A/N - This is for nas2439, who requested more. So much for it being a one shot!

They got to the Stacks… eventually. Luke was determined to drive carefully, as he still didn't have his license, and didn't think any passing police would take him seriously if he said that Mina was his licensed adult, so it look them longer than usual. The icy roads didn't help, either – it was amazing that even with a weeks worth of snow warning, not much had actually been done.

"Careful," Luke said, getting out of the car. "I'll come help you out." He ran around to the other side to open the door for Mina, slipping slightly.

"Sounds like you're the one that needs to be careful," Mina smiled, sliding out of the car. "Thank you."

"Me? I'm always careful," Luke grinned, and slipped as he did. "I… meant to do that."

"Of course," Her smile grew as they walked, though after a minute Mina stopped with a loud gasp.

"What? What's wrong?"

"That wasn't funny, Ruby," Mina said, turning, and sure enough there was Ruby, standing with a large grin on her face.

"Oh it so was." Mina scowled and turned back, striding confidently towards the entrance to the Stacks. Luke spotted flecks of snow on the back of her coat and could only guess what had happened. He looked at Ruby, who was still grinning, and couldn't fight a snort of laughter as he followed.

"You think it's funny, do you?" Mina asked, eyebrows raised.

"It's possibly funny, yeah." Luke grinned sheepishly.

"Possibly funny," Mina repeated and sighed. "Well, I suppose this is possibly funny, too." With that, she held out her cane and tapped the wall, making the snow resting above them fall off, straight onto Luke's head.

"What the hell, Mina!" He yelled, fidgeting as the snow trickled down his neck. "It's cold!" He ran inside and ripped off his jacket, rubbing his back.

"It was also quite funny," Mina laughed, and lead them properly inside.

"What the hell happened to you?" Galvin asked, looking up from a book. The three of them had entered together, and Ruby was the only one that was remotely dry, with snow still stuck to Mina's back and Luke desperately trying to dry himself off.

"It's snowing," Mina answered as she walked off into the Stacks.

"So does this part count as a second date?" Luke called, receiving confused looks from the others. He ignored them and watched Mina walk away, and thought he saw the smallest of smiles on her face as she disappeared.