Title: Watching Ron

Summary: Watching Ron

Rating: K+

Warnings: None

Word Count: 100

Author's Notes: Written for harryron100's prompt of hey_rupert on Livejournal, and was inspired by one of hey_rupert's drawings.

Watching Ron

I love watching Ron sleep.

He stretches across the bed; his limbs falling in all directions. His stress melts away and it's always a sight to behold.

I love watching Ron when he wakes.

The moment his bare feet hit the floor, he arches his back and raises his arms in a stretch. His pajama bottoms hang low upon his hips and as his body elongates, his shirt rides up to expose a narrow strip of skin. It's absolutely beautiful.

I live for Ron's smile, his laugh, and his love, and I'm grateful when he shares them all with me.