Lines Of Blue

The day had gone fast. Now she stood in her room waiting for her escort. Glancing out the window she could see the garden below. Kagome was in awe of the beautiful work Sango had done. Many chairs sat lined up and filled with demons and humans alike. Miroku stood tall and proud beside the alter that held the things needed.

She swallowed hard and she became even more nervous when a soft knock came to her door. " Come in." She smiled when it opened to reveal Shippo looking at her in his new royal clothes. He didn't say a word as he stared at her. " You look handsome Shippo. Maybe I should marry you instead. " She commented with a giggle.

He had never seen Kagome dressed up before. To him she looked as if she were a goddess standing before him. " You look beautiful momma." He could see she was nervous as he paused. " They said it was time to come down." Stopping beside her Shippo reached up for her hand. Instead of taking his hand however Kagome swept him up in her arms.

She had meant to tell him before, but it seemed the time was never right. Even now it wasn't, but she didn't want to wait any longer. Kagome wanted to start this new life with things of Inuyasha behind them. " Shippo. We should both be very grateful to Sesshomaru. If not for him you may not be here. That day at the cave he was there before I arrived. He fought with Inuyasha while I went to you. I wasn't thinking straight after I..."

She couldn't say what she had done. She didn't want the painful memories to come back to her yet again. To feel the sorrow or regret not on this day or ever again. " All I wanted to do was kill till he reminded me. He... he made me remember you needed me." He touched her shoulder and smiled as if to say I understand and it's ok.

At last she had finally told him and all he did was smile at her in return. Somehow she had a feeling he already knew, but she didn't ask. There was no need. " Momma? Are you sure you really want to do this?" He asked when she stopped at her bedroom door. She took a deep breath as she stepped through the door for what seemed the longest walk of her life. Standing just inside the door that lead out into the garden was Sango and the Headman of the village.

Sango fussed over Kagome's hair while telling her how beautiful she looked. Finally it was time Sango took her place, pulling Kagome into a hug, she could feel the joy Sango felt inside. The smile she held on her face was one Kagome had not see very often. The Headman proudly held out his arm for her to take. It didn't take a demon to see how nervous she was as she hesitated. " Slow and easy Lady Kagome." The old man said as he leaned over close to her. With a firm nod they started out into the garden.

Even with seeing the garden from above it was nothing compared to the true scope of it when Kagome first stepped out. Chairs and benches cover with white silk cloths that hung to the ground. Beautiful flowers hung along the backs of each chair and bench. The sweet aromas while she walked under the flower covered archways as she drew closer to those who waited for her at the end of her walk.

Flower petals that laid covering the ground for her to walk on. The smiling faces of her friends.. no her family watching her so proudly. Even with as beautiful as it was she felt nervous. More than once she had to tell herself to breath, to stay calm. She wondered if all brides felt the way she did. Almost there. She told herself and took another step.

She saw him move as he leaned in close to his mate. She almost lost her control when she heard what he said. " Do not think of trying to befriend that thing. That demoness will not be allowed in the north. She will suffer by my hands." His mates eyes went wide as she stared at him. The loving kind smile she wore vanished and the look of shock and surprise took its place. How could my mate say such things and on this day none the less? Hearing his cold and cruel words she felt ashamed of Shani.

Just you wait Shani you arrogant ass. Thought Kagome and she looked back forward. Sesshomaru had heard his whispered words as well and was surprised she had not done anything. He knew that later Shani would pay dearly for his stupidity and he felt no sympathy for him. The thought of allowing Kagome to kill Shani crossed his mind, but knowing it would start a war he couldn't allow it.

They stopped in front of the alter, her eyes locked with Sesshomaru's. With a large smile the Headman bowed to them and slowly backed away. He swallowed and took a deep breath. Finally it was time for Miroku to test what he had learned.

Sesshomaru held out his hand, taking hers into his. " With the taking of her hand may she always know she is welcome."

They bowed to each other and sat on their knees facing one another and lit a candle together. " May their lives be filled with respect and the protection of the God's."

Reaching down he picked up a small bowl from his side of the table and placed it in front of Kagome. For the first time she broke her eyes contact as she reached for a long wooden spoon. Taking a small amount of tea from its container she placed it into the bowl. She sat the wooden spoon on top of the tea container allowing the length of its handle to slide over the top of her hand. Till finally it reached its end and rested on the container.

Adding hot water she mixed it with a small wisp till it was smooth. Picking up the bowl she turned it till it was half way. She offered it to Sesshomaru with her head lightly lowered. " With the giving of this tea she promises to do as he wishes of her own free will." Miroku said and smiled.

Sesshomaru took the bowl of tea from her hands placing it to his lips. He slowly drank the warm sweet liquid as he looked at her. " With the drinking of her tea he vows to cherish all she will give him." He slowly turned the bowl half way and replaced it back in front of her.

Removing his sword he placed it on the table in front of her. She reached down picking up his sword and held it chest high as she offered it back to him. " With the offering and taking of this sword he vows to protect her with his life." Raising completely to their knees she replaced it in his sash. Taking the dagger from the table he held his hand out for her.

Kagome placed her hand in his and held her breath. She knew what he was about to do would be painful. He looked at her aura. It was finally time. He would know if he had been right or not. Placing the knifes blade on her hand he slowly pulled cutting her hand as he stared into her eyes. Cutting his own hand they pressed them together.

Holding a white silk ribbon Miroku spoke as he wrapped it around their hands and wrist. " As their blood mixes. Let it be known they are now bonded body and soul for the remainder of their days."

Sesshomaru closely watched her aura and felt a relief wash over him as his blood mixed with hers. The pink of her aura calmed and slowly turned crimson red. What he had hoped had happened, the book had been right. The strength of his blood helped to overcome the conflict within hers, but it was still unknown if her powers would remain. She could feel the pain in her head slowly ease until it was gone completely. She realized with the adding of his blood to her own it had changed something. But what she didn't know.

Kagome and Sesshomaru stood and faced everyone, their hands still wrapped with the silk ribbon. " Announcing Lord Sesshomaru and his mate Lady Kagome. The new Lady of the Western Lands." The sounds of clapping hands filled the air, almost hurting their ears. They walked down the path hand in hand and into the manor.

As soon as they were inside and away from the eyes of others he grabbed her up. Her face turned pink as he swiftly moved past her door heading to his room. She didn't know what to expect when they stepped in and he released her. No more did the door close then she found herself pressed firmly to a wall, pinned by his body. His lips went crashing down on hers as his hands grabbed her legs, wrapping them around his waist.

Her mind screamed stop there was something they needed to do, but her body cried out for more. " Sesshomaru the plan." She whispered as her eyes slowly closed. He wanted to growl out in his frustration. As much as he wanted to take him mate he knew it would have to wait. Her legs went to the floor and he stepped away.

Kagome looked forward to the private meeting she would soon be a part of. Changing her clothes she moved toward the door only to be stopped by Sesshomaru. " Do you remember how to act and what to say."

Her hands went to her hips and she looked at him as if to say ' You must be joking right?' How can I forget, you have only told me a hundred time. His only reaction was a raised eyebrow. " Yes Sesshomaru I do. Be cold and rude and cruel. In other words act like you." She said with a sweet smile on her face.

" Later you shall pay for that." He stated and an evil grin graced the edge of his lips. She knew just what he was talking about and couldn't help but to giggle as her face turned red.

Sesshomaru and Kagome sat in his study talking to the two members of the high council. They didn't really believe Kagome when she told them she was once human and the protector of the jewel. That is until Sesshomaru pulled back the top edge of her kimono revealing something that looked like the jewel and they felt her Miko powers surge.

Many of the council members had been long standing friends of Sesshomaru and his fathers. They were pleased to see the Western Lands would remain in the Inu family. But what they found out of what the other Lords had tried to do they were not. In order to step in however they would have proof of their actions. They both understood Sesshomaru's concern.

The idea of war raging between the Lands was something the council could not allow. With such powerful demons as those involved it would destroy the lands and thousands would die. They both realized to step in now would be their best course of action, but without proof they couldn't. What they didn't know was they were about to see and hear their proof.

As the royal celebration was happening downstairs, the Lords of the other 3 lands were on their way to Sesshomaru's study. Hiding their auras the two council members stood behind a closed door waiting. Why they didn't know. Kagome glanced at Sesshomaru when the knock finally came. She said nothing as she went to the door. Swallowing hard the door opened and the Lords walked in. Taking their seats the room became silent with an eeriness.

It was not normal for a mate to be allowed to stay when there was a meeting. This fact made the Lords tense as they wondered if he knew. Sesshomaru noticed the nervous way Oren and Shani would glance at Kagome. Kagome said nothing as she quietly sat waiting for her turn to speak.

" I suppose you all wish to know why I have requested this meeting." Sesshomaru finally said.

" Of course we do. After all the next meeting was not to be for another 6 looners." ( 6 months) There was something in Lord Oren's voice that Kagome didn't understand, but it seemed Sesshomaru did. He studied the bodies posters and their nervousness was easily seen.

" Lord Chou. I do hope your family is well. I understand after your sons return, the two of you had a very interesting conversation. I would be interested in hearing your opinion on the subject." Now Chou knew why they were having this meeting. He knew he would have to chose his words wisely or things could end badly for him.

Shani and Oren looked at Chou not knowing what was going on. Chou shifted in his chair. Kagome could see the anxiety enter the auras of the three in front of them. " We did indeed. I did find it hard to believe until my son posed one simple question to me. How could such a powerful demoness appear from out of nowhere? I agree with my son. I never truly wished for what was said before."

For the first time Kagome smiled at Chou. When he could see no lies coming from him Sesshomaru looked to the others. He could see anger in their eyes, Shani's most of all.

" Lord Shani do you know where your son is?" Sesshomaru asked raising an eyebrow. Sesshomaru knew Shani knew what happened to his son and who had done it. He had paid the man two gold coins to return the body and deliver a message.

Shani's eyes narrowed dangerously. " You know I do. You made sure of that." Shani's temper was quickly growing as he stared at Sesshomaru. The day his sons body had been brought to him he had destroyed half the castle in his anger. The sound of his mates crying burned into his memory. For days all he did was to curse Sesshomaru's name. Swearing to get his revenge.

What is he talking about? What did you do that day Sesshomaru? Kagome thought as she glanced at her mate. He could see the unspoken question in her eyes and wanted to grin.

" Lord Oren did your son return to you or is he still hiding like the coward he is?" Sesshomaru was still upset about not being able to kill Kain.

Oren crossed his arms. " He has not returned as of yet. Did you kill him as you did Lord Shani's son? Is that the only way you felt you could win her hand?" The arrogant tone that laced his voice didn't set well with Sesshomaru.

" Perhaps you both would like to hear from my mate why your son is dead Lord Shani and yours is hiding." Sesshomaru asked and looked to Kagome. Finally it was time for her to speak. The moment she had been waiting for. Looking to Sesshomaru she waited for him to nod giving her permission before she stood. As she stood beside Sesshomaru Kagome glared at the two in front of her.

" Lord Oren. Your son is hiding because he is afraid. He broke the laws of courtship. He tried to force himself on me. If not for Lord Sesshomaru interfering I would have purified his ass. He is a coward who has no honor." She didn't care she had angered him. " You should be grateful he is even still alive. How ever when the council hears of his actions you all may wish otherwise." She added when he narrowed his eyes at her.

" How dare you! Kain would never disgrace our noble family by going against the courtship law." The anger and bitterness she heard in his voice made her smile inside. She knew it wouldn't take much more to send him over the edge. With knowing this she moved on to the next one.

" Lord Shani as for your son. At first I wondered how someone of such noble blood could be such an ass. Then I met you and my question was answered. He is like his father. I don't know if he enjoyed hurting children like you seem to. I'm grateful however to say that is something no one will be finding out."

Shani jumped to his feet outraged. " You need to teach your mate her place Sesshomaru. No female should speak to any male as she is doing. It is demoness's like her that will cause our superior race to weaken." She knew she had pissed him off as she looked into his slightly red tented eyes. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes and lightly growled.

Now all she needed was for him to try to attack her. After all she would have to defend herself. She could still hear the sadness that was in her friends voice. A simple farmer who had been nothing but kind to Kagome. The first woman she herself had helped while she gave birth to her first child. Kagome had been in awe that day as she saw the miracle of life for the very first time.

They had become fast friends after that. Almost as close as Sango was. What he had said to her was vile and cruel. The words she had said that came from his mouth angered Kagome each time she thought of it." It makes me wonder if Shanglou had the same motto as you. How does that go?..." She looked at him strangely and tapped her chin with a single finger, giving off the appearance that she was thinking.

" Oh yes I remember now. Humans are viel things that are useless and deserve nothing more than a painful death. Is that the same death you planned for me? All because I did not wish to mate your son. Because I mated Sesshomaru. Because you are both afraid of losing your lands? How can someone with such high status be so petty, cruel and viel as you are? If Sesshomaru had wanted your lands he would have taken them along ago. He doesn't need me to do that.?"

His anger grew with every word she said and he growled warningly at Kagome. She only smiled as she stared at him. She could see his eyes starting to slowly bleed red. Even though her words had been true Shani couldn't afford for her to be believed. What they had tried to do was against the law. " You lie..." Shani said with a snarling growl and slightly showed his fangs. His eyes narrowed.

Sesshomaru stood and moved beside Kagome. He had agreed not to interfere when it came to Shani, but he would not allow him to harm her either. " And you are a disgrace to your race." Kagome replied with a snarl of her own. She knew if anything would cause him to try to attack her that would be it and she was right.

The two council members who had been hiding looked at each other wide eyes. Just as they opened the door Shani moved toward Kagome. For him that was a mistake. The room quickly filled with her Miko aura. Every ones skin felt as if it were on fire. Thin blue lines of her Miko powers shot out from her body and wrapped around Shani lifting him into the air.

" Do you feel my power Shani. Do you really think it would be easy for anyone to kill me?" Kagome said as anger dripped from her every word. Shani yelled out in pain when Kagome's hands clinched into tight fists. Her hair drifted loosely in the air as the very air around her crackled with Miko powers, making it hard for others to remain in the room. " Admit to your crimes and I may allow you to live."

Shani said nothing only thrashed his body trying to escape Kagome's grasp. At hearing her demand Oren started for the door. He was jerked into the air by thin lines of Kagome's Miko powers. " Oh no you don't. Your just as guilty as he is. Speak!" Unlike Shani Oren did as he was told.

" It was all Shani's idea." Oren screamed out. They could all see fear in his eyes as well as his voice.

" Shut your mouth Oren don't say anything." Shani screamed out and started fighting even harder, but his efforts did him no good.

" He said Sesshomaru would invade our lands and take them from us. If you were by his side no one would survive. He would kill us all!" He struggled trying to get free as he screamed out in fear and pain. " Let me go!" The look Shani gave Oren was one that promise death.

Somehow she knew it wasn't Sesshomaru touching her and growled to the unwanted contact. When she looked she saw the two council members staring at her, she only glared back at them. " Mate you will release them. The council will decide their fates." Stated Sesshomaru. Her eyes drifted from them to the ones she held captive.

Stepping forward Kagome slowly pulled her powers back toward her. Bring Shani and Oren closer to her. " If you dare seek revenge in any way I promise I will personally hunt you down and give you a very painful death." All at once she let go and they both went crashing to the floor. She didn't look back as she headed for the door.

Stopping in front of Lord Chou. " Lord Chou, perhaps you would like to join me?" With a nod of his head the two walked out of the study. As they vanished down the hall they could heard the voices of those left in the study arguing. Kagome only smiled knowing she had gotten her revenge.

Stepping into the great hall Kagome joined the celabration and looked forward to the day she would once again see her family.

As we all grow older, we change. Sometimes we change completely. One can only try to keep at least a small part of what we once were. Even though we can not forget the past, let us always look forward to what the future might bring. If we can do this, then there is always hope for a brighter day ahead no matter what has happened.