(A/N) Yea my first complete trilogy. Thanks to anyone who stuck with me this long.


Disclaimer:Nabari No Ou sadly is not mine.

Miharu's POV

I cant believe this, I'm being taken away from Yoite and taken to the leader. The leader is such a jerk he's telling me I don't have to grant Yoite's wish but I wasn't to . I smile as I think up various painful deaths for this guy.


Well it looks as though I'm heading back to Banten. I just hope none of my friends try to kill me for betraying them. When we get there Yoite and I try to sneak into Thobari-sensei's house but his crazy living partner finds us. I'm seriously wondering if she's part ninja, she sure has the senses to be one. She invites Yoite and I in.

This is just great, I'm being kidnapped again, I step outside for one minute and this is what happens. This guy is really a jerk, telling me what I think is wrong, I say go jump off a cliff. Yoite has come to rescue me again, but he's starting to disintegrate. I'm really thankful when Yukimi-san comes along and I'm able to drag Yoite off to grant his wish. I love him and don't want to but I will keep my promise.