Hey everyone. I'm feeling quite down and miserable at the moment. So I decided I need an outlet. Here is a one-shot I thought of to help me out of my rut.


This Calling


Naruto sits in his room, gazing at the moon hanging high in the sky. He looks over at his desk and sees the kunai that has been his best friend for the past few years; giving him a sense of relief and a sense of living. For years now, Naruto had been cutting when he realized how much he was hated and how he would never be good enough for anything. Everyday Naruto would come home and cut himself. Some days it was worse. On those said days Naruto would cut himself 5-8 times in that one day. Today had been especially bad.


Team 7 met at the bridge and had been waiting for about 2 and a half hours now.

''When is that lazy sensei of ours going to show up?!" Naruto yells.

"Naruto, shut up. We all know and all are upset by this. You yelling about it don't make it any better," Sakura venomously spits at him.

"But Sakura-chan," Naruto began again, still in a very loud voice.

"Dobe, shut the fuck up. We heard you already." Sasuke says, from where he is leaning on the bridge.

"Teme, don't-" Naruto began yet again only to be punched in the head by Sakura.

"Naruto you are a dobe. Why don't you just go away? It's obvious that we don't want you around." Sakura says.

"Oh, I see," Naruto says in an unnaturally quiet voice.

Just as Naruto was about to walk away, Kakashi poofs in front of him, "Yo,"

"YOU'RE LATE!!!" Sakura screams at him. Kakashi looks around for the second voice that usually is accompanied by the first. He sees Naruto looking at the ground, bangs covering his eyes.

"OK, today we have a mission."

'I can't let them see anything. I must hide it until I get home,' Naruto tells himself.

"Is it a rank A mission? Or a rank S?" Naruto says, putting his mask back on.

"Nope, rank D; Today we have to help an old lady round up her bulls," Kakashi says with what they think is a smile.

"Uhhh, sensei, isn't that a little dangerous?" Sakura asks, well aware that bulls react to the color red.

"Anyway, we will meet here in half an hour. Make sure to prepare yourselves." With that said Kakashi vanishes, leaving one of his students seething.

"Stupid sensei," Sakura says, walking away.

"Hey Dobe," Sasuke begins, noticing Naruto's behavior from before.

"Hey Teme, I'll see you in a little while." Naruto takes off at a run, jumping on rooftops all the way to his house; leaving Sasuke standing there slightly confused.

Naruto enters his house and runs to his room throwing off his orange jacket and grabbing his favorite kunai. He cuts his left forearm. He relishes in the pain before Kyuubi heals it a minute later. He cuts himself again in the same place even deeper than before knowing that he would feel the pain a little longer than the cut before it. Five minutes later, the cut heals, leaving a pink scar. He gets up, grabs his jacket, and heads out the door.

End Flashback

Naruto looks out the window again, remember how he had been chased by all the bulls because of the red swirl on the back of his jacket. Sakura had once again berated him for being such an idiot and wearing red. However, if it wasn't for him wearing that red swirl, they all would have been struggling with the bulls all day. By him wearing the red he caught all the attention of the bulls and he made them chase him into the bull pen before taking off his jacket, without thinking and leaving it in the bull pen so the bulls wouldn't break through the wooden fence.


Naruto jumps over the fence, throwing his jacket back into the pen.

"Hey Dobe, that wasn't a bad ide-," Sasuke looks at Naruto's arms. "Naruto, what is that?"

Naruto looks at where Sasuke is looking, 'SHIT!' he thinks.

"Hehehe, these are from missions. I'm sure you have just as many scars too." Naruto explains.

"I'm not a dobe nor as careless as you, so no, I do not have that many scars" Sasuke says and turns away.

'Wow, I think he bought it.' Naruto sighs in relief.

"And dobe, don't you dare let me find out you are cutting yourself." Sasuke says, with his back still turned.

End flashback

'I can't take this anymore. I'm worthless. I'm such a screw-up. I can't do anything right. Nobody notices me. Nobody listens to me. Nobody pays me any attention. Everybody hates me. I'm so lonely. I can't keep up this façade.' He sits there thinking for a little while longer. 'I will end it tonight. I will take my life and everyone will be happier.'


An hour later, Naruto still is unable to make himself bleed for longer than ten minutes. No matter how deep the cut, Kyuubi would just heal it again. However, Naruto notices it was taking a little longer to heal his self inflicted wounds.

'I'm going through this the wrong way. Instead of cutting horizontally, I could cut vertically; along the veins.' Naruto pulls the kunai point from his elbow to his palm of his left forearm. He enjoys the feeling and the sight of his blood as pours down onto his floor. He begins to feel Kyuubi healing and in a desperation he cuts himself another three times on the same arm. He switches the kunai to his other hand and does the same to his right arm five times. He feels lightheaded and falls forward, right into the darkness, with one last thought crossing his mind:

'I'm free.'


I'm considering making this longer. If enough people review for a continuation then I'll oblige.

Review Please.