Based on my favourite Japanese GrimmIchi comic


The bed creaked under their weight, old springs acting up again. Breathy moans and soft sighs accompanied the bed's rhythmic music. Skin covered skin and slid over each other, creating delicious friction and spiking the lust between the two. The one on the bottom let out a louder moan as the topper thrusted faster, feeling his climax reaching its breaking point. The bottom figure held on tighter as he rode her, biting on her shoulder till the metallic taste gushed in his mouth. Already used to the pain, the uke bit her lip, a groan slipping past it none the less. Her climax reached before his, letting out one last scream, his name, before relaxing her muscles and letting him reach is own peek, filling her with his white liquid.

He collapsed on her, breathing difficult and leaving her breathless by his weight. Yet she let him lye there, stroking his hair, much to his growling. He was too tired to push off of her and she didn't mind one bit.

I was 17 then. And completely responsible for my actions


"HIIIIIIIIIIIMEEEEEEEE-CHAAAAAAAAN" Rangiku Matsumoto called, leaping from her seat and tackling the 20 year old. Orihime fell back, taking in the weight of her 'sister'.

It had been only 3 years ago when the busty female and her short caption moved in with Inoue. They had been posted in the human world for caution in case of a Hollow attack. 4 years back, the War with Aizen had finished and he had retreated with the rest of the Arrancars, much to the dismay of many. Thankfully there were at least a few survivors and time to recuperate for the next battle. Yamamoto instructed the shinigamis that had already landed in Karakura to stay there. They weren't taking any risks. Orihime had gladly accepted Matsumoto's (forced) request for her and Hitsugaya to stay at the female's house. She considered the two as her family and grew closer as time passed. Even Hitsugaya lost his ice shield and came in for dinner. They even helped her with her university studies as she had graduated not long after they arrived and chased after her goal of being a chef.

"I'm right, aren't I?" Matsumoto asked, looking up into Orihime's grey eyes with her shining blue eyes. If they had been related, which everyone had always mistaken that they were, Orihime knew she would always be jealous that Rangiku had lovely sea blue eyes that you could stare at forever and never get bored, and she was left with the dry grey ones.

"Um, right about what?" she asked, never actually paying attention to her friend and Hitsugaya's arguments.

"That leeks taste better in curry then in soup!" Matsumoto answered, perking up so she was sitting properly again.

Hitsugaya munched angrily at his tomato soup. Usually, he would make his own food, rejecting the dinners Orihime cooked. But that didn't mean she had to make less for two people. Matsumoto had the hunger of an elephant when she wants. Today, the white haired boy had stuck with the simple, cold turkey and ham sandwich with ranch dipping for his fruits.

"Well, er, I think leeks are best served in a sandwich with ketchup and pepper!"

Hitsugaya flinched but Rangiku actually pondered that.

"Can we have that tomorrow?"

"Oh sure! Actually I've been meaning to make that for awhile!"

The females continued to talk over what else would go on the leek while a something hit Hitsugaya's senses. He stopped in mid-bite of his turkey and ham sandwich and raised his head, concentrating on the reisitsu.

"Rangiku" he said, all hint of emotion leaving his tone. His fukutaichou stopped her conversation and looked over at her caption, familiar with his no nonsense tone.

"What is it taichou?" she asked. Inoue listened in.

"Something's here" he straightened his legs and got up, grabbing hold of the pentagonal object that hung on his side. Rangiku followed suite and the two popped right out of their gigais. Orihime caught Matsumoto's body as her weight once again crushed the smaller girl.

"Is it an Arrancar?" Inoue asked, as the two neared her window. Outside, the bright moon hung along with the stars that helped light the night sky. It was a warm night, the summer coming near.

Hitsugaya slid open the glass window and stepped right out.

"We'll see. You just stay here, Inoue" Rangiku instructed then followed her caption out. The younger female watched her friends dart into the night and disappear. She decided to leave her window open, since it wasn't cold and her friends could be back sooner.

And she might be lucky enough to receive a visit she had been waiting for.

She sighed and closed the window, scowling at herself. She knew every time she hoped, her wish would be crushed by either the fact that it wasn't an Arrancar or he decided not to come during an invasion.


Orihime sat herself at her table and looked down at her dinner, suddenly not hungry. Her thoughts merely lingered on the one man she hated the most. It was an understatement when you say 'Orihime hates someone' since she was always known for giving people second chances no matter what. She had given Ulquiorra a second chance. And he had let her down. But even if he came back, she would give him a chance because deep down, she believed he would turn his life around for a change. She was just that kind of person to believe that. And he, the other, was the cruelest to her.

No, Inoue knew that she despised this man that haunted her thoughts, dreams and nightmare. She could still smell him, around her and on her, at night, when it was a particularly hot evening. And when she dreamed of his touch, his kisses, his words, it only made her cry herself to sleep. She'd roll herself in a ball and silently wish she had never met him and never let him into her life. If she had the chance, she wouldn't hesitate to hurt him as much as he hurt her, even when he wasn't around.

But while she realized her hatred, and was sure of it with every fibre of her body, she would cry even more, because she knew she loved him as well.


"I call it 'Inoue's Super Duper Special Awesome Magnificent Chicken Explosion'!" the female announced, raising her very fat and slightly wobbly bread mountain. Inside it was twenty pounds of chicken, covered completely in mayonnaise, pepper, ranch dressing, mustard, and vinegar. Clumps of lettuce, tomato, bacon, garlic, onions, and apples followed the toppings, and some stuck out of the delicacy. Inoue's friends stared in shock and disgust at her new creation but the female mistook at as awe. "Yes, I know it's amazing but you all don't have to drool over it! I brought it to share with everyone!"

"Um…thanks…Orihime" Tatsuki managed to say, having snapped out at her surprise to look at her friend. "But my lunch is…er, enough"

"Um, I'm not that hungry either" Ichigo followed, looking away from Inoue and her monstrosity.

Ishida quickly stuffed his mouth, having an excuse not to say anything. Renji simply backed away from the orange haired female and Rukia followed suite. Chad hadn't joined them that lunch, staying in to continue his observation over his parrot. The group of friends had crowded around the largest tree outside of the university, spending their lunch discussing their classes, instead of the latest gossip, like they did in high school. Or the recent Arrancar attacks.

After Kisuke had filled her in, Tatsuki had rushed to Hueco Mundo and helped Ichigo take down Ulquiorra, who immediately disappeared along with Aizen, unknown to those who were stuck in the desert land. It took awhile, but she had gotten over her anger that they hid their lives from her. Now she trained with Ichigo and Rukia at Urahara's.

"Hm, oh well, more for me!" Inoue giggled, and took a strangely large bit out of her creation. Everyone tried not to barf as a greenish thick liquid created a puddle on the ground. For some reason, it was difficult for splotches and dirt patches to find their way on Orihime's clothing.

"Well, anyways…" Ichigo began, trying to drive the conversation away from the monster in Orihime's hand. "Did any of you sense something last night?"

Suddenly, the group went serious. On the topic of Arrancars, it was not a joking matter.

"Ya, Renji and I scouted the area" Rukia commented, putting her salad down.

"Hitsugaya-san and Rangiku-chan sensed it as well" Orihime added, swallowing her bite "but I was asleep when they got home"

"I was with my sisters so I couldn't rush out to see what it was"

"We didn't find anything" Renji added.

"I just wanted to let the shinigamis handle it" Ishida said, adjusting his glasses. Renji stared at him.

Tatsuki grumbled, looking back and forth at her friends. "I still can't seem to get the hang of the whole sensing thing"

Inoue giggled at her friend. She did still have a lot to learn.

"Well, keep your senses peeled" Ichigo finished, picking up his sushi and plopping it in his mouth.

Inoue watched him, thinking over and over again that the man she hated hurt her friends, especially Ichigo. So she had to hate him.



I'm twisting the story so it's my very own and not a copy!