Frozen Sanctuary


Ulquiorra looked down on the body next to his foot. "Trash." He began to walk away. A few steps, an abrupt stop. He didn't need to turn around to see a bloody finger twitch. He closed his green eyes. He gave no sign that he was indeed, annoyed. Again the bloody hand twitch.

"You bastard.." A struggled sound that could barely be called a voice. An orange head raised of the ground to reveal an angry facial expression. Ichigo got off the floor and stood, using his sword as a make shift cane. He barely managed to keep himself from tipping over. He looked like a drunk. If Ulquiorra was amused, he hid it well. His constant frown firmly in place.

" Foolish scum." Ulquiorra said in his regular monotone voice.

"Son of a bitch!" Ichigo yelled at him. "I can still take you!" Ichigo face was dripping with sweat and was paler then usual. His regularly orange hair was slightly dyed red with his own blood. His black Shinigami clothes was tattered and was caked in dried blood. His vision was swimming. Ichigo shook his head to clear his vision.

It was clear, even without being attacked, Ichigo will die if he does not have medical attention soon. Ulquiorra began to walk away.

"Bastard! Come back here! Shit! Don't ignore me!" Ichigo roared with rage. Wincing, Ichigo held his side. He felt the light trickle of blood. He cursed at his bad luck. His legs began to feel numb. He was losing the battle to stay awake. The last sounds Ichigo heard was the dripping of his blood as he closed his eyes. His breathing began to slow and started to be labored.

Ulquiorra walked toward his next task. Ichigo would not bother him for a while. Orihime was running toward Ichigo. It doesn't concern him and in fact, help the plan run smoother.. Aizen didn't have any use for the boy, nor did he have any further use of that woman, the one the orange head Shinigami risk his and other's lives for. Ulquiorra had something to attend to. Aizen wanted his new pet.

Rukia was not in a good mood. She was in the middle of fighting off the enemy. She wiped sweat of her face. Worried about how the others were, she renewed her grip on Zanpakutō. Rukia felt the others' reiatsu, finding that she was not too far from them. Rukia wanted to head over towards Ichigo. Something was wrong. She felt Orihime nearing him. If Ichigo was injured, Oirhime would be able to heal him. She relaxed slightly. Rukia fought with new strength, knowing the others were fighting just as hard. She worked as quickly as she could, hoping to soon reach her friends.

Renji seemed to be doing alright. So did the captains that came. She silently thank her nii-sama for his help, she would surly be dead if it wasn't without him. Ishida and Chad should be fine as well. She wonder about the three weird hollows that came with them. Are they also okay? How about everyone in the human world? Was the war going on now? Are they winning? Are they...losing? She cleared her head. she then scolded herself for not paying attention during battle.

Dodge, block, swing. Dodge, slash, counter. Rukia's body moved easily with natural grace. She did well executed attacks, proving her extra training to be worth it . Swing, slash, counter,blo- Rukia sensed another's presence. She swung out in a full circle, killing the one arrancar that was in her way while she turned to face her new opponent. She pointed her sword in front of her, in the direction of the new enemy. The Arrancar in front of her gave a wolfish grin and looked like all the others but she felt something was different about this one. She ignored this thought and focused on what was happening. Rukia blocked with her Zanpakutō. He started to push her back and suddenly swung his sword, causing Rukia to jump backwards. Rukia glared at the arrancar. He then leaped forward and again forced Rukia to jump away from him. Farther away from the others..

Rukia sudden caught on to his plan, to isolate her. Rukia cursed under her breath. How could she fall for such an obvious plan? She readied her self for the next attack. This time the arrancar smile extremely wide, show her sharp teeth. She braced herself as he jumped forward. Not going to work on me again! But Rukia was surprised by what happened. The arrancar must of put full strength against this attack. Rukia was sent flying backwards, farther away. She gritted her teeth in anger. Rukia hit her back on something with a thud.

Rukia was surprised she was tricked by a lousy arrancar but even more surprised she made contact with something. Hands gripped her forearms. Strong, Pale, hands. Hands? Rukia looked up and almost let out a surprised yelp. What is he doing here! Rukia panicked. She could not believe it. Here she was, in the arms of the enemy. She was being held by Ulquiorra Schiffer.

Thank you for reading my first work. I'm Angste, Pleased to meet all of you. It has been bothering me that there was not enough UlqXRukia stories so I decided to write one of my own. I'm sorry that this chapter is so short. Please review, even if you hate it.