Naruto x Avatar the Last Airbender Crossover

It has been said that the last avatar died when the world found new ways to bend the four elements and the new element of blue fire, lightning; in the form of chakra. That Avatar was the Sage of Six Paths, who sensing the new power emerging within the people sought to ensure that others would know the proper ways to control it before his death and the slumber of the Avatar's rebirth. Seeking the council of the nine spirits who gifted the original benders and the pure soul who would become the first Avatar; he pleaded with them for their help and they in turn gifted him with what would be the first bloodline, the Rinnegan. Using his power he created what would in turn become the beginning of Ninjutsu, Genjutsu and other bloodlines. As he laid on his death bed he laid out a prophecy that a Child of Destiny would save the world when it is suffers a new evil that will have nothing but death and destruction in his eyes hidden by red clouds; the Child of Destiny will be the reborn Avatar blessed and cursed by the strongest of the nine; this Avatar will save the world with his control of the five elements and his culture's power.

As you see Naruto will be not only the Avatar but the Kyuubi's container and will leave the village to train under the other members of the council of the nine spirits which are actually the Bijuu meaning that Naruto will gain friends and comrades in their containers.


1. Other than the Jinchuuriki Naruto will be the only bender.

2. The main antagonist will be Uchiha Madara.

3. There must be tasteful bashing of Sasuke(this means he's evil), Sakura and Kakashi(your choice).

4. If you want it to be up to date with the History of the Manga(Chapter 435+ or Volume 47+), you can find info at "NarutoCentral . com" - (#1 Naruto Anime and Manga fansite!) and "Leafninja . com" - (Vast news and information source for the Naruto anime and manga series) [remove spaces].

5. You must have created your own works so I can ensure you are a professional.

This is an idea that just came to me and as thinker and not a writer I'm charging you the FanFic Authors to take this story to something great. Now if you authors want to adopt this idea hit the "Review this Story/Chapter" button at the bottom of the page and write out your messages for permission if you wish to take up this story.