Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Inuyasha.

Anisuke watched the reactions of his mates and could feel the irritation building at the complete lack of surprise on all of their faces as well as the feeling of smugness that was building between them. "I take it that you knew that I was pregnant and just failed to inform me, the person that is pregnant, of the change?"

Kouga instantly sobered and rubbed the back of his head. "We weren't completely certain that it was guaranteed but with the food that you have been eating and the way that that house elf has been following you around it was a pretty strong suspicion." The raised eyebrow from Anisuke made him feel like a pup trying to explain to his father why he had tied the female wolves' tails together, don't ask. "We didn't want to stress you out right before the Halloween Ball, we were going to tell you after the ball though."

Anisuke rubbed the bridge of his nose and cringed as he felt the migraine building behind his eyes. The very thought of having to go through the rest of the school year pregnant while trying to avoid Dumbledore and all of his cronies was more than enough to send his stress levels through the roof. "How are we supposed to keep all of this going with me pregnant in the middle of Dumbledore's domain? It's hard enough to do now let alone when I'm big and pregnant with swollen ankles and kits to worry about."

Naraku shot a look at Sesshomaru and Kouga before moving behind Anisuke to message his temples with just enough yokai to ease the pain away. "You seem to forget that you have three yokai lords that are more than capable of protecting you and our young. You will not be doing anything alone. Even when we are not physically with you Dobby will be shadowing your every move, not only providing for every craving that you have, but also to protect you from any harm. All that will help you though we all know that you are more than capable of protecting yourself." Naraku smiled, Kouga shuddered a little in fear, as Anisuke relaxed back into his seat with a sigh. "We shall be with you every step of the way and our children will be safe and as beautiful as their bearer."


The sound of Luna's squeal when she entered Anisuke's rooms to find them all in their natural forms was loud enough to cause Anisuke's ears to fold back in protest before she flew across the room and had them between her hands before Neville even made it all the way into the room. "They're so soft."

The blush that spread across Anisuke's face only got deeper as the petting extended to his tails and somehow ended in Neville bodily removing Luna by wrapping both of his arms around her after prying her hands off finger by finger. It was only after she was removed that he was able to see that she was dressed like a veela stuck in transformation with red and gold feathered wings trailing behind her while Neville was dressed like a dryad with various patches of skin spelled to look like bark and branches randomly sprouting out of his green and brown outfit. "Both of you look great!"

Neville blushed and rubbed the back of his head as a flower randomly bloomed on his shoulder. "Gran sent me a family book on different enchantments that could be used for costume balls."

Luna giggled and stepped back to wrap her arm around Neville's. "Papa sent me the feathers that he got the last time that he visited the Veela Council in France and I charmed them into wings. Everything else I made with bits and pieces of pretty cloth that I had in my trunk."

Somehow no one was the least bit surprised that she apparently has tons of sheer and shiny cloth just stashed away in her trunk or that her father was able to get enough feathers from veela to create two rather large wings. Everyone just accepted that it had happened and decided to move on, it wasn't really worth the headache of trying to understand if Luna's father was anything like her. "Are you ready to brave the masses and show them all up?" Anisuke straightened the kimono that Naraku had brought in and shook his hair out.


Far away, past the barrier that separate the demon world from the world of humans a rather anxious couple looked toward the window when a beautiful snowy owl swooped down and onto the dining room table without disturbing any of the dishes set up on it. The owl looked them both over, seemed to past judgement, before sticking its letter burdened leg out toward the female that looked like she would give good treats. Her decision was rewarded with a healthy amount of roast and she daintily worked on it while the two crowded around the letter that she had delivered.

Good Evening Grandfather and Grandmother,

I've never had to write that out before and it looks rather strange. I can understand how devastated you both must have been to think that you lost both your daughter and your grandson in the same night but it will take some time for me to become comfortable with the knowledge that I had living family that I have never met.

I do have to thank you for informing me of the change to the tapestry, my mates seemed to take it upon themselves to keep my new status to themselves and likely would have waited as long as possible before telling me what was going on. Of course, your letter stopped that plan of theirs quite nicely and they didn't seem to enjoy the ensuing night sharing the living room while I had the room to myself.

Currently I am attending Hogwarts for my fifth year and am dealing with quite a few human political issues at the moment so I'm not sure when I could arrange a meeting, but Christmas might be the soonest that I could leave without having to deal with nosy old Headmasters and their minions. If that's okay with you we could plan to meet up at Potter Manor for the holiday season, one of my mates seems to be rather adept at passing through the barrier and would be able to provide transportation. You can send your reply with Hedwig, there's no place that she can't get to.

Your grandson,

Anisuke Asura Aeroius Potter Black Taisho Ookami Miasma, certainly a mouthful.


The Great Hall was decked out in style with floating candles, vines crawling up the walls and the occasional flying bat that combined well with the rolling fog that seemed to be coming out of the very floor. Students were grouping together by house with everything from vampires, mostly the muggleborns, to a rather convincing hag. Every eye looked up when each new group came through the door, most likely to see if their costumes were better, so it was no surprise that every student and professor turned to stare when Anisuke came through the door with his group.

Sesshomaru was in full regalia with his inuyokai markings in full view with his sword at his side and a red tint to the whites of his eyes that darkened quite a bit when he noticed the eyes trail over his mate. Kouga was in his favorite fur outfit that left little to the imagination with his ears twitching and his tail swinging as he almost bounced into the Great Hall, smirking at the blushing teenagers and happily taking attention away from Anisuke. Naraku was in a deep purple ensemble that went well with his eyes and had a rather convincing skull attached to his hip, Anisuke was certain that it was real but wasn't going to ask. Luna dazzled with her veela outfit that shimmered any time the breeze that was flowing through the Hall past her and more than one girl shot her an envious glare. Neville's blush was relatively well hidden under his dryad makeup and he stood tall under all the jealous looks he was receiving from having Luna on his arm. Anisuke could almost feel the desire of almost every human in the Hall to rub his ears and tails and they all pulled closer to him in instinctual fear as he made very sure to stay within the protective circle of his mates and friends as they made their way to a secluded corner as far from Dumbledore as possible, who seemed to be dressed as some sort of merperson only purple and neon yellow with weird green spots.

"Does Dumbledore's outfit make anyone else a little ill?" Anisuke couldn't imagine a merperson ever existing with that color pattern and the mix was making him a bit nauseous, not that that was hard to do anymore. "You would think that he would at least try to make a positive impression or look in a mirror before he showed his face."

Kouga grimaced and turned his face to the side quickly. "Maybe he's color blind in addition to being senile."

"Most of the Slytherins think that he's been senile for at least the last five decades, but it could all be a ruse to make people let their guards down around him." Draco was dressed in a rather convincing high elf costume with a crown threaded through his hair. "My father says that the longer that he has to deal with Dumbledore, the more convinced he is that the man used to be a Slytherin with the way that he expertly maintains the air of a doddering old fool while outmaneuvering everyone. Of course, you have been doing an excellent job of it so far." Draco sat at an unoccupied chair and motioned over his group that had been waiting several feet away.

The first person over was Pansy Parkinson, dressed like a fairy with pale blue skin and translucent wings. Blaise Zabini followed with his own vampire costume that featured transfigured canines and played very well with his purple eyes and dark complexion. Theodore Nott was a werewolf with a realistic amount of fur and a pair of amber contacts. Daphne Greengrass was some sort of snow elf with a pale blue dress that shimmered in the lights. Each Slytherin took a seat without making it seem like every single eye in the hall was glued to their every move.

"It's become something of worth to know what you and your mates are going to do next to get under the old man's skin and make him look like more of a fool." Draco played the part of an unconcerned teenager rather well. "Our parents are just as interested."

Anisuke snickered and leaned against an equally amused Kouga. "Most of his destruction will be of his own making, there is little need for me to do anything to make a fool look like a fool. I plan to enjoy my year with my mates, explore our bond, and wait for the old man to hang himself on whatever rope I end up giving him."

Blaise leaned against his hand and gave a lazy smile. "What about the world outside of Hogwarts?"

Anisuke returned the smile and tapped out a tune on the table. "That depends, as always, on what is best for my family. Dumbledore is toxic to my safety and the safety of those that I care about. Everything else is yet to be determined."