Chapter One:

Jade could move. Jade could move fast. No others of her kind were as fast as she was. It was immpossible to be as fast as she was.

She looked to her right. Why could she sense so much Power here? There couldn't be that many vampires in this one small town. Or could there be? She smiled at the thought. More vampires.

But what exactcly did that mean for her? She had a rough start in her new world, would she have to relive it again? No, she was to strong. She felt as if she was the strongest of every vampire that ever existed.

She smiled for no reason, just to feel her lips pull back in a feeling of Power and confidence. Power. It surged through her veins, making her feel so strong. The Power came from that of men who were all to willing to cave in when she walked in a room. One of them led her here.

To the small town of Fells Church.

Jade examined her nails. They were perfectly clear, covered in not a smudge of dirt. She was bored.

She kept throwing random messages out into the open, using power she was wasting anyway. Messages like: Come out, come out, wherever you are! I want to meet you, oh great scource of Power!

She laughed at that one. No Power was stronger then hers. For some reason she was still unsure of, her Power was that of White and Dark. Combined it made a beatiful show for all those willing to watch.

She sent another blast of Power out. She felt the small decrease of Power as it surged from her body. But she was special. Unlike most vampires, who could easily be drained of all Power, hers was permanent. It could be heightened, but never diminshed completley. She fed simply for the joy of feeding.

Oh great scource of Power? Really?

The thought, not her own, scared her slightly. Her lips pulled back in a smile. It was male. Perfect. Vampire blood made her mouth water. Think its corny? I know I do.

Then why, silly girl, did you say it?

Because, I'm new and want to meet somebody.

She could feel anger, for some reason, coming from the other scource of Power. She realized, with a jolt, that his power nearly matched her own. Though it wasn't mixed, and hers was still considerably stronger, he was strong. No doubt about it.

She stood. His mind, lacing with hers, was taunting. He didn't know what he was getting himself into, did he?

She ran, wind whipping her hair all over the place. She ran until she knew where he was.

Old, ragged, graves stood upright in all directions. "Nice place." She whispered in the wind.

"Thank you." She spun around to see a boy with dark, shaggy-type hair. He wore a leather jacket and black jeans that fit his body to perfectly. She held back a growl of approval. Who was he? Why was he so strong?

"Do you feed on humans?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. "You seem to hold Power as if it is a gift. You have so much."

He laughed. "I should be saying the same. You seem to wear your Power around like a cloak."

She turned away, staring at the moon. It was so pretty. "What's your name?"

He looked up at the moon as well. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I'm Jade."

He sighed. "And I'm Damon."