

A collection of short-stories SasuSaku and GaaOC style.

Summary: AU. "So here's the deal," She said. "My brother's an idiot, as is my bff. Care to help?" Oh, did he. SasuSaku, GaaOC.

The Countdown to Insanity


Gaara no Sabaku, contrary to popular belief, was not "all that".

He had social issues. MAJOR social issues.

It had taken him a whole four months to make the few friends he did have; Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and Shikamaru Nara.

SO he almost had a heart attack (not REALLY; his inner demon did love to exaggerate) when Sydney Brit Uchiha, more commonly known as Sia, Sasuke's older sister, came up to him after his World History class and during lunch and bombarded him.

"Hi Gaara," She said, beaming up at him. He wasn't quite all too sure how she was an Uchiha. She acted the exact opposite of one.

"…Hnn…" was his reply. Smooth, Gaara, smooth.

She twitched at his reply. Concentration ran over her face, and, somehow, he could tell she was trying really hard not to smack him.

"I need your help," She said, deadpan.

"Why would someone like YOU need MY help?" Gaara asked roughly, pissed (he liked his alone time, thankyouverymuch!).

"…Because you can get to Sasuke better then I can. Are you in or not?" She asked, smart-alecky.

"…I'll listen to what you have to say." And he still had no idea what he was agreeing to.

"So here's the deal," She said, shifting her bag on her shoulder. "My brother's an idiot, as is my bff-Sakura Haruno; you know her, right?-and I'm in a rut as to how to get them to see the world around them. Care to help?"

"…Are you asking me to help get them together?" He said (he was smart!) slowly, staring at her.

She blushed prettily, colors flitting over her face. "Technically…kind of. It's complicated."

He stayed silent, thinking it over. She tapped her foot, impatiently.

"Well? Are you going to help, or what?" She snapped, losing her cool (thanks to years living with the ice cold Uchiha brothers, no doubt).


And with that one word, his fate was sealed.


If she did say so herself, Sydney Brit Uchiha was good.

Her first confrontation with well-know ice-cube Gaara no Sabaku had gone, if she did say so herself, well. She knew it could've gone better, but hey. Well. At least he TALKED to her.

Yeah…did she mention she was good?

Of course, basking in her goodness brought her body-forward into aforementioned idiotic oblivious bff Sakura Haruno.

"Saku!" Sia chirped, backing up a bit, rubbing her forehead. "Sorry! But it's ok, right, because, I mean, you're big forehead protected-" She dodged the playful punched aimed her way. "Sorry. Couldn't resist."

Pink-haired, green-eyed-orbed, smartalicious, funky Sakura Haruno rolled her eyes and bantered back. "Oh, yes, I'm so sure my big forehead just CALLED for you to run into me."

"Yeah. I mean, totally," Sia chirped, feeling blond-ish for no reason.

"Stop chirping," Sakura twitched. "It's hurting my ears."

"Sorry, Sakura-dearest," Sia smiled. "Have you seen your Sasuke-dearest anywhere?"

"Sia!" Sakura hissed, going from annoyed to annoyed cat. "Don't talk about that! I told you-"

"Sakura, for kami's sake, get O-V-E-R yourself and realize that he L-I-K-E-S you T-O-O! Shi-eesh," Sia murmured, then gasped in horror as she realized she had been acting awfully like Ino Yamanaka (another dear friend) for a while now. "Oh. The horror."

"Er…what?" Sakura was confused (damn, did that girl change emotions quickly!).

"Uh. Nothing. Yeah, nothing. C'mon, let's get ice cream and you can go check out-"


"-a book! Yeah, at the library!"

"Uh-huh, Sia."


Gaara had no idea what he'd gotten himself into…

…And now he was regretting agreeing to Sia Uchiha's begging.


However, he was not going to back out now, because...

~Gaara no Sabaku does not back out,

~It was for a good cause (…getting Sasuke off his back. Sasuke was his friend, but, beaver home, he was clingy…if a guy could be clingy…)…

~And, lastly, he wasn't going to back out because Sia would kill him if he did.

And then feed his leftover body parts to the cashmir goats-yes, she had made that threat before (…which was kind of hot to him because, well, girls making threats was a major point, in his book).

So, because he respected (had the hots for) Sia Uchiha, he was sitting beside her younger brother, keeping him busy while Sia made operations for the perfect strike.

…He really didn't need to keep Sasuke busy because, well, wherever Gaara was these days, Sasuke usually was (Gaara didn't know how it was possible for Sasuke to get more emo then he was, but, apparently, Sasuke could), for some reason or the other.

Gaara could almost-dare he think it?-say Sasuke was…lonely.

Sasuke would deny it, of course; Uchihas don't get lonely.

Ha, yeah right. Uchihas don't get lonely. Tch.

There's something called common sense-get it, Sasuke.

…Oh no. Sia Uchiha was infecting his mind.


"Saki, seriously, if I'm turning into Ino, you need to fess up to Sasukle."

"…What does that have to do with anything????"


"You are out of you're mind."

"So is Ino," Sia pointed out.

The two were walking down a (dark, creepy, eerie (just kidding!) ) hallway, books in hand as they headed towards the always incredibly packed cafeteria (hoping) to find Gaara (and Sasuke).

"You're more out of your mind then she is," Sakura shot back.

Sia looked confused. "…Saki, Ino's not IN my mind."

Sakura sighed in frustration. "No, I meant-oh, FORGET it."

"But I can't," Sia said.


The two entered the cafeteria. Sia spotted Gaara immediately (with her amazing radar skills).

"Ohhhh, look, it's Gaar-Gaar and Sasukle!"

Sakura swatted her. "Don't call them that, Sia."

"But I want too!" Sia bantered back. "I plead the…uh…which one is it again?" She tilted her head.

Sakura ignored her. "Are we going to sit with them, or what?"

"Wha…oh! Yeah! Of course!" Sia latched onto Sakura's wrist and bounced over to Gaara and Sasuk(l)e.

"Hiya little bro!" She ruffled his hair, to which he didn't object. She frowned, and plopped down next to Gaara.

"Hey, sand-man."

Gaara remained impassive.

Damn, she needed to try harder.

Hesitating, Sakura sat down next Sasuke. He looked at her, and what could be described as a smile washed over his face.

The operation was ON.


"-I mean the homework load is just-" On and on and on Sia rambled. Gaara attempted to block her out.

I'm doing this do get Sasuke off my back, I'm doing this to get Sasuke off my back, He mentally repeated to himself, engraving the words into his mind. Don't yell at her. Don't yell.

"What do you think, Saku?" Sia asked.

"Hmm? Oh, I agree with you." Gaara could tell Sakura had no idea what she was agreeing to. She had been glancing at Sasuke, and vice versa.

Gaara could feel the evil intent radiating off of Sia as she smirked, lazily (too much like Nara). "Sooo, Sasukle, how're you're science grades?"


"THAT bad? Maybe you need a tutor…" Her eyes slid over to Sakura, who blushed.



"Great! You can start now! Let's go, Gaara!" And she grabbed his arm and dragged him off.

A half…

Sakura counted slowly backwards, from ten down to zero. Sia was driving her crazy. She looked over at Sasuke.

"Where do you want to start?"


"Real helpful, there, Sasuke," She snapped. He smirked.

"Page sixty-six, I said."

"I'm SORRY I don't understand hnn-ish," She growled.

"Learn to," was his simple response. She rolled her eyes.

And he continued to smirk.



"That was great, Gaara, thanks for being my intermediate!"

"…I didn't do anything," He pointed out to the hyperactive female Uchiha.

"…Well, thanks, anyways. Maybe we can hang out more-we're friends, right?"

He didn't have the heart to tell her no. "Hnn."

She burst into smile, very like their first conversation-the start of this whole mess. "Great! See ya around, Gaara!"

As he watched her walk away, he found himself realizing he would be dragged into a lot more of her hairbrained schemes from now on.

And, somehow, he didn't mind.




Yeah, OPEN WITH CAUTION has officially launched, with The Countdown to Insanity.

I promise the others will be better...i just got tired of writing this and decided that I need to not have ten parts, but five-and-a-half-and-another-half-but-really-six.

So, yeah...

MOVING ON: OPEN WITH CAUTION is a short-story collection I'm writing to relieve stress at school and with my on-going stories.

Facts about The Countdown to Insanity:

This was originally going to be a stand-alone, Gaa POV oneshot. But then I started writing him like he was a female, so I decided to change it back and forth between Gaara and Sia. Let's blame the first two Gaara POVs on Shukaku's influence.

Yea, I went fast, and YEA, this has no real GaaOC + SasuSaku but it's all there, ready for you to put together using your wonderful little minds.

And, if you want to complain, cry me a river, build a bridge, and get O-V-E-R it (yeah, this is so outdated, but I felt like it fit the situation. DEAL WITH IT).


As Told By Lists. Because a pissed off Sia Uchiha is never a good thing. AU. OC fic. Hints of GaaOC.

Farewell, until next time;

Lady Maybelle of Confusion