An--Aloha readers, well, this is it. The end of this journey, while at times out right painful, its been intresting. If you are absolutely in love with this story, I can tell you now that there will be one more story in this trilogy, it will be a oneshot, but it has been almost guiding me through this story. And for those of you who aren't in love with it, well, its over now. .

For all you who have continued to read this, mucho gracias!

As always, I don't own Criminal Minds, and honestly, I'd be a little worried if you thought I did.


"Morgan, you can stop pacing, I'm fine." JJ commanded, trying to refrain from rolling her eyes. Since Emily was now in labor and Garcia had Kevin to wait on her hand and foot, JJ was stuck being observed by the goon squad--Morgan, Reid, and Rossi.

"JJ, you look pale." Rossi observed. "Maybe we should get you something to eat..."

"Rossi, I'm always pale." JJ reminded him patiently.

"But this could really be something, maybe we should get you checked out again." The older man insisted.

"I swear, I'm fine." JJ promised, trying not to freak out.

"JJ, don't! You look stressed. You can't be stressed, you'll get high blood pressure and then you..." Reid began to hypervenhilate a little.

"I'm relaxed, I swear." JJ said, trying to calm him down. She had been going through with this for the last hour and was growing a little tired of it.

"You don't look relaxed." Reid shrieked, causing Morgan to begin to pace again.

As she went to comfort them--yet again, she heard a light knock at the door. "Who is it?"

"JJ, its me." Will said, his voice full of concern. "Are you in there?"

"Yes." She said excitedly, having dealt with the thought of having never saw him again, she couldn't have been more eager to get him in here.

As he let himself in, he saw Morgan, Reid and Rossi stare at him as he rushed to JJ's side, trudging along a still oblivious Henry. "Do you guys mind?" He asked awkwardly.

"Oh, well, uh..." Reid stammered as the other two men got up to leave. He followed them reluctantly, though secretly, he wanted to watch. He just loved happy endings.

As they heard the door shut, JJ smiled at him. "Hey stranger." She sighed as she kissed him sweetly.

"Where do I even begin with you?" He laughed wryly, having worried about her constantly for the last hour.

"If it makes you feel better, we never used the grill." JJ said seriously, bending over from her bed to pick up Henry. "Hey little man, I missed you."

"JJ, you could have been killed." Will said, blanching at the thought. "What have I said about opening the door for strangers?"

"Please don't parent me." JJ begged. "Besides, I didn't die."

"But you could have." Will insisted.

"But I didn't." JJ said stubbornly.

"But you could have."

"But I didn't!" JJ shouted frustratedly. "Seriously sweetie, we can play this game all day."

"How are you feeling?" Will conceeded, knowing that he would bring up this subject later.

"I'm fine. They bound us, but my circulation is doing fine so, no worries." JJ said triumphantly.

"No worries? You could have been killed." Will groaned, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Are you seriously trying to start that again?" JJ said, turning on him, she looked down to her little son. "Henry, your dad is what we call crazy. Can you say it? Cra--zee. Its easy really." She said in her gushiest mother voice.

"JJ, do you not understand what could have happened to you?" Will exasperated.

"Yes I do. I work for the BAU, how could I not? But it didn't, so please don't take that away from me." JJ said shortly. "If you're going to rain on my parade, you can leave."

"I don't want to leave." Will said softly, thinking of all the stress he had been through that day. "I never want to leave again. But you have no idea how worried I was that I could never see you again. JJ, I'm in love with you, it nearly killed me to think anything could happen to you."

"I love you too." She whispered, deciding to save the fight within her for another moment. She had her beloved husband, and that was enough for the moment. "I love you little guy." She said, turning to her son with complete devotion.

The family moment was interrupted by a wild rapping on the door.

"Who is it?" JJ called, her eyebrow quirked in confusion.

"Spen--Spenc--" A voice huffed, as though it had run up several flights of stairs. "Reid."

"You can come in..." She began.

"Baby Hotchner is..." He still panted, not opening the door because he had collapsed upon it. "Emily and Hotch..."

"BABY!" JJ cried, getting up from her hospital bed.

"Oh no you don't." Will commanded firmly. "We are taking the wheelchair."

"If I take the wheelchair, I'm never going to be able to catch an elevator." JJ reasoned. "This is the most condusive and effective way..."

"Nope. Wheelchair or nothing." Will said, standing his ground.

"Fine." JJ relented, surprised that she even got him to agree to leave her bed.

It took exactly eight minutes and thirty five seconds for JJ to reach the room where they had taken Emily. But every millisecond felt like it lasted for an eternity, JJ swore her entire life was shorter than the time period between when she left her room and when they reached the elevator. Finally opening the hospital room door, she saw the team huddled around a small blue bundle.

"Have I missed the party?" JJ teased, noting that Garcia as well was confined to the chair of torture. Apparently Will and Kevin had taken tips from each other after all.

"Not at all." Emily beamed, making JJ very glad that her pregnancy was over. She thought of how grateful she was that she wasn't the one who had to be around her dark haired friend when she went into transition...She would let Hotch have that displeasure. "Meet Ivan David Hotchner."

"He's named after me." Rossi said proudly, ignoring the massive eyeroll that Garcia gave.

"What is your name Ivan?" JJ taunted, causing Will to chuckle.

"No." Rossi said, actually answering the rhetorical question.

"You can hold him if you want." Emily said, offering the baby to JJ.

"What? You didn't let any of us hold him." Morgan said indignantly.

"That's because you aren't a mother. You wouldn't understand." Emily defended, handing the little boy over to her blonde counterpart. Everyone was so focused on the interchange that they nearly missed Kevin attempting to say something before Garcia quickly wheeled over his foot.

"Hi Ivan." JJ cooed. "You don't look like Attila the Hun after all."

"But he does look like Ivan the Terrible. Different dictator, same game." Garcia teased.

"You know what? I am sick and..." Emily began before JJ carefully intervened.

"Emily, he is gorgeous." JJ said, deflecting Emily's rage for another day.

"I know, isn't he?" Emily said proudly as Hotch nodded in agreement. "We ermm...wanted to know if you, in collaberation with Rossi, would like to be his godmother?"

"Sure." JJ said excitedly. "Hi Ivan! Guess what? We are going to be buddies for life."

"Wait? Does everyone either have a child or a godchild besides me?" Morgan noted.

"Don't worry Morgan, soon I'm sure my Penelope will want you to---" Kevin's comforting words were once again cut off by his girlfriend rolling her wheelchair over his foot and shooting him a death glare.

"Yeah, soon." Morgan scoffed obliviously as the others turned gaping eyes to their ostentatious friend. "Like in ten years!" He pouted.

"Or seven months." Garcia admitted happily. She had wanted to wait to tell everyone, the doctors having just revealed the reason for her upset stomach merely moments before, but Kevin's slip of the tongue was not going to make her miss out on the joy of springing the news to her favorite people.

"Congratulations!" Reid and Will cried at once, while the others simply beamed with excitement.

"I do have one stipulation." Kevin pointed out, puffing out his chest to make himself look more intimidating.

"What's that?" Garcia looked up at him in confusion.

"No more Girls' Nights until the baby is born. It's bad luck to have one of you three pregnant and leave you alone together." Will stated, reading the computer wiz's mind as the three ladies rolled their eyes.

"Deal." Hotch, Morgan, Rossi, Reid, and Kevin all said in agreement. No matter what Emily said about feminism, or what JJ would try and do in persuasion, the men of the BAU would stop at nothing to prevent the three from getting together under the same roof alone until Garcia's baby was born. Really, it was for their own sanity.

AN 2--And there it is. The major drive for this story was the idea that I have for a one-shot follow-up. So, look for that if you've liked this story. If you didn't like it...the one-shot is probably going to be a little bit more for your fancy. After that, I am signing off the H/P ship, so get it now while you still can :)