up to where I was and began kissing along my neck and shoulders, touching my breasts tentatively, not quite sure of his welcome. When I did not protest, he let his mouth go down further, and took the tip of my left breast into his mouth. He grazed my nipple with his teeth, and squeezed the right with his hand, hard. The combined violence made me arch my back, brought a moan from my lips. He took this for what it was, and bit harder, squeezed harder. The sensations caused by both tightened things low in my body, made me wet, made me cry out. He shifted his attention to my right breast, taking the nipple firmly between his teeth, no hesitation this time, he knew what it was that I liked. His hand trailed down my body and he shoved two of his fingers into me, roughly, and this too made me cry out, made my body buck against him.

He crawled down the bed, lower and lower, and I could see his cock now, see it clearly, and I was nearly shuddering from anticipation. He finally had crawled low enough so that his head was poised between my legs, and he began to run his tongue up and down me, almost kissing there as I had not allowed him to do my mouth. He finally found that which he was searching for with his fingers…he was not just trying to fuck me with them, he was searching for my g-spot. While he focused his tongue on my clit, he began to rub that inner spot, so that soon I was going to orgasm from both spots, come both ways. He brought me finally, leaving me grabbing the sheets, grabbing the headboard.

Once my body had quieted, he positioned himself above me, and shoved himself inside me hard and rough. I was wet, but I was still tight. I loved the delicious feel of invasion, of being with someone so large that they came to the end of me, bumping against my cervix. Some women feel pain from that, but others could have an entirely different kind of orgasm that way…I did not feel it as pain.

He fucked me hard, set a fast pace, and I looked down my body, wanting to see him penetrating me, wanting to see all of that huge cock being swallowed by my body. My hips were rising to meet his, and I knew that at this fast pace, we would both finish quickly. My orgasm hit me by surprise, as they sometimes do, I went from meeting his rhythm to screaming out my pleasure, clawing his chest, leaving him bloody. When I saw him wincing, I clawed my own arms. I had to find some way to let it out…after all, sex is about release, and since my cries were not enough, my nails and the feel of them drawing bloody lines down my arms helped…

His rhythm faltered, and he finally tensed over me, and I could feel his cock spasm inside of me, feel his release inside me. Just the thought of it, the feel of it, made me cry out again.

He collapsed then, a bit to the side so that I would be able to breathe, and the feel of him pulling out gave me one last shiver of pleasure. He rolled over onto his back, and threw an arm over his sweaty forehead. He tried to draw me into an embrace, but I pushed against him. He got the hint, and lay there trying to catch his breath…

After about a half an hour, in which he and I both dozed, I rose up and leaned over him. He woke up when he felt my mouth on his cock. I took him while he was soft. Even then, it was quite a bit to take. I sucked him, and licked my way up and down him, concentrating on the head of his large cock, grabbing the rest of him, feeling him growing larger. I finally had him to his full length and width, and I took all of him into my mouth, I have no gag reflex so I can deep throat, but for someone of his size and girth, the problem is not about gagging, it is about breathing. I brought my mouth all the way down him until I met his body twice, but that was all…the need to breathe was too strong, he was too large for that. I put my hand around him, around the base of him, and now had a more manageable length to deal with. I enjoy giving oral sex. I ran my tongue up him, sucked him, running a safe edge of teeth down him, and worked him into a frenzy. He touched the back of my head, and I sat up and glared at him. He took his hand back, and did not try to do that again as I brought him to climax. He groaned, and began to shoot into my mouth. I swallowed it all, and took my hands off of him. I moved away from him, and stood by the side of the bed.

When he caught his breath, he came over to me, and tried to hug me, but I pushed away from him again. He looked a little hurt, but he picked up my panties and held them so that I could get them on. He dressed me, just as my husband had.

As I was getting ready to leave, he asked me, "Will I ever see you again?"

I ignored him and walked from the room.

I drove to the house I shared with my husband, only a few miles away, and when I entered the room, I could see him waiting for me. He smiled at me, but looked a little lost too. He came to me, and I drew him down to a kiss, still being able to taste the other man in my mouth. I had a feeling that he could taste it too.

I walked away from him, down to the bathroom. Once there, I waited for him. He did not have to be told; he began to undress me, just as the other had. Once I was naked, he began to draw a bath. He turned towards me.

"You really were with someone else tonight, weren't you?"

"Did you think I was lying?" I asked. "I told you what I was going to do, and why. It was everything that I needed. I can still feel him, still feel that edge that really great sex can leave."

"Who was he?"

"Just someone I met in a bar…he reminded me of someone I was with years ago. I got his first name, but that was all."

"Were you with him before? While I was gone?"

"No", I said, a little frustrated now. "I did not realize what I was missing out on until you came home and we had sex. Nothing you could ever do could feel like what he did. I didn't have to fake it with him, I may call him again…"

I could see both the pain in his eyes and the goose bumps running down his arms. I knew that while this was utterly humiliating for him, it was also pushing all of his buttons, for I could see his arousal.

"I sucked him off right before I left, so that when you kissed me, you would taste him as well. I know that you will feel some of him when you bathe me, but I thought you might like the added bonus."

He again gave me that look that was so conflicted, love and hate, humiliation and arousal, the need to touch me and the need to leave me alone. I knew that I had enough control over him to make him stay in the room, and I could also see that he knew I was not lying about the pleasures I had been given. He could see the scratches on my arms. He knew what they meant.

"Your arms…"

"I could not contain the pleasures I felt. I did not want to scratch up his beautiful body, so I scratched myself instead. You know how much pain and pleasure can merge for me, surely you can see the other marks he left on my body" It was true, my nipples were very reddened from his bite, my breasts bruised from his firm grip.

"Did he kiss you?"

"That is none of your business. You have no one but yourself to blame for this. If you could have given me half the pleasure I felt when I was with him, if your cock was anything near to what his had been, I would not have to go…but you, your little cock," I started to giggle, "You can't really expect any woman to be happy with that for the rest of her life!"

I could see that both my words and my laughter were getting to him. I let him take my hand as I stepped into the bathtub. He knelt down next to the tub, and began to rub his hands over my body. I was sure he could feel the remains of Kouga between my legs. He got a washcloth and began to wash me everywhere.

"Make sure to get everything, or next time I will make you clean me with your tongue," I said as I lay passive in the tub. He knew how to do this. It was not the first time, and would not be the last.

He finished washing my body down, and turned water on to use the handheld shower attachment to wet my hair. He began to wash it as I started on him again.

"You had better try harder to give me what I need, Sesshoumaru, or I will see him again. Everything about his body is just perfect. I never felt such pleasure as I did when he shoved himself inside me. It was such a different feeling as the one I get from you…he is so big, he fills me as no one else can. Even you."

He looked at me, but did not make a sound. I could see him getting harder and harder through his boxer-briefs, and I knew that I was telling him what he wanted to hear.

I ran my tongue along my bottom lip and gave him an evil little grin."I could barely take all of him into my mouth, even soft. It was a real struggle for me, and you know that I am good at that. I loved feeling his cock in my mouth. It seemed like the head of it was nearly as big as a plum; he tasted really good, didn't you think so?"

That hit a nerve. I am sure that he was remembering the times that both a previous girlfriend and I had made him jerk off into a bowl and then made him eat it.

I had to look away from him, if I didn't he would see that this was getting harder and harder for me. Most of the time, I didn't need to go any farther. I went to other men because he wanted me to, but it was his hands I wanted to feel on my body, his eyes I wanted to look into when I felt the warm edges of ecstasy claim me. I never had to fake it with him; he knew my body almost as well as I did. Touching him, kissing him, making love to him, even when it was rough, was still the same for me as it was the first time. Every time I was with him was like the first time…Each touch bound us closer together, our desire for each other was like a wildfire, but it was love that had truly formed what we had together…it seemed like, for us, we were hit by everything the moment we met, sex and love and lust. Almost from the first touch, we were so enmeshed together it was impossible to tell where one began and the other ended. I had once thought the term was over-used, was a romantic superstition, but the second I met him, Sesshoumaru brought to mind one word above all thoughts of sex and love and lust running through my head, faster than I could follow. That one word was, of course, soul-mates.

He grabbed my chin gently and turned me back to face him. He gave me a dark look, a look that is all about possession. I had seen it on his face so often, and I was glad it was coming back. I never saw it in his eyes when he was stressed out. I knew that I would do anything to see him look at me like that…it was the look I had fallen in love with. It said mine, it said sex, it said lust, but mainly, for us, it said love.

He moved his hand from my face to the back of my neck. He pulled me forward and kissed me passionately. He moved from the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine, and whispered two words before helping me from the tub so that we could cool the fire that I had started.

"Thank you."