Disclaimer: I don't own Titanic or Harry Potter.

I hope you enjoy! Sorry it's been so long since I last updated. I have five Harry potter stories in the works! I know I know it's my oen fault but I can't help it. Blame it on the Half Blood Prince coming out. That's what made me write more!


"Ginevra! Ginny! Where are you taking me?"

Ginny was leading Draco, holding his hand, down to the elevators but she wasn't answering him. She then asked the lift operator to take her to E-Deck. Draco looked at her incredulously.

"You'll see," was all she said. When they got off the elevator, Ginny took him down the hallway and turned corners a couple of times. He began to hear a faint upbeat music that got louder as they walked closer to it. They arrived at a small ballroom that was being used as an Irish pub, almost. Draco grinned.

"I've always wanted to see what this was like – this music and all the dancing."

She laughed and led him inside. They sat at a table after getting two beers. However, before Ginny finished half of her glass, she got up to dance with Fred, who had bowed dangerously low.

"M'dear, would you care for a dance with your wonderful and graciously handsome brother?"

Ginny laughed and got up.

"Draco, I'll be back!"

Draco smiled. He didn't know she had siblings, and such wacky ones, at that. As he watched her dance happily and energetically, his feelings for her grew. When she was finished with the dance, a young man who looked exactly like the first came to dance with her. 'Twins,' Draco thought. Interesting. He wondered how many more she had. When a black-haired man came over to her, Draco saw her smile falter and put on a fake one. She accepted. This one was definitely not a brother, Draco thought. He laughed when the twins started dancing crazily with each other, and he shook his head. He much preferred this crowd to the one he grew up with.

His eyes widened and he waved when he saw Rose. She came over to sit with him while Jack was dancing with a cute little girl.

"What are you doing here?" he asked – more like shouted.

"I'm here with Jack!" she shouted back.

"Have a good dinner?" She nodded as she sipped her beer.

"It would have been better without Cal!"

"I can imagine. Oh…forgive me, I did not mean to be rude about your fiancé."

"Please! I don't care. He's such a bore. Who are you here with? I wasn't expecting to see you all the way down here."

"Ginevra," Draco answered. Rose's eyes widened.

"She's in third class??" Draco nodded. "Really! And I thought she was in first. She's wonderful, Draco. I certainly hope you develop something with her. That Greengrass girl – forgive me – is a harpy."

Draco snorted in his beer and laughed like he hasn't laughed in many years. Rose smiled and laughed with him.

"I think we share something in common, Miss Dewitt-Bukater."

"Oh come now, Draco! It's Rose."

"Rose, then."

The song ended and Jack walked up to them.

"Hello, Draco!"

"Jack," said Draco, nodding his head.

"Come on," Jack said to Rose, holding out his hand to her. She looked at him and held up her beer with mock dignity.


"Come with me!" He grabbed her hand and pulled her up off her seat. She hastily put her glass on the table.

"What?! Jack! Jack, wait! I …can't do this." They were now on the dance floor.

"We're gonna have to get a little bit closer. Like this." He pulled her closer to him and started to move with the music.

"I don't know the steps!"

"Neither do I, just go with it! Don't think!"

Draco smiled at the two, but was quite happy that he was not in Rose's shoes. He didn't know how to dance to this, either. Just then, Ginny came up to him and took his hand, pulling him up. 'Uh-oh…'

"Ginny, uh, what are you doing?"

"Dancing with you, of course!"

"Wait, no! Ginny, I can't dance to this!"

"Why not? Just go with the music! You're not supposed to know the steps. Come on!"

She began to dance. When she noticed he was standing still, she took hold of him and led the dance.


"Just go with it! You'll be fine! Watch everyone else. It might help." He let her lead him around the dance floor and found that he got the hang of the dance quite quickly. Ginny saw her mother purse her lips as they passed her parents, but she didn't show that she saw. She just kept going. They stopped to watch when they saw Jack and Rose get up onto the raised dance floor, set in the middle of the room. Everyone started clapping as Jack tap-danced, then cheered when Rose did the same thing after taking off her shoes.

They eventually made their way off the dance floor and Ginny led him to her parents.

"Mother, father, this is Draco Malfoy. Draco, my parents."

Draco took her mother's hand and bowed to kiss it. He then took her father's hand and shook it, smiling at both of them.

"You have a wonderful daughter. Everyone at the table tonight thought very highly of her."

"Thank you," said Ginny's father.

"Draco, I'm going to go dance with Harry for a little bit, okay?"

"Oh, sure. It was nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley."

"You as well, Draco," said her father, who was quite surprised by his former best friend's son, though still wary.

"Why do you dance with him if you do not like him?" Draco asked Ginny as they walked back to their table. They chuckled when they saw Rose chugging down a beer.

"Well…that's not a proper think to ask."

"Forgive me…I only thought…uh…"

"It's fine, Draco. I…just have to. I also don't like hurting his feelings. He…well…my family isn't rich, as you can tell. Harry is who paid for us to take this journey. He is expected to propose to me…what my family doesn't know is that he already did earlier today. I asked him if we could wait to surprise my parents when we got off the ship…so I could put off my misery a bit longer."

"Well don't think about it now. Go dance with him, then dance with me," he said protectively. Ginny smiled.

"I will." She walked over to Harry and put on her fake smile. "Hi. Care to dance?"

He smiled.

"I'd love to. You look so beautiful, Ginny."

"Heh…thank you. You look great too, Harry."

After what seemed like ages, she went back over to Draco and had some more of her beer. Just then, her hand was grabbed by Jack's friend Fabrizio's dance partner - a pretty, Cockney blonde woman. Ginny, in turn, grabbed Draco's hand as they were pulled in a frenzied dance line around the room, grabbing more and more people as they moved.

"She looks happy."

"TOO happy, Arthur! She's supposed to be with Harry!"

"Well…she's really supposed to be with Draco, if you remember."

"No she isn't!" Molly said shrilly.

"Yes she is, Molly. I think we should tell her. She has every right to know."

"No! No no no we should NOT tell her. She will marry Harry and that's it."

"Don't you see how much happier she is when she dances with Draco than when she dances with Harry?"

Molly realized where her husband was going with this, and needed to put a stop to it at once.

"Oh no you don't, Arthur! She is not marrying Draco! Have you already forgotten what his father did to you??"

"Of course not, dearest. But she looks so happy…money isn't the issue, Molly, and he is not his father. I want her to be happy. Don't you?" he asked carefully.

Molly sighed.

"Oh Arthur of course I do. But I think that Harry is the best thing for her."

"For her, or for you?"

Molly glared dangerously at him, and he decided that he should stop the conversation there and perhaps pick it up later.

When the dance line was broken up, Ginny and Draco left the room laughing. They both found each other's laughter infectious, so they continued to laugh all the way up to the main deck.

"That was great fun, Ginevra."

She beamed at him.

"It was."

Draco sighed and his smile left his face.

"This can't last – whatever this is. You should get back to Potter…and I should get back to Daphne."

Ginny's face turned sad, and he wish he hadn't said that.


"Because you're getting off the ship with him, and Daphne's getting off with me."

"I don't want to be with him. You know that."

"But you're getting off with him," Draco said sullenly.

"But I don't want to get off with him."

"Who do you want to get off with, then?" Draco asked softly, now very close to her. Her breath caught in her throat, and her heartbeat sped up.

"It…doesn't matter who I want to get off with. You're right. I'll be getting off with Harry...and this won't work."

"Who do you want to get off with?" he asked again, their faces even closer than before.

"I…you," she whispered.

"Then get off the ship with me, Ginny." Draco leaned in the last bit of distance and kissed her softly. They were at the front of the ship, where the wind was at its highest velocity. It was whipping their hair around, making a beautiful picture. However, it was night, so no one could see them.

He dipped her slightly and held her cheek tenderly. They could have remained like that forever.

I hope you enjoyed that. :)