Title: All Grown Up

Chapter 1: Stephanie McMahon

Summary: *Growing Up Sequel* Its been 8 years since the gang has seen each other. Are their relationships and friendships as strong as they once were? Or are they shattered and beyond repair? HHH, Steph McMahon, Jericho, Trish Stratus, Randy Orton, Stacy Keibler

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the characters you don't recognize.


Stephanie McMahon, sat in her office on the second floor of her home in Greenwich, Connecticut. She had been living back at home since she graduated from Boston University. So, it had been four years since she had been living in Greenwich again. She honestly had missed the environment of the state. She finished up typing a few things into an e-mail. She then attached a file to the e-mail and sent it. Stephanie worked as a WWE creative writer from home. She worked from home because it was much more convenient for her. She was contemplating on actually traveling with the shows, but wasn't too keen on the idea just yet. Beginning to work on the road, would have a lot of problems that she wasn't sure she wanted at the moment. Stephanie logged off her computer and shut it down. She looked to the left of her computer and smiled at the picture in its frame. Her heart melted at the tall, short blonde haired, blue eyed man, she called her boyfriend in the picture alongside her. The smile on her face got bigger as she looked down at the little girl with hazelnut brown hair and brown eyes who was only four years old in the picture standing in front of the couple. Stephanie's eyes glanced at the clock, and wondered if they'd be home soon. She got up out of her chair and made her way out of the office and down the stairs. She shook her head as she picked up a Barbie doll that was laying at the bottom. Stephanie placed the Barbie doll on the side table by the front door. Hearing an automobile pulling up in the drive way, she smiled opening the door. The fresh breeze of summer air and wind blew into the house. A smile couldn't help but be placed on Stephanie's face as she watched her boyfriend Miz, of five years getting out of the car. He looked at Stephanie with his crystal blue eyes and smiled. The second he opened the back door, she saw, in her opinion, the cutest little girl climb out the backseat. The young girl was only seven years old and going on eight. She had her hazelnut brown hair up in two pigtails on the side of her head, with ribbons hanging from the sides. She was wearing jean shorts and a pink t-shirt. The little girl ran up to Stephanie and jumped into her arms. Stephanie lifted her up into her arms, despite the fact that she was heavy. The little girl wrapped her arms around Stephanie's neck as for a hug. She then pulled back and looked at Stephanie with her hazel eyes. Stephanie couldn't help but realize how much she looked like her father each and every passing day.

"Did you have fun?" Stephanie asked the young girl.

"Yeah, I sure did mommy!" She smiled at her mother. "I played with the other kids too!"

"Did you make any new friends?" Stephanie questioned her seven year old daughter.

"Yup!" She stated. "I said, Hi, I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sami."

"Well aren't you little miss popular?" Stephanie hugged Sami again.

"That's what daddy said." Sami giggled and looked at Miz. "Right daddy?"

"Yeah, I did." Miz replied walking up to the two girls.

"Can I go play outside again?" Sami asked with a smile. "Please?"

"Yeah, go ahead." Stephanie answered placing her back on her feet.

Sami ran off and to the backyard. Stephanie and Miz followed and watched her from the sliding glass door. She was so thankful for having her daughter in her life, as well as Miz. Her heart jumped with joy watching Sami playing on the swing set that they had got her for her birthday a year back. As Stephanie watched her, she couldn't help but think of her father. Sami reminded Stephanie of him everyday as she got older. Steph was very thankful for having Miz in her life to help her raise her daughter. She couldn't have asked for anyone better. She looked over at Miz and smiled at him. He looked at her and smiled back as well. He took her hand into his as they both looked back out the sliding glass door.

"She's going to be a heartbreaker." Miz chuckled softly.

"What do you mean?" Stephanie asked as she watched Sami climb the ladder to go down the slide.

"All her new friends she made, they are all boys." Miz shook his head. "She wouldn't even go near the girls."

"That's my baby." Stephanie giggled. "Chasing the boys."

"You know." Miz began to think. "We're pretty lucky that she's smart."

"I know what you mean." Stephanie looked down at the ground.

"It's better that she knows though." Miz turned to Stephanie. "We wouldn't want her to think we'd lie to her."

"Yeah, but she still thinks of you as daddy." Stephanie smiled slightly. "So, that's a good thing."

"She's going to want to meet him soon." Miz stated his eyes focused on the little girl.

"Yeah, but it wont happen." Stephanie spoke. "I haven't seen him in eight years."

"I'm just saying for the future." Miz gave her hand a loving squeeze.

"Daddy, come push me please!" Sami yelled from the swing.

Miz let go of Stephanie's hand and walked outside towards the swing set. She let out a sigh as he stood behind Sami and started to push her. He was so good with her, and she loved it. She didn't know where'd she be without him. Stephanie knew that he had a point that Sami would want to meet her real father soon. Sami was a smart girl, and she understood the concept of the situation. She knew that Miz wasn't her real father, but he played the part of her daddy and she had no problem in calling him daddy. Standing there she watched the two playing around with one another. Her hand went up to her necklace around her neck. She felt the ring hanging from the chain. She bit her bottom lip as she traced the outline of the ring with her fingers. She wore the necklace with the ring everyday. Why? She didn't know, it just became a habit. Miz always asked her about it, but she always said it was a gift that had sentimental value to her. She let go of her necklace and walked outside and over towards the swing set. Sami jumped off the swing and ran over to Stephanie. She tagged her on the leg and ran away yelling that Stephanie was it. Stephanie smirked as Miz and Sami ran from her. She continued to chase the two around the yard, until she captured Sami in a corner.

"Oh no!" Sami screeched putting her hands on her cheeks.

"Mommy's got you now." Stephanie smiled as she stepped closer to Sami.

"I don't think so." Sami smirked putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh really?" Stephanie eyed her daughter.

"Yes really!" Sami giggled as Miz grabbed Stephanie's by the waist.

"Run Sami!" Miz shouted with a laugh.

Sami took off out of the corner while Miz had his arms wrapped around Stephanie. She smirked as he continued to hold her in his arms. She turned to face him and she smiled at him. He smiled back at her and gave her a kiss on the lips. She returned the kiss and pulled away with a smirk. She ran her hand down his shoulder and to his hand that rest now on her hips. Stephanie looked over his shoulders and saw Sami standing behind Miz, with her hands on her hips and a pout on her face. She defiantly got that look from her. She motioned for Miz to look behind him, and he smiled at Sami.

"You guys, you are supposed to run from each other!" Sami pouted her hands still on her hips.

"I couldn't run Sami!" Stephanie smirked. "Daddy wouldn't let me go."

"Dad, let mommy go!" Sami furrowed her eyebrows.

"Ok, ok." Miz put his hands up in the air.

"You're it!" Stephanie smirked as she smacked Miz's ass.

"That's cheating!" Miz shouted as he began to chase after his two favorite girls.

Stephanie smiled as she took Sami's hand and they began to run from Miz. They ran around in a couple circles, before Miz gently tackled them both down into the grass. They all three rolled around and laughed. Stephanie and Miz then began to start tickling Sami. She started laughing and kicking her feet in the air. Some how, Sami escaped their hands and ran inside the house. Miz stood up and helped Stephanie stand up next. They brushed off their clothing and walked back inside the house. Miz shut the sliding glass door, and then followed Stephanie into the living room.

"Can I watch Nemo?" Sami smiled brightly. "Please?"

"Yes, you can." Stephanie replied. "Dinner should be finished when the movie is over."

"Thank you." Sami spoke as she bounced up and down on the large leather couch.

Stephanie placed the movie in and started it. She looked over at Sami who was already enthralled in the movie. Her eyes were pretty much clued to the screen. She shook her head as she left her daughter in the living room. Stephanie headed into the kitchen as Miz was leaving the kitchen. He kissed her on the lips before heading upstairs to take a shower. Stephanie then entered the kitchen, and pulled out some things to make for dinner. Twenty minutes had gone by, and the dinner was slowly cooking. She left the kitchen to go check on Sami in the living room. She walked up behind the couch and looked down smiling at the sight in front of her. Sami was curled up in the fetal position fast asleep. Stephanie smiled and let out a small sigh, as she left the living room. She headed upstairs to Sami's room and took the soft light pink blanket from her bed. She went back downstairs and walked back towards to couch. Stephanie placed the blanket over the seven year old and moved the hair out of her face. She kissed Sami's forehead before going over to the television and shutting it off. She examined her daughter once more before going back into the kitchen. Stephanie smiled to herself. She loved her life right now and couldn't ask for better.


That's it for this first chapter. Now you all are caught up on Stephanie's life. I hope you all liked this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. The first couple of chapters are just informing you of where everyone's life is at this point in time. So the seventh chapter will get into the mix and start picking things up. So stay with me here.
