I do not own Inuyasha, but one can dream.

I'm Not Kikyo

" What's her problem?" Inuyasha asked as he watched her walk out of the hut.

" Inuyasha you really do give an all new definition to the word insensitive!" Yelled Sango while quickly standing. Inuyasha sat ready to escape Sango's reach as she grabbed her hiraikotsu and glared daggers at him. With a fast narrowing of her eyes, Sango turned and left the hut following after Kagome. Inuyasha let out a breath of relief he was spared from her attack.

Miroku sat cross legged, staring at the fire and softly shaking his head. Yet again it seems I must explain what he has done wrong. Will he never learn? Miroku thought to himself as he looked at his clueless friend. With a soft sigh he started to explain. "Inuyasha You really should be more careful what you say to Kagome. You insulted her and called her weak and useless. To make matters worse you just called her Kikyo yet again."

" So what?" He replied in a huff. Crossing his arms he looked away from Miroku with a sour look. To see his face you wouldn't know that inside he felt bad he had hurt Kagome's feelings again. It seemed he had been doing that a lot lately. Even though he felt bad about it, he wasn't going to let it show.

Miroku stood with a heavy sigh and looked down at Inuyasha with pity filled eyes. " Inuyasha may I remind you that everyone has limits, even Kagome. It would be wise not to test her any further. She isn't Kikyo and she isn't weak or useless. Kagome is a very powerful, kind and loving person. She does not deserve to live in anothers shadow like you try to make her. The sooner you learn that the better." Miroku knew everything he had just said had done no good when he heard Inuyasha's next statement.

" Your right Miroku, she isn't. I never had to protect Kikyo. She could always protect herself. Kagome is always getting kidnapped and I have to keep save her. Kikyo never let herself get kidnapped." Inuyasha looked away from Miroku and at the floor to the side as if ashamed. "When I look at Kagome." He paused. " All I see is Kikyo looking back at me. I..."

Their conversation was interrupted when the sound of a light gasp was heard. Looking at the doorway they saw Kagome with tears falling down her cheeks, her face was pale and full of pain. Sango stood behind Kagome, her eyes red with anger at what Inuyasha had just said. The idea he would say something so cruel even if Kagome couldn't hear him infuriated Sango to no end.

Kagome's eyes burned as tears fell freely from them. Her body felt numb as the shock of his words hit her like a brick in her face. She had always held some hope that Inuyasha might care for her like she did him. Inside she was screaming, begging for him to say something, anything to give her some kind of hope that she had heard him wrong. But instead he only stood silently looking at her.

As she stood frozen staring into his eyes, she now knew that would never be the case. She had always stood in Kikyo's shadow when it came to Inuyasha and it seemed it would always be that way. After what he had said to continue looking at him only increased her pain and forced her to look away after what seemed hours but was only a few seconds.

" Kagom..." Was all that was able to pass his lips before he went crashing to the floor.

" Sit boy! I thought I was at least your friend. I guess you lied to me about that too. Your right about one thing Inuyasha. I'm not Kikyo. She has tried to kill me more than once. I have saved her life again and again. She turned on you believing the worse and vowed to kill you and has tried. I have always stood by your side protecting you the best I could." Kagome paused and took a breath as she watched Inuyasha sit up glaring at her.

" She tried to drag you into hell and I stopped you from going. Sango, Miroku, Sesshomaru and I killed Naraku when he was about to kill you. Kikyo just stood there and did nothing to help you. She even shot me in the back with an arrow. Or have you forgotten what she did? I would never do that Inuyasha. I cook for you every day, do whatever you say and I know she would never put up with you like I have. I'm not Kikyo. I'm Kagome and I'm going home. I'll come back when I'm ready to and not before." As hard as she tried she was unable to keep the pain she felt from her voice.

" Your not going anywhere! We have to find the jewel shards!" Inuyasha wasn't about to tell her why he really didn't want her to go. Jumping to his feet he glared at her and his aura flared. He lunged forward grabbing her by the wrist. Sango and Miroku both gasp when Kagome's aura flared up and over took Inuyasha's. Inuyasha felt as if he were on fire and he jumped back looking at his hand. His eyes went wide as he watched what looked like smoke raising from his now red, burned hand.

" I'm not listening to you anymore Inuyasha and I am going. Sit boy! Sit! Sit! Sit!" Inuyasha went crashing to the floor cracking one of the boards in the process. Picking up her pack her eyes shifted over to Shippo's moving sleeping form. She knew if she didn't leave before he woke it would only make it harder for them both. Miroku and Sango could do nothing but stand and quietly watch things unfold in front of them. They couldn't blame Kagome for how she felt. They each only hoped she would return.

Inuyasha laid on the floor groaning as Kagome looked one last time at Shippo, turned and quickly walked out the door. Sango walked with Kagome but not a word was said between them till they reached the well. Sango pulled Kagome into a embrace, holding her tight as if it were the last time she would ever see her.

Kagome didn't need anyone to tell her what was going through her friends mind. " I'll be back Sango don't worry. I just need some time that's all." Kagome said in hopes of making her friend feel better and put on her best smile. Sango sighed inward and softly nodded her head.

" Come back soon Kagome. We all miss you when your gone." She said as she watched her friend ready herself to jump into the well. With a nod Kagome jumped in. The soft blue glow of the wells magic fill the dark opening as Kagome vanished inside it. Sango stared at the well for a moment longer before she returned to the village. As she walked back she silently swore if Kagome didn't return Inuyasha would die for it. The more she thought about it the more her anger grew.

Landing on her own side of the well Kagome quickly climbed the ladder. Staying true to her word she covered the well and added her sutras sealing it off. She was glad her mother had hidden a key in the flowers as she unlocked the door. Sneaking through the house she let out a sign of releif after closing her bedroom door. Laying on her bed she was glad that everyone was still asleep. She wasn't in the mood to talk to any of them, not yet anyway.

Her pillow became moistened with tears as his words echoed through her mind. Hugging her pillow up tight to her chest her eyes closed and she slowly drifted off to sleep. Things in the Feudal Era were a much different story. Sango stepped into the hut with every intention of hurting Inuyasha, only to find him in a corner unable to move.

With a half grin on her face her eyes shifted over to Miroku who was sitting beside the fire trying to look innocent. Inuyasha started screaming to be released only to have Miroku turn and look at him with an evil grin. " Inuyasha do I need to add yet another sutra? Or are you going to be quiet before you wake Shippo?"

" Damn it Miroku let me go!" Inuyasha screamed and struggled against his bonds more. Even with all of his strength his efforts were of no use. Miroku's grin became a small smile and he reached into his pocket pulling out another sutra. Inuyasha's mouth snapped closed at seeing the new piece of veil paper.

I thought so. Miroku thought to himself as he turned back to the fire and Sango. The smile on his face spread as his and Sango's eyes meet. Sango looked at the fire doing her best to hold back the laughter that was trying to escape her. She didn't need to ask what had happened.

It seemed they went through the same thing each time they had a fight and Kagome would go home. Inside both Miroku and Sango were laughing watching him trying to get free. Even with as many times as they had used the sutras on Inuyasha, it seemed he still didn't understand he couldn't get lose till Miroku took them off.

When it was time to sleep Miroku thought of letting Inuyasha free, but changed his mind after looking at him. " Good night Inuyasha." Miroku stated with a hint of amusement in his voice. He hoped he would not need to do this more than once and that Kagome would return soon.

" Just wait till I get free Miroku. I'm not going to forget this. I promise!" Inuyasha spat out and glared at Miroku. Miroku paid no mind to Inuyasha's threats as he laid a pillow on the hard floor and pushed Inuyasha over on top of it. Being pushed over only served to add to Inuyasha's anger.

Silence filled the hut as he laid watching his friends go to sleep, but inside he was filled with anger and cursing everyone in the group. He hated the fact that Miroku could have such a power over him. Angry with Sango because she would stand up to him and could give him pain. But most of all he was angry with himself for hurting Kagome once again.

It seemed the harder he tried not to hurt her feelings the more he did just that. As much as he didn't like to admit it even to himself. The idea he had done it again caused him pain inside. In the time they had been traveling together he had come to look at her as his best friend or a younger sister. At the same time looking at her was hard as the memories of his first love would flood his mind.