"What!?! You have to be fucking joking!"

"I don't joke Hidan."

The Jashinist glared at the spiky haired leader; there was absolutely no way he was going to watch a bunch of little kids! Never!

"We're S-rank criminals, not a fucking daycare!"

Hidan looked around the kitchen table seeing if the others had any sort of reaction to Pein's latest proposal.

Next to him, Kakuzu was busily calculating how this most recent scheme would affect Akatsuki's finances and swearing under his breath.

Deidara seamed to be generally listening; after all, Tobi was bad enough.

Sasori had stopped sketching out plans for his newest puppet and looked up, trying to imagine ten little children running around Akatsuki headquarters.

Tobi, beneath his mask, smiled. This was leader-sama's best idea yet!

Zetsu only seemed to half-paying attention. He was looking forward to typing a bit once this 'meeting' was over.

Itachi was looking out the window. What is leader arranging to do with them?

Kisame stared at Itachi. Would the anti-social Uchiha really massacre helpless children? Without a doubt.

Konan was gazing at Pein. What are you thinking, letting Hidan and the others within a mile of a bunch of kids? If they don't kill them first, they'll be scarred for life!

Pein turned to leave the blue and white checkered kitchen.

"They will arrive tomorrow at noon."

Hidan let out a stream of colorful curses and lunged at him, but Kakuzu quickly yanked him back. Sewing Hidan's head back on wasn't on his agenda. Konan swiftly stood up and followed Pein out of the room.

"Sir, why are ten children being allowed to join Akatsuki?"

"Wait until tomorrow Konan and you will find out."

This was bound to be stimulating.


The next chapter will be a series of documents on the kids. Hopefully, it'll be up by next Sunday.