I don't not own Kuro or Fai sadly, Clamp does. But its ok I do forgive them, I could never draw as well as them. Oh but I do own my oc teachers, Lilac school for boys, and all the smutty chapters I write. Isn't it just grand to be a fanfic author?

Omg is it here, YES IT IS! After long awaited time, I have a new story. And boy is it fun to write.

Art Project

The birds started to play there game, a game so deep that the average mind can't comprehend it. With a littlie chirp, then another, a symphony of melody would appear. Accompanied by there musicale genius are the flowers, flowing with the graceful wind. This perfect spring day, a mix of cold and hot, was to beautiful not to draw. So instead of paying attention to my boring English teacher I drew the outside. Before long I had drawn all of Saint Lilac's playground and gardens. It was stunning, and that's when Kuro turned around. Blue eyes fell on the picture; then a smile so delicate appeared. With a few simple moves Kuro's entire body was turned to look at my face. Leaning in closely his breath gently touched my skin. The smell was so seductive that the entire room started to melt away. My skin started to burn, and my palms started to sweat. Slowly leaning in closely, to the point where lips meet, his mouth opened. "Can I borrow a pencil?" Oh lord all mighty, that voice wasn't the worst of it. Now I can say with full force that Kuro was a god. He had elegant dark black hair, a clear tan face, Broad shoulders, and a staggering six feet. Mr. Hunk USA here he comes. But do you know what stinks, he is a jock, and I am a nerdy boy. Handing him the pencil he quickly muttered a thanks before giving me a big smile and a wink.

The rest of the period was just me staring at him, trying to figure out what that wink meant. Before the bell rang Mrs. B handed out grades. I got a ninety of course, but as I looked over Kuro's shoulder I saw a big fat zero. As his face started to drop, and a tear was welling up in his eye, Mrs. B came over. Leaning down gently, she whispered something unintelligible to Kuro. A few seconds later he turned around and stared at me. "Guess what Fai? You're going to tutor me!" he screamed, before jumping up and giving me a big hug. Trust me I almost fainted there.

"That's lovely I muttered in between breathes of his tight hug. Thank god his blue eyes didn't trail down to my pants. The size of the bulge might have scared him for life.

I like it, and trust me this is not your typical nerd and jock romance. No, in fact it's going to be different in almost every way. And for now I am rating it T, but that might change later. See you all next time kids. Oh and you see that review button at the bottom of the page, it's your friend. So click it, nothing makes me happier then a review. Well that's not true, nothing makes me happier then a beta, but because I don't have that, a review will have to do. Lastly I need to create a new boy character for a point in the story, do you peeps have any ideas? If you do either send me a email, or put it in your review. Thanks.