Yay!! I'm so sorry, I know I should be working on Freshman but this idea popped into my head and refuses to leave me alone O.o It was originally intended to be a one shot but I decided to make it a bit longer so it wasn't so choppy. :D

Okay, a few quick notes!! 1) I know chicken pox usually hits between 5-10 years old but I made it so that Dean got it when he was four just so it would fit a little easier and he wouldn't have to worry about catching it from Sam. 2) I'm kind of guessing on the ages. Some kids start Kindergarten at five and other start at six so I'm just estimating. Also, Dean's supposed to be nine so I'm putting him in fourth grade for now. If that's wrong just let me know, okay?? 3) I made John a little OOC in this chapter but hopefull its not oo bad. Hope you all enjoy!!!

Dean sighed slowly, tapping the eraser of his pencil against his teeth absently. His teacher, Mrs. Fuller, continued to explain the proper steps for division near at the front of the classroom, drawing a few pictures here and there on the dry erase board as she did. Dean looked back at his workbook, sketching another picture along the edges of the word problems and outlining the shapes in pen. Around him, the other children were doing similar activities, their attention long since detached from basic division. In fact, he was pretty sure the boy next to him had fallen asleep.

Dean sighed again and slumped back against his chair, looking up at the clock behind Mrs. Fuller. It was 10:35, far too early to count down until the end of the day. The word problems in his workbook were already completed, the correct numbers carefully placed in the empty spaces between the words. He'd gone over division in his previous fourth grade class and it seemed like it hadn't changed all that much in the past month or so since they'd moved. Dean knew the real reason their father always enrolled them in school in every now town they moved to was because it provided free baby-sitting for a few hours of the day. Besides, when their dad was off fighting monsters, he needed somewhere safe to keep his boys and an unfamiliar hotel room didn't really appeal to that idea.

Dean looked back down at his paper and began sketching a picture of his father in a cape fighting a half-vampire, half-werewolf looking creature. He was old enough to know that the things that went bump in the night were real but he had never actually seen any of the creatures his father hunter. Sammy was still to young to understand so he just told him their dad was a superhero like Superman or Spiderman and that he made sure the bad guys couldn't win. Unfortunately, Dean knew that wasn't true. He knew that something had killed their mom when he was little and Sammy was just a baby but he didn't know what. His father did though and it was because of monsters like that that they moved around so much.

There was a soft knock at the door and Mrs. Fuller paused in the middle of her lecture, walking over to it. She was handed a small slip of paper by an older student and then closed the door, looking over the note briefly. "Dean." She said, her voice pulling the boy out of his day dreams.


She held the note up in her hand and nodded for him to come to the front. "Your brother is sick. He's in the nurse's office."

Dean hesitated for a second, not sure whether or not he was supposed to actually go to the nurse's office or if the teacher was just informing him. When Mrs. Fuller nodded again for him to come to the front, he dropped his work book and pencils into his back pack and stood, tossing it onto his shoulders. He walked up to the front and took the slip from her, glancing back at the classroom briefly before he disappeared into the hall.


The hallways were quiet this time of day; most of the students in the elementary school were already in the classrooms. Dean walked down the hall silently, his shoes squeaking on the freshly waxed linoleum. The nurse's office was a few doors away from the front desk so it was easy enough to find. Little cartoon figures of a nurse with band-aids and thermometers surrounding her lined the door, a small, handwritten name tag reading Nurse Shultz stuck right beneath the figure. Dean opened the door slowly and stepped inside.

The room was small, blue plastic chairs lining the walls on either side of a large wooden desk. One boy sat in a chair opposite from the door, a bag of ice pressed over his knee, and a girl about Dean's age was washing her hands in the sink a few feet away. Posters with diagrams of the human body lined the walls, along with a food pyramid and a list of emergency numbers. An older woman with a round face looked up at him as he entered and smiled warmly.

"Hello," She said, pushing aside the stack of papers she'd been working on. "What can I do for you?"

Dean handed her the slip of paper and watched as she read over it. "My brother's sick." He explained even though the nurse was probably the one who had written the note in the first place.

She smiled softly and nodded. "Yes, he has the chicken pox I'm afraid. Bit of an epidemic among the younger ones." She smiled and stood, tucking the paper in her pocket. "I've already notified your father so he should be here soon." She said, leading him behind the desk to a closed door. "He's right back here."

Sam sat in the middle of a blue examining table, his legs drawn up to his chest. His face and neck were covered in tiny red spots which trailed beneath his shirt and managed to appear on the backs of his hands. He looked up as the door was opened and immediately began to cry when he saw his older brother.

Dean blinked, somewhat taken aback by his little brother's outburst, and walked over to sit next to him. "Sammy, what's wrong?" He asked, sliding onto the table beside him.

Sam sniffed, tears streaming down his red-spotted face. "The nurse said I can't be around the other kids…" He hiccupped, apparently having cried earlier as well. "Did I do something wrong?"

Dean shook his head and smiled. "No, Sam. You didn't do anything wrong. You have the chicken pox and they don't want you to give it to the other kids."

The younger boy thought for a second, his hair falling across his hazel eyes. "What's the chicken box?"

"It means your sick."

This was apparently the wrong word to say because Sam immediately began to sob, his little shoulders shaking with the force.

"Whoa, Sammy!" Dean exclaimed, watching as his little brother completely broke down. "What's wrong?"

"When people get sick they die!! I don't want the chicken box!!" The five year old wailed, covering his eyes with his hands.

"Pox, Sammy. Chicken Pox."

"That's even worse!!"

"Sammy, it's not that bad." Dean reassured, rubbing his little brother's back gently. "You're going to get all gross and spotty for a few days but then it will go away."

Sam sniffed, rubbing his nose on the back of his hand. "How do you know?" He asked, looking up at his brother with glassy eyes.

"I've had the chicken pox before. The year you were born." Dean explained, remembering all too well the irritation the disease had caused him. It had been a large scale pain in the ass but not as bad as some of the other things he'd experienced in life.

Sam sniffed again, his shoulders hitching a little. "So I'm not going to die?"

Dean smiled and shook his head. "No, Sammy. You're not going to die."


"Yeah, I promise. I'm not going to let you die."

Sam nodded, obviously relieved and sat back. He rested his head against Dean's shoulder and wiped his eyes again. "My head hurts…" He mumbled, the effort of the outburst taking its toll on him.

Dean nodded and ran a hand through his little brother's hair. "I know. You probably have a fever." He said though he could feel it against his shoulder already. "Dad will be here soon."

No sooner had the words left his mouth, their father appeared in the doorway. He took one look at his youngest son and smiled sympathetically. "Ahh, Sammy." He said, walking over and scooping the boy into his arms. He waited until Sam had found a comfortable spot and then turned, ruffling Dean's hair softly. "Come on boys, let's go home."

Woot!! Much more brotherly fluff to come in the following chapters :D So was it okay? Should I trash it?? Let me know!!