I woke up because an arm snaked around my waist. I turned in horror toward the offender and was stuck be instant relief that it was only Apollo my twin. I turned back attempting to regain my slumber. It was shortly after I had fallen asleep that he decided to poke me. Angrily facing him again, only to find him still blissfully in slumber. Losing my temper as I am known to do when my brother is involved I smacked him in the face, he didn't even flinch. Hating how he can sleep through anything I reached my hand between us to find the offending member and shove it quite roughly out of the way, when I realized which member it was and instantly removed my hand. I blushed slightly embarrassed and tried to get out of bed. I was unsuccessful because Apollo grip was stronger than chains and so I resigned myself to a very uncomfortable night.


"Apollo, wake up"

"Five more minutes Artemis." He half moaned, half whined.

"Not a moment more. You're crushing your baby sister" to emphasis my point I whimpered slightly and wriggled beneath him.

He laughed at my stab at weakness but rolled off me mercifully. I rose instantly taking in the sight of my brother lying in the rumpled sheets of my bed. By the gods he's beautiful. WHAT! Where did that come from? He's my brother! Apollo having noticed the flash of both confusion and embarrassment across my face sat up terribly amused.

"What the matter Arti?" he practically purred at me

Raising my brows at the use my childhood nickname that I no longer responded to, and spoke. "I'm sorry were you referring to me?" I began preparing to get on my high horse. "I, Artemis the goddess of the hunt and the very moon itself!"

"Oh shut up Artemis, your being brat!" Apollo returned to my rant launching himself off of my bed. "Keep that up and I won't sleep with you anymore."

I opened my mouth to his extreme irritation and then smirked. "Is that a promise big brother?" I asked fluttering my lashes. What happened next is still out of my realm of understanding. Apollo approached me with a defiant gleam in his eye and I met it readily. Grabbing my arm and yanking me to him he claimed my lips. His action did nothing for the improper thoughts that I had already been thinking. Lost in his kiss I vaguely thought about the prospect of claiming him as me own when all too soon it was over. Releasing me, he smirked before walking out my door without a backward glance. My knees felt shaky, so I lowered myself into the nearest couch and touched my lips. After a brief moment of longing my eyes turned to rage. Rising to my feet I left the room to have my revenge.


Conscience: She did not create these fabulous characters.

Leigh: I don't have to say that, the guys who came up with this stuff have been dead forever

Conscience: Don't be a brat it was for practice.

Leigh: Anyway I would love if you would review.

Conscience: It's her first solo fanfic.

Leigh: Don't say that.

Conscience: But it's true. Constructive criticism is welcome. No flames plez.

Leigh: I'm gentle.

Conscience: *pats head* Yes. Yes you are.