Hey everyone.

I am so sorry for the long delay. I don't really have an excuse other than writer's block.

I want to thank all of the people who reviewed, it has been a great encouragement for me.

I hope you enjoy this new chapter

Disclamer: I do not own any of the characters, I am only the reason for their pain in this story.

Enjoy, Agony Born From Bliss

Operation Save Us All- Chapter Eight

"Have you ever kissed a guy?"



"Have you ever thought about kissing a guy?"



"Have you ever made obscene pelvic gestures towards a guy?"

"What the- Steph! Enough with the guy on guy action questions! Why are you even asking this?"

"Lula broadened her horizons on porn. It was a big change in her life so she asked that I, her best friend, help her go through this tough life changing experience. Aren't I such a good person?"

"You never watched any porn videos with me when I asked you to."

"Lester, you wanted me to be in the porn video with you."

"Well yeah, at least with my way you get something out of it. I could have really taught you something. We all know that the best way to learn is with hands on experience, and beautiful I have something you can really get your hands on."

I tried, I really did, but the infamous eye roll just had to make an appearance. I mean come on that has got to be the most cliché line out there.

"Lester your pickup lines may work on drunk cheerleaders who wouldn't know reality if it gave them an ass slap and a lap dance, but I am a grown woman. A mature, beautiful, and smart woman who knows reality and all its dirty little secrets. I am actually a little disappointed. I thought the infamous heart-breaker Lester would have better moves than that. Then again you've never been a man of standard."

He placed a hand to his chest and his facial features twisted into a look a pain, but the slight smirk on his lips showed mirth.

"Ouch, you really know who to wound a man Stephanie."

"It's easy when in the presence of men such as yourself Santos."

"Well hell Beautiful, why the mean streak?"

"Well hell Dumbass, maybe it's because I was kidnapped, stuffed in the back of a van, gagged and bound. Oh and guess what that doesn't even cover the surface. I am constantly attacked both verbally and physically, my bank account has only fifty dollars in it, I can't cook, and the police ridicule me more than help me."

I couldn't stop. The words just kept pouring out of my mouth

"My ex-husband was a jerk-off who was getting off on my dinner table by a Barbie wannabe-Botox using- sex addicted harpy with breast implants and hair extensions. My sometimes boyfriend is a jackass at his finest moments, and, and…"

Oh God. Just shut up Steph.

"…And what Stephanie?"

Shut the hell up.

"And my best friend is a complete and total stranger."

It wasn't until I tasted the salty tears, that I realized they were there.

"Ah, shit Steph, I'm sorry. Here take this." Tissue was place in my hands and I used it to wipe the tears and blow my nose. Loudly.

The cringe from Lester told me that I didn't make a pretty picture.

Well he can suck it. He did this so he can face the consequences of a depressed puffy faced Steph.

I cleared my throat, and prayed that god of denial that I built a shrine for would grace us with her presence and help us forget this little Stephanie break down.

"So, next question?"

The smile had been gone from Lester's face for a while now and the look in his eyes told me that the smile took a little vacation to Venezuela and it was staying there.

"You know Steph, for a woman "who knows reality and all its dirty little secrets" you sure do spend a lot of time avoiding it."

"Why fix that which is not broken?"

"Why avoid that which can help you?

"Who is this helping?

He didn't answer me.

"I mean really, what are we getting out of this whole interrogation thing? No matter what questions you ask me or I ask you nothing is going to change. Nothing ever changes."

"Things always change Beautiful."

"Yeah, but when I'm involved it's never for the better."

The silence filled the room for several moments until Lester spoke.

"I guess it's my turn for the questioning."

"But I still have more I want to ask"

"What more is there to ask? You asked me if I sing in the shower."

He does, to Poker Face by Lady Gaga

"You asked me if I can dance"

He said he can, which technically isn't a lie. He can dance, just not very well.

I know this because he decided to give me a demonstration. Never ask me to expand on that. Trust me it's like Pandora's box, some things are better left alone.

"You asked me if I have a tattoo"

He does. It's somewhere near his shoulder, underneath his sleeve and hidden from my view.

"You asked if I ever had a pet."

It was a rabbit named Nacho. Nacho died when he was eight years old and he never got another pet after that.

"You asked if I had a favorite movie."

It's The Fox and the Hound

His favorite color is green.

He has a brother named Erik.

He secretly watches Desperate Housewives

He is an expert at Dance Dance Revolution.

He lost his virginity at fourteen to his best friend and neighbor.

And he is allergic to almonds.

I also found out that he got arrested for stealing a car when he was sixteen. He didn't go into detail as to why he did it, but I think it was to impress a girl- that's why he gave himself a wax (which left him without a left eyebrow for weeks), and a nipple piercing, which might I add he had Bobby do for him.

I know there was more to that story but he didn't budge.

I'll bring it up later.

When he's drunk.


"I still have more questions."

"But you asked so much already."

Yeah, but I barely scratched the surface with this man.

"There is still more. Unlike previous belief there is more to you than just playboy and crotch scratching"

"Hey crotch scratching is an art. You have to do it in a way where no one knows what you're doing. It's like fixing wedgies or picking your noise."

"You're disgusting Santos."

"Don't act like you haven't done it before Steph, there're cameras everywhere and Big Brother is always watching."

"You guys spied on me."

"Jewelry stores may have beautiful objects in them, but the view in your office space is much more pleasing to watch."

"I repeat, you're disgusting Santos"

"I loved to stay and let you insult me further Beautiful, but my time is up."

"You didn't ask me any questions though." Well, excluding the ones that led to my little moment.

"The guys don't trust me with anything related to emotions when it comes to you, only with handing out tissues."

"Then why are you here?"

"Because we kidnapped you and I know you are a little scared right now."

"So…what? You're here to butter me up while the guys slaughter me?"

"No, I'm here to tell you that we just want to help you Steph. We love you."

"You say that so easily."

"It isn't hard when it's right and when it's true."

I couldn't say anything or do anything other than look at him. It was the first time a man said that to me and it was truly sincere. No sarcasm, no secret agenda, and no qualification to follow it.

So this is what it feels like to be loved.

"One more question Lester. Please?"

"How about this, I'll let you ask three more questions, if you honor me with your presence this Saturday?"

"We're not going dancing are we?" I don't think I could survive dancing with him.

"Nah, just beer and some movie."


"I was thinking Fox and the Hound."

"Throw in Beauty and the Beast and I'm there."

"You got yourself a date."

"And you got yourself two more questions."

"Give it to me."

"Have you ever been in love? And I mean in love."

He lowered his head and sighed. "I was a fool to think you would show me mercy."

"Yeah Steph I was."


He rolled up his sleeve and I saw that the tattoo was of the name Elena.

"Do you still love her?"



He rolled down his sleeve and unhooked the lie detector. Without a word he got up and walked to the door.

" Santos."

He paused and looked at me.

"I like talking to you. We should do this again sometime…without the kidnapping and lie detector."

"We will. We got this Saturday remember? Don't forget the popcorn."

He turned again to leave

"I still have one more question Lester."

A soft 'damn' escaped his mouth and he placed his head against the door.


"Have you ever had erectile dysfunction?"

"Only when I'm near your grandmother."

I didn't need a lie detector to tell me that was the truth.

So there it is. I am pretty sure that the questioning between Steph and Lester did not go as some of you thought it would, but that is for a reason. There is more to talk about between the two, and the questions that they had to ask in this part need yes or no answers so it made it a bit tricky. Also I apologize if the way I write is a bit confusing, I don't get much practice with it at school, and this is the only way for me to imporve to please review (but don't be to harsh, I'm only 17 and my mental state is very fragile right now)

I know some of you were looking for deeper questions between Steph and Les, but again, that will come much later. Steph wants to know more about the Merry Men, but she doesn't know what she wants to know or what she can ask. The men aren't Lula, they don't easily tell their life story. Steph isn't sure what is safe to ask and what is not. The questions for Steph are going to be harder and so are her questions for the Merry Men.

One last note: I finally have software that will correct my grammar mistakes (before I just used wordpad) I know how annoying it is to read all those mistakes since I have been there so I will update the story. I am NOT going to change the content, just the grammar.

Please Review,

Agony Born From Bliss