Can you believe, it STILL isn't done? Well, another continuation of last chapter, but this is the last one, promise :) it's a bit longer than my other chapters, but please bear with me ;)

Terence and I stood outside the huge double doors of the recreation hall that was doubling as the ballroom. I didn't know it was fall on the mainland; I was all over the seasons with my odd jobs.

"I'm glad you decided to finally tell me where we're going," I teased.

"My pleasure," he replied, smiling.

We could hear the music blasting. I recognized it as some songs from the mainland that I had heard when I was painting. They were playing Love Story by Taylor Swift.

"I love this song!" I said, tugging Terence's hand. "You have to come and dance with me!!!"

He smiled. "What have I gotten myself into," he said affectionately. I smiled at his voice.

He held the door for me and stepped in lightly. "Why, thank you, sir," I said, grinning.

"Anytime, m'lady."

He led me out to a quiet balcony off to the side of the rec. hall, and it was candlelit, and the music was softer there. There weren't any people out there yet. It was nice weather that day, practically like summer.

We were both young when I first saw you

I close my eyes, and the flash back starts,

I'm standing there

On a balcony in summer air…

He took my hand, and I put my free hand on his shoulder. I felt his hand around my waist. I felt as if that were the safest place in the world, right then and there, with my hand warm in his, and his arm around my waist.

We started stepping to the beat of the music. For all I knew, we could have been dancing on ice cream. All I could see were those beautiful blue eyes looking back into mine.

See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns,

See you make your way through the crowd,

You say hello

Little did I know…

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles

And my daddy said stay away from Juliet

And I was crying on the staircase begging you please don't go…

"Every time I see your eyes," he said softly, "I wish I could be the only thing you see through them."

"But you are," I said, putting my head on his shoulder.

I felt his other hand slide down to make a protective ring around my waist, so I knotted my hands behind his neck.

I couldn't resist him any longer—I put my head back up so I could stare back into those beautiful blue eyes. I was so happy our love wasn't forbidden, like Romeo and Juliet. I was so thankful just to be able to be with him, feel the warmth of his body next to mine as we danced…

And I said, Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone,

I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run

You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess

It's a love story, baby just say yes.

"If saying 'yes' is all there is to it," he said, "then I would gladly do so."

I smiled. He always knew just what to say to me. Every little word he said made me smile; every little thing he did made me want to melt to the ground.

The music played on, and I again thanked the heavens that Terence and I could be together so easily; that fate had seen fit to put us together.

Finally, the song ended, and the spell was broken. Well, a little, at least.

"Varia," said Terence, "are you…crying?"

"No," I said, wiping my eyes. I was tearing up a little. "I just really like the ending of that song. And—and…" I trailed off. I could tell him everything I had been thinking, but the words wouldn't come. No words could really describe that moment, but words weren't necessary.

"I'll go get us some drinks," he said, "since apparently that's what guys do at dances."

"Haven't you ever been to one?" I asked incredulously.

"Never had anyone to take," he smiled, shrugged, and disappeared into the crowd.

I sat for a while on the railing, fluttering my wings—I hardly have need of them, I thought—being with Terence feels like flying enough for me.

After a few songs had passed, however, I was wondering where Terence was.

I got up to go find him. He had probably gotten lost somewhere in the crowd—but the again, what were girlfriends for?

I went around looking for him. I saw Bobble dancing with Tink. I caught his eye and pointed to the balcony. He nodded at me and mouthed, "Thanks."

When I found the drinks table, Terence was nowhere in sight. Derek was getting drinks for himself and Silvermist, however, so I asked him if he had seen Terence.

"Nope, sorry. What have you two been up to?" he smiled mischievously. "I haven't seen him in ages!"

"Shut up, Derek," I smiled and rolled my eyes. He laughed, and walked off, back to Silvermist.

"I couldn't help but overhear," said a tall, dark-haired sparrow man. "Forgive my rudeness; I am Nero."

"Pleased to meet you," I said. "My name is—"

"Princess Varia," he said, kissing the back of my hand. "My pleasure to meet such a lovely lady. However, I hear you are looking for this Terence. Is there any way I could help?"

"Well, he's about this tall," I held up my hand, " with blond hair and blue eyes. He's wearing a black tuxedo, and he is very very handsome." I smiled.

"I do believe I've seen him," said Nero, smiling. I didn't like his smile, although I'm not sure why. "He was over there somewhere, last I saw."

He pointed vaguely to his left. I thanked him and turned away.

I searched for a while, and suddenly I spied him.


With Aloni.

I suddenly saw his face, and he looked at me with this kind of look that said, this isn't what it looks like! But I didn't pay attention. I turned away quickly so he wouldn't see my tears.

I ran out the door so fast that I couldn't see Nero and Aloni exchange a smug look. I could hardly see where I was going through my tears.

When I got home, I turned to the guards at the door.

"Don't let Terence in!" I screamed between sobs. "I don't want to see him!"

Then I flew up to my room, ran to the wall and tore down the painting or Terence. I flung it across the room. Then I collapsed onto my bed and cried my heart out.

How could Terence dance with her? Life isn't FAIR, I thought angrily and sadly.

"What's the matter," said Queen Clarion from the doorway.

"Nothing," I sobbed. "There's nothing you can do. He's probably better off with her anyway," I screamed into my pillow, now soaked with tears.

I felt her sit on the bed and start stroking my hair. "There there, now." She said softly. "Why don't you tell me all about it."

I told her everything that had happened. By the end of my story, I was all cried out and sat hiccupping quietly. I was sitting up now, and Queen Clarion had her arm around my shoulders.

"I suggest you get a good night's rest, and we'll think about this tomorrow. You'll feel much better."

I nodded, and Queen Clarion left, kissing me on the forehead and saying, "Good night, my beautiful Varia."

"Goodnight, Queen Clarion," I said, my voice still shaking from the tears.

I changed into my nightgown and crawled under the covers.

Then I heard something hit my window.

I opened my eyes. Suddenly, I was angry. I walked over to the window, threw open the curtains and heaved up the windowpane. Outside stood Terence, poised to throw another pebble at my window. "Varia," he said.

"Go away," I cried angrily. "I don't want to talk to you!"

"Varia," he pleaded, "She just asked me to dance. I didn't want to make her feel bad, so I said yes, but she wouldn't let me leave!"

Normally, I would have smiled—Terence never could say no—but then I just got angrier.

"You ditched me!" I yelled. "I was sitting there forever, and you never came back. I went to look for you, and I found you dancing with someone else. The two of you are better off without me. I hope you're both very happy."

I knew I was being a little over-dramatic, but I was mad. I was about ready to punch someone. What made it worse was that I wanted so badly to believe that I really hated him, but there was no way that was possible. I was mad at myself, mad at Terence, mad at the world.

"Varia, I'm sorry," he pleaded. "I know I did wrong, but I'm really really sorry!"

"Humph!" I said, and closed the window. I turned back into my room.

Then I caught sight of the card on my table.

The card Terence had given me.

I picked it up, fingering it gently, remembering the day he had given it to me. I spared a glance at the framed painting of him on my floor, then turned back to the card. I opened it slowly.

Happy Valentine's Day. What was it that I did to deserve someone as wonderful as you? Love you, Terence. xoxo

A tear rolled down my cheek as I realized my mistake.

I ran back to the window and flung it up.

"Terence!" I called, but no one answered. I ran to my closet and threw on a dress, the first one I grabbed. It was my ball gown; the one I had worn earlier. I flew at top speed out the window, nearly crashing I was going so fast.

I sped to Terence's house with all the speed I could muster.

When I arrived, I realize I had beat him there. I sat on a chair on his porch and waited.

When he finally came, he was looking down, so he didn't see me. He just sighed and walked up to the door, right past me.

When he was about to open the door and go inside, I threw my arms around him from behind, and cried, "I'm sorry!"

"Wh—what are you doing here?" he asked after I released him.

"Terence, I realized—I mean, I'm sorry, I never meant—"

He silenced my by putting his finger against my lips.

"It's fine," he said. "After all, I should be the one apologizing."

"But Terence!" I said. "I yelled at you! I told the guards not to let you in! I—I…"

I had started crying again. I cursed myself for being so emotional, but I culdn't help it. At least it wasn't the insane sobbing it had been earlier; a single tear rolled down each of my cheeks.

Terence wiped one gently away with his thumb, and I threw myself into him, curling myself close into his chest. He put his arms protectively around me, like he always had before, as I cried quietly.

When I was finished, I looked up at him again, up into those beautiful blue eyes…

I'm not about to tell you how my first kiss—my first real kiss—went; I mean, isn't it supposed to be a little private? Besides, you don't need to know how it was so perfect; how when I breathed out, he breathed in, and how standing there on his porch was the very best moment of my life.