OH-HOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! It is finally here!! xD

And to all my (3) reviewers from chapter one, THANK-YOU!!! xD your reviews made my days so much brighter!

And I know you might be thinking - 'OMG! It's so short!'

and I AM SO SORRY!!!!! -cries- T.T

I seriously hate the 'Dumbledore' chapter - it's uber bordom to write people!!!!

But you seriously couldn't be expecting something as long as chapter 1, right?

hehe 0.0

Disclaimer: If I owned either Yu-gi-oh! or Harry Potter, you would know it as the first sign of the Apocolypse.


Chapter 2

It was the day of Dumbledore's arrival. Malik, Ryou and Seto were waiting patiently at the Ishtar residence for the man to show up.

Kaiba typed away on his laptop, while Ryou lounged on the couch, reading a novel and Malik looked through his deck of duel monster cards. The Egyptian sighed, "He's late" Malik whined, setting his deck down beside him.

"Um…he never actually said a time to begin with." Ryou pointed out, not looking up from his book. Seto grunted in agreement.

"Well, I'm still saying he's late!"

At that moment, there was a knock at the door.


The three teens looked at each other blankly.

"Don't you just hate when that happens? It's so cliché." Malik muttered as his sister hurried to answer the door, seeing as no one else moved.

Putting down his book, Ryou sat up to get a better look (or to be polite) as a man entered the room. He was old; clad in a purple robe, with a crooked nose and long, wispy white hair and a matching beard. Behind half-moon spectacles, blue eyes glimmered.

"Hello, I'm Albus Dumbledore." The new-comer introduced in slightly accented Japanese.

"Ah…would you like a drink, Dumbledore-san?" Ishizu asked when the three teens remained silent.

"Oh, yes please, Miss Ishtar" Dumbledore replied with a smile. Ishizu hurried out of the room and Dumbledore took a seat in a spare couch.

"You can all speak English, yes?" Dumbledore asked. Ryou and Seto nodded.

"No." Malik said dully.

"Ah, that won't be a problem, Mr. Ishtar. I can perform a spell that will allow you to speak English if you choose to attend my school."

Malik nodded, grinning. Ishizu returned with drinks, and sat down on the arm of Malik's chair.

"Before we go on," Seto said, snapping his laptop closed, "Would you care to demonstrate some of this 'magic'?"

Dumbledore smiled, "Certainly. Hmm…" the old man pulled out a wooden stick, pointing it at the small coffee table beside Ryou. "Accio book" Ryou's novel flew off the table, heading straight for Dumbledore. Malik and Seto's eyes widened as they followed the floating book.

"Hey!" Ryou cried, reaching after his book.

Dumbledore chuckled and handed the white-haired teen his book back.

Ryou sat down, "That was most impressive, Dumbledore-san." He smiled.

"Thank-you," Dumbledore said, "But that was nothing, really…"

The three looked at Dumbledore expectantly.

"Well," Dumbledore started, "Let me tell you about the wizarding

The three teens listened, captivated, as the old man spoke of Hogwarts,
magical creatures and the history of wizards. After awhile, Dumbledore's
face grew grim as he spoke of a dark wizard known as 'lord Voldemort'
and all the horrors he has caused the magical community.

"14 years ago, Voldemort was defeated by a boy named Harry Potter, and
the wizarding world was at peace. But now...that man has returned...."
Dumbledore sighed, "These are dark times for our people, and I would
understand if you do not wish to become involved. But, it is to my
understanding that, because of your power, Voldemort may come after you
regardless. If this is the case, then Hogwarts would be the safest place
for you."

Ryou frowned, "what about Yugi? Doesn't he have magic like us?"

"Mr. Motou? Yes," the headmaster replied, "but he seems to have disappeared off the
face of the earth."

"Didn't he mention something about winning a trip to India?" Malik
asked. Seto snorted,
"No matter where he is in the world, he can't seem to keep himself out of

"You don't think this 'Voldemort' person got to him, do you?!" Malik
asked eyes wide.

"I don't think so, but it seems that the cause of his and his friends,
disappearance was by magical means." Dumbledore said.

"So tell me; will you attend my school?"

Malik nodded. Ryou hesitated before agreeing also.

All turned to Seto expectantly. "You do understand that I have a company
to run?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"And that I will have to continue running it, even if I attend?"

Dumbledore nodded again.

"You said technology does not work in Hogwarts because of all the
magic." Seto stated coldly. Dumbledore merely nodded once more.

"So, what are you going to do about it?"

Dumbledore smiled, "I'll work something out."

Seto grunted.

"So it's settled, you will all attend Hogwarts. I'll leave the address
of a family you can stay with, and you will leave in three days. So that
it does not look suspicious, I recommend...public transport." Dumbledore
said, standing up.

"Che. Public transport is for losers. We'll take my helicopter. Be at my
estate at exactly 1:00pm or I'll leave without you." Kaiba said as he
started for the door.

Ryou spared Dumbledore a soft smile as he, too, made his way to the
door. "Thank you for inviting us to your school, Professor."

Dumbledore smiled back, before disappearing with a crack. (A/N: haha! It
rhymes xD)

Malik grinned at his sister once they were alone in the house, "Who
wants to bet Kaiba will leave without me, anyway?"

Ishizu laughed, "Just make sure you aren't late." She scolded lightly.

"Hey, where's Odion?!" Malik asked suddenly.

"You know...I'm not sure..."


Meanwhile...thousands of miles away...Harry Potter was having a


Oh, sorry. Wrong bed.

Harry stood in a dark room, looking on unseen at the scene unfolding
before his eyes.

"Wormtail..." came a low, raspy, hiss from a high-backed chair, beside a
crackling fire place.

"Y-yes...my lord?" A voice whimpered from the doorway. Harry sneered
instinctively at the cowering figure.

"What have you found about these....itemssss...?" Voldemort hissed.

"T-The s-seven of them...they have b-been scattered, my lord. S-scatted
around the world."

'Items?' Harry wondered, 'What items? Is this another of Voldemort's plans!? What could it mean!?'

"Is that ssso....?" Voldemort spoke quietly, "Have you finished deciphering the hieroglyphics?"

"N-no, my lord. We have our best men on it, b-but they can't figure it out…so much is s-still missing, my lord…" Wormtail squeaked.

"Well, hurry it up!" The dark lord snapped, making the cowardly man flinch.

"Y-yes my lord!"

As Wormtail scurried from the room, Harry felt his vision blur; spinning, he found himself in a dark forest….it seemed his dream had ended. Looking around, Harry saw long, hairy legs scuttle across branches. He let out a scream,

"Oh god, not again! GIANT SPIDERS!!!!"

Hmm….perhaps we did have the right bed in the first place.


Three days had passed and it was time for the three anti-hero's to head to London. Ryou Bakura stood patiently by Seto Kaiba's Helicopter and conversing with his yami, as he waited for Malik to arrive. Seto, on the other hand, was not so patient.

"Where the hell is he? I should jusst leave without him...I always go through with my threats...." Seto's mumblings fell on deaf ears as Ryou merely stared off into space.

At almost quarter past 11, the distant roar of a motocylce filled the air, and soon enough, Malik came into view.

"Sorry I'm late!" He called as he dismounted and grabbed his luggage. "Had to say goodbye - and you wouldn't believe the traffic today! a snail would ba faster!"

"I don't care for your excuses, Ishtar. Just get on the copter already." Seto snapped. Malik huffed and followed his quiet albino friend on board the aircraft.

"BYE, BIG BROTHER!!!" A teary Mokoba called as he enveloped Seto in a hug. The older Kaiba's eyes softening as he looked down at his younger brother.

"Stay safe, big brother," Mokoba sniffed. Seto ruffled his already messy black-hair.

"I will. You stay safe too, alright?"

Mokoba nodded and rubbed his eyes. "Make sure you e-mail everyday!" The boy demanded.

Seto almost laughed. Almost.

With one last wave, the brothers parted.

And so began the long, headache-inducing, trip to London.


TADAAAA!!!!!!!!! xD All done! Aww!! Sappy Kaiba brother's scene! hehe .

Speaking of the Kaiba brother's....


"BYE, SETO!!!" A teary Mokona called as he attempted to enveloped Seto in a hug. The older Kaiba's eyes softening as he looked down at the black fur-ball.

"Stay safe, Seto." Mokona sniffed. Seto ruffled his little black head.

Malik poked his head out the door, "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!?! A talking rabbit!?"

"MOKONA IS MOKONA!!!" The enraged ball of fur cried.


Hehe...that's for you, Miss Mint. Since you dedicated something to me. xD

R&R my good people! ^.^