Chapter 1

We were moving again. I liked this town! We were currently situated in Hawaii, the second rainiest place in the world after Forks, Washington. That's where we were moving next because some people at the hospital where Carlisle worked were getting suspicious and kept asking him how old he is. He was pushing 30. I was just getting settled into my last year of high school but no, we had to go and move and I'd be stuck as a junior again. Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie would be seniors again. Lucky vampires. Alice and I would be juniors; we would all go to Forks High School. I just hoped there wasn't lust struck girls because that's the last thing I would need right now.

We were packing our clothing and important possessions because we already had all our furniture bought and placed into our new home. It was settled deep in the forest of Forks just off the highway. It was a 3 story white house, 5 rooms, with glass walls and an 8-car garage. Just enough space for all our cars, Emmett's Jeep, Rosalie's M3, my Volvo and Vanquish, Alice's Porch and Carlisle's Mercedes. Of course I also had some motorcycles but I barely used them. I'd have a room on the third floor beside Carlisle's study and Jasper's office. I really didn't want my room beside sex addicts. The surrounding forest had a lot of deer, elk, bears and wolves. I was kind of bugged out that they didn't have mountain lion but that's life. It's unfair and unexpected.

I had just finished packing up and was bringing down my two suitcases. All I needed was my CD collection and clothes. Even though Alice would just buy me a whole new wardrobe. Stupid little evil Pixie. I was going to strangle her if she got rid of my clothes.

You will not strangle me Edward Anthony Masen Cullen! Any way, were going so get your butt down here.

I sighed and strolled down to the first floor where everyone was waiting, most of them had excited faces on but Rosalie had a smug look on her face. I didn't need to look into her mind to know that she knew was going to make all the boys drool. I just hope Emmett was ready to kick their asses as humanly as possible. I would just stand there and laugh. Jasper was giving me the 'what are you so happy about' look. I just rolled my eyes and headed into the rent-a-car since all our vehicles were already shipped to our new house.


We arrived in Forks; it looked like the most boring place on earth. It was a small town too. Its sisterly cities were Port Angeles and a little farther away was Seattle. Great, we live in the middle of nowhere! We were starting school tomorrow. So we all went hunting after discovering the new house and setting in except Carlisle. We found out that there was a town named La Push who most residents were werewolves, so he went to make a deal with them.

We had lost track of time and only had two hours until school started. The girls went upstairs to get ready and Jasper, Emmett and I stayed downstairs to play some video games for a while. It only took us ten minutes to get ready. We were in the middle of Call of Duty 4 when Carlisle came in looking deep in thought.

''So how did it go?'' He stopped in his tracks and turned to me.

''It went well but I'm a little confused as to what they meant.''

''What do you mean?'' I was intrigued.

''Well they said that they were fine with us but that we couldn't go onto their land and if we were to slip, meaning bite a human we would be visited by her. They wouldn't explain it, they just said that it's worst dealing with her than them. I thought they start a war if we bit a human but no.'' How odd.

''Who's her?'' Emmett came in to the conversation.

''I have no idea they wouldn't explain it but it can't be a werewolf because there isn't female. But be on guard and stay in control, who knows what this woman would do to you.'' With that he strolled upstairs.

Soon after we left to get ready for school. We waited impatiently for the girls to finish up. I was going to drive my Volvo because it was our only car that wouldn't stand out. We arrived at school with less than 5 minutes till the bell would ring. No one paid attention to us thank god. They were surprisingly all around something. I was guessing was a car; I peaked over the cars to see a girl stepping out of the car which seemed to be a McLaren F1. This person was obviously rich. I saw Rosalie stare at it with envy. The girl kept walking through and people were moving out of her way making a path. I kept hearing their thoughts on her.

DAMN! Bella's so hot and her car too.

Great she got another car, how much money does she have like a zillion?

Ugh, I hate how she gets all the attention and doesn't even try! She's not even that pretty.

I looked for the person who was saying this, because I thought that this Bella girl was beautiful but there was something odd about her. My family and I headed to the front office to pick up our schedules. I had Math first. The others all headed to their own classes and I started searching around when I stopped in the middle of a hallway and saw a nerd being bullied by a jock. What I didn't expect was that Bella was walking towards them and pulled the jock off the nerd. She was strong.

''MIKE! Stop bullying please. '' He was staring at her.

''Come on Bells if I stop will you go out with me.'' She looked him up and down.

''No.'' He headed towards the opposite direction and she bent down and held out her hand for the nerd. ''Sorry bout him, he's a jerk. '' She nerd looked at her surprised.

''Why are you helping me? I mean you popular people never look at us twice.'' She laughed.

''Because I don't want to be some stuck up bitch that all the guys only want for my body. I find there's a lot more to people than the outside.'' He grabbed her hand and she pulled him up without an effort. ''Hey, listen. If they ever bother you again. Tell me, I'll give them a piece of my mind? Okay?'' He nodded.

''Thanks Bella.'' She gave him a smile.

''No problem, have a good day Ben.'' He looked like he went into shock.

''You know my name?'' She nodded.

''I know a lot of things.'' When she said this she stared right into my eyes. She broke the stare and headed towards building 5.

I walked to my class and couldn't get my mind off of her. She was so nice but she was popular and you never expected that. Then when she said that she knew a lot of things, does that mean that she knows what we are? But how would she? My classes went by quickly and lunch was next. I walked to the cafeteria and got in line to get my props. I hated the smell of food. Once I got some crap to fake eat, I headed towards the table my family was sitting at, it was far away from everyone else but we still got stares and whispers. I got settled in but we barely spoke. Next thing I knew, the cafeteria doors opened up and everyone looked up to find Bella walking through with the a crowd of people walking behind her like a posy. Everyone moved out of her way. But one guy was too busy listening to music that he didn't see her and was in her way. One of the boys behind her went up to him and taped him on the shoulder. Bella was looking away seeming bored. The nerd listening to music turned around and faced him looking scared.

''Well, aren't you going to move or am I going to have to move you?'' The nerd didn't answer. So the bulky looking guy picked him up by the collar. ''WELL?''

Bella stepped in.

''Francis, put him down. He was listening to music, it was just an accident.'' He didn't let go of the nerd.

''Bells, stop being nice. These losers don't belong in our world. So I suggest you give him a piece of your mind.'' She looked furious and stepped towards Francis.

''Don't ever tell me what to do.'' She spoke through clenched teeth and gave him a punch in the face and I heard the punch. Francis went flying three feet away from her. She turned to the guy who was listening to music. ''Brad, I suggest next time that you pay more attention. I wouldn't like it if innocent people would be hurt or even killed.'' He nodded and she walked away with the rest of the people while Francis was lying on the floor with a bloody nose. A girl got up and went to help him get to the nurses office. He mumbled something along the lines of 'damn that hurt. Maybe she's just sex frustrated and I can relax her' that no human ears would really be able to hear but what surprised me was that Bella turned around and looked him right in the eye.

''You wish Francis.'' She turned around and he was staring at her ass. ''Keep staring at it cause it's as far as you'll see.''

I turned to look at my family; they looked at shocked as I was. It was unbelievable that a human could do that, but maybe she wasn't human. Jasper spoke up first.

''What do you think that was about?'' Emmett answered.

''More like what do you think she is. Cause she's definitely not human.'' I was just about to speak up when the bell rang. I had biology next. I got up from my table and threw my food in the trash, walked out of the cafeteria and reached my classroom. I was the first one there and decided to sit at one of the lab tables at the back. The classroom started filing in and the bell rang. The seat next to me was empty, so I guessed that I would work alone. But then I heard the door enter and the fan blew her sent straight to me. It hit me like a ton of bricks and I had to clutch the desk hard so that I could regain some control. I looked up to see that Bella was my partner and the one who smelled so good. She had a smirk on her face, which confused me.

I had to try so hard to not breath, she smelled so good. It took all of my energy to not sink my teeth into her neck and drain her right there. The class was coming to an end and just as the bell rang a note landed in my lap. I looked up to see Bella walking out the door. I looked down at the folded paper and opened it up to read it. I gasped at what it said:

Your thirst burns doesn't it?

But props for keeping in control.

I underestimated you.