AN: Another Seiner. I know, I'm really getting obsessive with this pairing. Meh, I think it's rather endearing to tell the truth. So this one came to me when I was daydreaming of a hot summer day that I will probably never see again. Darn this stupid new weather pattern; freezing winter, two days for Spring and Summer in January, then back to freezing winter again. For three years That's just stupid. Someone up there is having a field day on the climate. Enough grumbling.

Warnings: Lime, dares and yes it's boy/boy. If you didn't know that I kinda wonder what the words Seifer/Hayner meant to you in the summary.

Disclaimer: DO NOT OWN. I did for a while, but then I woke up and it was all a dream. *sobs*

"C'mon, Pence, I'm bored." Hayner complained, lolling over the tabletop as he stared into space upside down.

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" Pence sighed, equally lethargic. It was a hot, dry day in the middle of summer and they had nothing to do but sit and laze around in the heat.

"You're the clever one; you think of something."

"Oh, go pick a fight with Seifer." The younger boy grumbled, fiddling with his camera.

"But it's too hot." Hayner moaned, flinging an arm over his eyes.

"Well why don't we go find them and do something else for a change?" Olette suggested, pushing her luxurious brown hair out of her face with one hand.

"Like what?"

"…" after a few more minutes of silence, Hayner stood.

"Alright, fine… Even a fight on a hot day would be better than just sitting here on our asses." He rubbed his scalp and yawned, shaking off the sluggish laziness before starting towards the sandlot.

When they got there, they found Seifer, Fuu and Rai all sitting in the only patch of shade in the entire square.

"Hello Chicken Wuss."

"Bastard." Hayner spat. He really hated that name. "We're bored so we thought we might come and see if you lot could help."

"Too bad. I'm not in the mood for a fight right now. Leave a message and come back later." Seifer sniggered. Olette sighed.

"Me neither. C'mon, let's all do something together for once. Other than arguing, I mean."

"Like what?" Hayner scowled. "I'm not doing anything with this loser."

"A dare game." Pence suggested. "Winner gets… I dunno, the last sea salt ice cream." To Hayner's surprise, Seifer shrugged.

"Alright, then. Rai, Fuu, you comin'?" the silent girl nodded and the larger boy just grunted in reply.

"Let's do it here." Olette miraculously pulled out a bottle from somewhere. How did she do that? Hayner could have sworn that every time he turned around she would have something different in her hands. Seifer blinked and chuckled.

"Why not?" the six of them settled down in the middle of the square, Olette placing the bottle directly in the middle of their little circle. She gave it a light spin and sat back.

"Pence." He spun it again and it landed on Fuu.

"Truth or dare?" he asked.

"Truth." She replied quietly.

"Hmm… Have you ever had dirty thoughts about anyone present?" Fuu's lips twitched and she nodded, her face unchanging.

"Yes." She reached out and spun the bottle again so it landed on Olette. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Olette grinned.

"Run around the sandlot three times squawking like a chicken and flapping your arms." Fuu ordered instantly. Olette giggled and stood to run around the square. When she finally returned, she was laughing so hard she almost couldn't breathe. Then again, so was Pence. And Rai. Hayner just sniggered quietly and Fuu, in a rare display of emotion, high-fived Olette.

"Rai." Rai picked truth; it turned out that yes, he had once passed an exam in high school. Next it was Pence's turn to go and lie on his back on the ice cream shop's counter until at least three people had asked what he was doing. When he returned, blushing, it was Hayner's turn and he replied that yes, he had once wept his eyes out in public after the age of nine (he had been crying over the loss of Sammy, his pet hamster). Olette, Rai, Hayner, Pence and Fuu again. How Seifer had been missed out every time, Hayner had no idea. Fuu spun the bottle and, at long last, it ended on the smirking blonde boy.

"Truth or dare?"

"You really have to ask?" Seifer bared his teeth in a grin.

"I dare you to… kiss Hayner. Properly."

"Wha?" Hayner's mouth dropped open. "But… hey, how come he has to kiss me?"

"Because you're of the same gender, you're not his friend, and neither are you too friendly to torture. So kiss." Hayner blinked twice and when Seifer finally shrugged and leaned over, he pulled backwards and crossed his arms stubbornly.

"No. It's not even my dare, so why should I have to do it?"

"You don't." Seifer replied. "You just have to sit there and pretend it's not happening. I'm the one who actually has to kiss you."

"I don't care. I'm not doing it." Hayner turned his face away, scowling.

"Fine." Fuu shrugged. "But when the bottle next lands on you, then you have to. You get no choice of truth or dare." Seifer spun the bottle to Olette, who again picked 'dare' and had to go up to a stranger and ask for a piggyback ride, which she actually got. Grinning and giggling, she made her way back over to the group.

"He didn't believe me at first. But now I have his number." She winked and sat back down, spinning the bottle. Hayner closed his eyes, praying that it wouldn't fall on him.

"Hayner. I dare you to kiss Seifer for three minutes. With tongues."

"Olette!" he protested. She smirked.

"You have to do it now."

"But why with tongues?" he demanded.

"Because I say so. Besides, who knows? You might like it."

"There's no way I could ever like kissing him!" he pointed at Seifer, who nearly bit his finger. At the stubborn look in Olette's eyes, he sighed. "Fine." He mumbled, leaning forwards and screwing his eyes tightly shut. Seifer shuffled forwards awkwardly and grabbed his chin roughly before pressing his lips against the smaller teen's. After a few seconds, Olette reminded them,

"With tongues, guys." Sighing, Hayner parted his lips slightly, letting Seifer slip his tongue into his mouth. He felt heat building in his face as Seifer explored every part of his mouth, running his tongue along his teeth and swirling it around his. Where did he learn to kiss like that? Hayner thought abstractly, bringing his hand up to softly touch the older boy's cheek as he relaxed into the kiss. The grip on his chin softened but did not leave, Seifer's fingers grazing over his skin lightly, tracing patterns. He gently moved his lips over his opponent's, lapping at his parted lips with his own tongue. He felt his face growing red as Seifer (probably unconsciously) moved the hand he was leaning on to cover Hayner's. The younger male heard a rushing sound in his ears as his heartbeat quickened and his hand slid from Seifer's face to his chest. Then he finally registered that Olette was speaking to them. As Seifer drew his tongue back into his own mouth, Hayner regretfully broke the kiss, a thin trail of moisture hanging between their lips as they panted and stared at each other for a few moments. Finally, Hayner pulled his hand away from Seifer's chest, wiped his mouth dry and turned to face Olette, who had an incredulous look on her face.

"Jeez, guys. You were kissing for, like… eight minutes." Hayner blinked, his eyes widening. Flushing crimson, he glanced towards Seifer, who was also turning red. Oops… what just happened? Did… did I actually like that? He, of course, knew the answer. He'd really liked it. Enough to want a second time. And a third. And more. He wanted to feel those amazing lips on his again, every day. Shaking the haze out of his mind, he returned to the real world and snorted.

"Your watch must be faulty." He turned and spun the bottle again, almost wanting it to land on Seifer so he could dare him to kiss him again. But he knew he wouldn't, even if he could. Seifer probably thought he was the stupidest kid in Twilight Town now, if he hadn't before. Funnily enough, it bothered him slightly more now. Sighing, he asked Rai truth or dare.

"Hey, guys, it's getting late." Olette jumped to her feet. "We should be getting back, Hayner, Pence.

"Yeah…" Hayner sighed, rising to his feet also.

"Hang on; Hayner, truth or dare?" Seifer asked. Hayner's eyes widened. Seifer had just called him 'Hayner'…

"S'too late for a dare…" he faked a yawn, spoiling the effect by grinning. "Truth."

"Did you like it?" Seifer's blue-grey eyes met Hayner's brown ones and he knew exactly what the older teen meant.

"Yes…" he whispered, his pulse quickening again at the look in those eyes.

"Ok, game over." Fuu interrupted their awkward moment and for a moment Hayner both loved and hated her.

"C'mon, Hayner." Olette grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind her, Pence leading the way. Never breaking Seifer's gaze, Hayner raised his hand in a shy wave of farewell. Seifer twitched his in response, his eyes never leaving those brown ones. Who won?...

AN: Kk, this is the end if it's a oneshot. I'm not sure whether I should continue it or leave it as an OS. If you have any particular preference, please review or PM or whatever. Sorry, I'm kinda lethargic after writing that beginning bit. Yes, that was the final part I wrote, so that's why it's not particularly well joined just there. It' 11:30 at night. I'm stupid; I should be asleep. But my body clock is a royal f***tard. Enough grouchiness. Oh, btw 'Who won' means who won the dare game. Cos I suspect Hayner and Seifer probably joint-won. In more ways than one… Hmm maybe a second chapter is brewing… But then again, maybe not. Hope you liked it and again, if you would like it to be continued then just say and I probably will, even if it's just one of you lovely peoples out there. ^^ g'night.