Title: All Grown Up

Chapter 27: True Love Conquers All

Summary: *Growing Up Sequel* It's been 8 years since the gang has seen each other. Are their relationships and friendships as strong as they once were? Or are they shattered and beyond repair? HHH, Steph McMahon, Jericho, Trish Stratus, Randy Orton, Stacy Keibler

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the characters you don't recognize.

A/N: Again, sorry for the long delay in chapter updates. It's been a tough spot for me. The story is coming to a close, and it's hard pulling everything together. But I am working on it and not leaving you hanging. After this story is completed, keep a look out for my newest story.


Trish woke up to a faint smell. The smell smelt wonderful. It smelled like someone was cooking downstairs. She looked at her night stand and noticed the time. It was near 6:00 pm. She stretched her arms, allowing her body to wake up from its slumber. She had taken a short nap, or at least planned on taking a short nap, until Chris had arrived home. He must have snuck in without waking her, as she had been a sleep for a good two hours and a half hour. Her heart began to race as she remembered that Chris had chosen her. It was like a dream come true. This was something she had been waiting for, since the moment she had first gotten back in touch with Chris. He was her everything and it would always be that way. Trish sat up in her bed as she heard a buzzard going off downstairs. She shook her head as she looked around her bedroom. There was a suitcase by the dresser that looked filled. She eyed the bag, realizing it was Jericho's. She couldn't believe it. This all was really happening and it made her that more happy. Swinging her feet over the edge of the bed, Trish stood up. As she exited her bedroom, she could hear Chris singing to himself in the kitchen. Shaking her head she walked down the stairs.

Once she reached the bottom of the stairs, she headed towards the kitchen. Before reaching the kitchen, she noticed the dining room. The table was set for two, and candles were lit. There were a dozen red roses sitting in a vase in the center of the table. Wine glasses sat across from each other along with silverware and plates. Trish gasped at the sight. It was truly beautiful. The soft music playing from the stereo only made it that much better. Her soft small smile turned into a fully fledged smile. Finally tearing her gaze from scene, she entered the kitchen. A giggle escaped her mouth as she watched Chris stir something as he hummed as if he were an Italian chef.

"Hey, what are you doing up?" Chris questioned with a startle.

"The smell woke me up." Trish smiled walking towards him.

"Damn, I was hoping to wake you up." Chris winked at her as she came closer.

"It's ok, everything looks and smells wonderful." Trish answered kissing him.

"What was that for?" Chris asked kissing her back.

"Everything." Trish beamed as she looked in the pot. "Mmm Spaghetti."

"Your favorite." Chris nudged her. "I remembered."

"Is it ready?" Trish questioned. "I'm starving."

"Yeah, it's about there." Chris replied testing one of the noodles. "Dinner will be served shortly."

Chris smiled at the petite blonde in front of him. She seemed to amaze him every day and he loved that about her. As much as he hated himself for doing what he did to Maryse, he knew his heart was with Trish. It was only in due time would he have left Maryse before the wedding. He knew he had fallen for Trish, but he wanted to be sure that Trish felt the same. Part of him knew that she had the same feelings, but he wasn't too sure by her actions. If Trish hadn't have did what she did, Chris would still have had left Maryse. His heart just wasn't there anymore. Jericho watched as Trish pulled the wine from the cabinet. The way she stood on her tippy toes made him chuckle to himself. Everything she did he found utterly adorable. He just couldn't get enough of her. Diverting his attention back to the dinner, he drained the noodles in the sink, and then proceeded to mix the sauce with the noodles. Finally, his dinner was complete. He placed the pasta in a large bowl and stuck a pair of tongs inside the bowl with the pasta. Chris entered the dining room and put the bowl on the table. Lastly, he made his way back into the kitchen and grabbed the salads he had already made earlier, and took them into the dining room. After placing them on the table, he took a step back and looked at the table. It was simply perfect.

"Dinner is served my darling." Chris spoke loud enough for Trish to hear him.

"Thanks for dinner love." Trish smiled as she walked into the dining room with the wine.

"May I?" Chris questioned taking the bottle of wine from Trish and started to pour it into the glasses.

"You're truly amazing." Trish beamed as Chris pulled her chair out for her.

"No Trish, you're truly amazing." Chris replied taking a seat across from her. "You make me amazing."

"I love you." Trish lifted her wine glass to his.

"I love you too." Chris clinked his glass with hers.


Randy stood in the bathroom staring in the mirror. He had been in the bathroom for a good twenty minutes. His eyes diverted from his reflection in the mirror to the ring in his hand. He knew that things had just started to come back together, but something kept telling him to just ask her again. He lost her twice, and he knew that he wouldn't lose her again. Not a chance at that happening again. But was it too soon in her eyes? That was the question. They had been through so much, and always ended back up together with one another. That had to be some sign that they belonged together. He became nervous all over again. She always made him feel this way and he always felt like a high school boy with a crush again. All Randy knew was that his heart was with Stacy, and that's where it was going to stay.

"Are you alive in there?" Stacy knocked on the door.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine." Randy quickly spoke. "No worries."

"What are you doing in there that takes thirty minutes?" Stacy questioned taking notice.

"Just admiring myself in the mirror." Randy chuckled nervously.

"Again?" Stacy shook her head laughing. "I'll leave you too it then."

Orton sighed a breath of relief as Stacy walked away from the door. That also meant that he needs to figure something out soon and quick. He couldn't stay in the bathroom that much longer without Stacy getting more suspicious then she already was. His heart was telling him to go on with it and his mind was telling him that he wasn't sure. Randy shut his eyes and closed his palm around the ring. His mother's voice popped in his head as he had his eyes shut.

"Listen to your heart. It knows what's best for you."

Randy nodded opening his eyes and looking into the mirror. He silently thanked his mother for embedding those words into his head. He took a deep breath as he mustered up the courage to follow through with the proposal. His heart started to race quickly as he walked out of the bathroom. He walked out towards his living room area and found her sitting on the sofa, flipping through a magazine. A smile crept across his face as he stared at her. He loved how she would lick her finger tips each time before turning a page. He loved how she twirled a strand of her blonde hair when she reads an article she finds interesting. He loved how her nose would crinkle up when she skimmed past an article that bore her to death. He loved everything about her. As he stood there staring at her, he knew in his heart, that this was the right thing to do. As he watched her flip through the magazine, Stacy felt his gaze on her. She glanced up from her magazine, without any movement and noticed the intent stare on his face, along with a soft warm hearted smile. This made her smile too as she acknowledge his presence.

"Done admiring yourself now?" Stacy giggled, cracking a joke on him.

"Yeah, I've moved on to better people to admire." Randy winked at her.

"Oh sure you did." Stacy blushed as Randy took a seat next to her.

"So, what are you reading?" Randy questioned, wrapping his arms around her.

"Oh, nothing interesting." Stacy shrugged placing her hands on his arms.

"So, you love me?" Randy bluntly asked without hesitation.

"Of course, I do." Stacy turned her head to look at him. "More then you know."

"Good, because I love you too." Randy smiled at her. "I want to be with you for a very long time."

"Me too Randy." Stacy replied. "Forever and then some."

"Seriously?" Randy questioned, his eyes staring into hers.

"Yes, seriously." Stacy answered, her eyes saying how true and honest she was being.

"Stacy Ann Keibler, will you marry me?" Randy asked, his eyes never leaving hers.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Stacy beamed with happiness as she accepted the ring from Randy.


Paul stayed kneeled on the floor as he stare at the door, with his tears still falling from his face. A good five minutes had passed by, and the knocking had only become more persistent. He was in no condition or mood to talk to anyone. His thoughts battled each other on the idea of answering the door. The better half of his thoughts won, seeing that it could be Shawn at the door with Jake. Paul slowly got off of his knees, and walked over the shelf. He grabbed some tissue, and cleaned his face up, as he listened to the knocking still. After tossing the tissue on the table, Paul made his way to the front door. Levesque placed his hand on the knob, and slowly twisted it, while he regained his composure. As he opened the door, his eyes widen in utter shock.

"Are you haunting me now?" Paul accidently let out.

"No, what are you talking about?" Stephanie looked at him confused.

"You're supposed to be dead." Paul said in a matter of fact tone.

"We got off the plane before it took off." Stephanie breathed in a sigh of relief just thinking about it. It could have been her.

"We?" Paul's heart slowly began to heal.

"Sami, Miz, and I." Stephanie spoke. "I told him I couldn't go to New York with him. We got off the plane, and got his money back for the tickets. Miz is going to move to New York at the end of the month. He's going to drive up there."

Levesque stood there in shock, not believing that Stephanie McMahon was stand there in front of him. On sudden impulse, and without hesitation, Paul lunged at Stephanie, bringing her in for a hug. He tightened his grasp around her slender form, for dear life. Stephanie's arms wrapped around his broad neck and hugged him back. Paul's nose smelled the orchid flowers scent of her Shampoo in her hair. A scent he thought he'd never smell again. Tears began to fall from his eyes again, but that of happiness and thankfulness. The moment seemed like forever, as Stephanie's arms began to get tired.

"Paul, are you going to let me in, or are we going to stand on your porch all night?" Stephanie questioned aloud.

"Oh, sorry." Paul answered slowly pulling out of the hug. "I just thought I lost you."

"It's ok." Stephanie smiled softly, as Paul moved, allowing her inside.

"What brings you by?" Paul asked, now feeling the awkwardness, from when the last time Stephanie was here.

"Do you want to know why I'm not going to New York?" Stephanie questioned in response.

"Yeah, I do." Paul replied as he watched Stephanie sit down on his sofa.

"It's pretty funny actually…" Stephanie laughed sarcastically. "The last time I was in this house, you told me to leave and got to New York. You compared me to your ex and I couldn't stand to be in the same state as you. So, we're sitting in the airport, and for some reason, I keep thinking you're going to show up and tell me you love me and that you didn't want me to go. You never showed…" Stephanie paused for a few seconds. "We got on the plane, and I couldn't get you off my mind. The more I looked at Sami, the more I thought of you. I didn't go to New York, because, I'm in love with you. I never stopped being in love with you."

Paul stood there, staring at her again. His heart couldn't take so much excitement in one day. He went from thinking she was dead, to finding her alive, to her coming clean about loving him. His heart raced as she spoke every word. He was speechless, but it was everything he wanted to hear. Levesque slowly but surely managed to make his way to the black leather sofa, where Stephanie sat staring at him. He sat down next to her, as she turned to face him. He looked into her eyes, which were filled with hope and nervousness. Paul gently grabbed her hands, placing them into his lap and gave them a loving squeeze.

"I never stopped loving you either Stephanie." Paul finally replied as a smile formed on both their faces.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Please let me know what you think. There is only one more chapter coming, which will be an Epilogue. I want to thank all of my readers, who stuck with me through this long process. I should be back shortly with my newest story. Thanks again everyone!