Ben's Birthday.

Totally fluffy, but I hope you guys like it!

Short and sweet. Enjoy.

It was his birthday, but it was a day just like every other. At least to everyone else it was. It was his birthday and no one knew…unless they did and just didn't care, which just mad matters much more depressing.

The day was like any other, he went to school, went to class, ate lunch and left. And no one said a word out of the ordinary to him. No "Happy Birthday!" no presents or sweets. NOTHING.

So imagine Bens surprise when he walked into his empty house and found a path of rose petals and lit candles leading up the stairs.

"Hello?" He called, dropping his bag and carefully stepping around the romantic gushiness, into the living room and then the kitchen. No one around…He saw this in a horror movie once, and let's just say things got a weee bit messy. Precautionary actions must be taken…right?

He grabbed the first thing he felt on his right.

A remote control.

It'll have to do.

He carefully made his way up the stairs, avoiding tipping over any candles. Ben reached the top and saw that the path did indeed lead to his bedroom. Sighing, he looked down at the control in his hand. He could be so dramatic at times, but he was damn certain he wasn't going to drop it. Just in case.

Ben slowly opened the door and let out a gasp. His heart giving a little tug and his stomach doing a whole bunch of nonsense things.

There, standing in the middle of his room, surrounded by yellow, orange and sky blue balloons, was Ricky. Shirtless and barefoot and holding a red box wrapped in a silver bow. Ben dropped the control and walked further in, gazing in awe at the thousand balloons floating on his ceiling, loving the way the colorful strings hung down from them, and the serene glow given by the candles. The floor was covered in the same petals, but there were at least…30 presents lining over them. The bed was covered with, what looked like, pictures of them.

Ricky slowly walked to him, his muscles clenching and un clenching as he grabbed Bens hand and led him to the bed. Ben stared in awe, once more, as he saw the look of pure love on the others face.

Ricky stripped Ben of his shirt and held him close, his free hand caressing his lips and face.

"Happy Birthday," He whispered, his lips meeting the other boys in a sweet, sweet, kiss.

Moist, warm lips kissed back, "Why did you do all of this?" Ben whispered, looking around.

Ricky laughed, "Because I love you," His fingers trailed down a smooth chest, putting pressure on Bens manhood, a promise of things to come…literally. "Duh," he whispered, lunging for Bens neck.

And with a perfectly pitched moan, the night began.

Sorry for the lack of updating! But I'm back now! YAAAAAAAAAAAYY!