"He was of unimpressive height, of an unintimidating build. Yet his aura was colossal, almost choking with regal intensity. He wore an elegant cape of raven and imperial purple embroidered with two beautiful, ascending phoenixes. His mantle was supported by a raised, neck-surrounding collar that doubled as an ornate, black and gold breastplate. His long, brocaded coat was of the darkest blue and lustrous yellow, save for the light, plaid silver armour that fitted snugly beneath it. It was held in place by a partial vest of dull chrome with four black and gold straps and a silver hanging chain, accompanied by a blue, oval jewel at its centre. His trousers were also patterned, although of the richest night as well, and the ends of his shoes were raised upwards, as was the custom of officials of high rank in this nation. Save for his face, his entire body was outfitted: he had even donned his hands with a pair of black gloves.

Judging from his visage, he should have been in his late thirties. His eyes were narrow, shrewd, powerful, and his nose straight and penetrating. His cheekbones were elevated, his lips tightly pursed. On his head was the small, unobtrusive crown of a king. The manner in which his jet-black hair and goatee was arranged gave him the impression of a stern, scholarly demon."

- Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms


"The woman shone with a glorious, luminous radiance. A sacrosanct nimbus emanated around her, and a golden sun-halo hovered above her ornate, jewelled headdress. Her flowing, elaborately ponytailed, snow-white hair lent her an air of authority, whilst her perfect, smooth face, with pouting lips and large, golden eyes, was infinitely seductive yet infinitely regal. Her figure was no less breathtaking, no less awesome, no less inspiring. Her tight, patterned top exposed her pearly-pale midsection and her back, as if she was offering herself in sensual surrender. A lustrous diadem of the Supreme Ultimate, which also held together her raised, jade-gold collar, glimmered just above her ample breasts, which were hugged by a brassiere of diamonds and lapis lazuli. Fastened beneath her navel was a lavish heraldic coat. White and black stockings enfolded her shapely legs, decorated with symbols of the I Ching. Draping down her thighs was a long, green and ebony overskirt, shimmering with motifs of the cosmos.

Any mortal man would have instantly died upon looking at her splendid countenance. But Cao Cao was no ordinary mortal."

- Chronicles of the Dynastic Divinities


Welcome to Heaven's Mandate. This pairing focuses on Dynasty Warriors 6 Cao Cao and Warriors Orochi 2 Nu Wa, in which their relationship is changed slightly from WO2 (since I much prefer the DW6 incarnation of Cao Cao). The goddess is no longer merely a concerned observer, but a childhood friend from his dark youth. Once a sneering, insolent boy, he quickly grows into a handsome and ruthless military mastermind, and as he acquires supreme political power in China, Nu Wa wonders just how this lad will keep the promise he made to her in his boyhood. Their relationship therefore spans many archetypes - while they sarcastically refer to each other as "Elder Sister" and "little brother", their interaction overlaps on different archetypes of elder sister/younger brother in his boyhood, of lovers and quarrellers in his young manhood, and as his advisor in his later military campaigns. This is an ongoing and not necessarily chronological project, for this compilation of one-shots aims nothing more than to provide glimpses into the tense, stormy, ironic but inherently tender relationship between the mortal Hero of Chaos and the immortal Empress of Heaven.

One-shot 1: What I Truly Seek

175 C.E. Royal Gardens. Cao Cao's private spring residence

Oh, how long had he waited for another opportunity such as this!

The twenty-year-old Hero of Chaos could not have imagined anything worthier as a gift: another visit from the holy, radiant Nu Wa herself. Everything had come together that beautiful spring day – the climate was no longer bitterly cold like it so often was in the north, but indulgently cool, complete with gentle zephyrs that rustled the large trees sheltering the imperial precincts. The lush gardens welcomed the springtime like a lover welcoming his beloved home. And it was as if Heaven itself welcomed his turning of age, eager for him to soar far beyond the broken remains of the dying Han Dynasty… to usher in a guiding law that would transcend the ineffectual relics of the past.

But Heaven was already here, for she was with him.

And now…

She sat at the edge of a stone bench under the roof of a hexagonal pavilion beside the central pond, and he reclined along their seat, resting his head on her lap as she steadily stroked back his black hair. The songbirds twittered joyfully amongst the flourishing peonies as man and goddess immersed themselves in one another's company, the former a young military mastermind, the latter the Empress of Heaven, the Creator Goddess who had granted him her support.

"The conqueror of China can subjugate the northern empires and send warlords to their knees," she murmured fondly as she beamed down at him, her golden eyes glimmering. "But he can't even persuade a single soul to drop by and visit him today. You really don't have much of a life beyond your men and officers, do you? Birthday boy."

"I must thank you for coming. Despite all the people I have killed, and all the cities I have occupied, you still nurture me like this." He bit his lip in a desperate attempt to restrain his emotion, his gratitude. His feverish hands caressed her radiant thigh as he buried his face against her. "Elder Sister," he murmured quietly, his voice filled with passion and intensity.

"Do you realize how disturbing that really sounds?" she teased, her shining palms cupping his demonic face delicately, as if it was precious porcelain.

"You created the first humans from the earth, moulding them with your own loving hands. Really, my ancestors did not emerge from your celestial womb. So our relationship is not of the revolting type at all," he snorted. "And I thought divinities transcended mere verbal labels and names. I believed that they were wiser than us pathetic mortals." He looked at her piercingly. "Oh, excuse me. It slipped my mind. It is you we are speaking of here."

She reproachfully pressed her gloved, slender finger against his sharp nose. "You're right," she admitted softly. "You remind me of many things that I should not have forgotten in this long life of mine." She paused in bemusement. "But sometimes, I wonder if you truthfully know what you really seek."

"What are you blabbering about, woman? I seek only your approval," he muttered. "At least for today, I search for nothing else. But the promise I made to you when I had merely seen seven summers – I have not forgotten it, no. That is why I continue with all my conquests… to obtain your favour."

"Divine favour? Political favour?" She pouted down at his dark countenance. "Or carnal favour?"

He suddenly sneered. "How about all three?"

Despite herself, she could not help laughing quietly. "Oh, dear me. You are one greedy, greedy boy." She slowly drew down and kissed him, catching him off-guard. His hands moved almost frantically to return her grip. He scrabbled at her luminous white hair, at her soft pale skin. "Settle down, kid," she purred quickly, as their lips and tongues took hold and danced. She closed her eyes, enjoying his sharp, awed intake of breath. "Your head is in my lap, you know. I'm not leaving anytime soon…"

Frolicking on the branches of the plum trees, the birds twittered again gleefully.

"Little brother," she murmured, in between his sighs and soft growls, "You are one of the most astute, scheming men I have ever met on this Earth. You are ambitious… power-hungry… cruel… the world is your tool for ultimate power, and there can be no other way. Yet… you openly pine for me. Your men are infinitely valuable to you, yet I am more so. I am… one of the very reasons for the ambition you are so proud of. The dream that you swagger around so proudly upon." She brushed her mouth along him again. "Tell me, little brother. What has compelled you to love me? What could you possibly hate so much that forces you into my arms?"

His quiet response was utterly sincere and forthright, as he looked her in the eye.


She stared at him for several moments as her fingers paused to rest on his left breast, sensing his fluttering heart. How surprising. Despite her vast divine intellect, she really had not foreseen those words. She pondered over them for several moments while the palm trees rustled with pleasure at the renewed gentle wind. It frivolously blew across the curved bridges that acted as picturesque walkways across the lotus pond. As goldfish continued their smooth course through the waters, the couple fell into several minutes of silence, she admiring his ambition and fearlessness, and he her unsurpassable splendour.

"The blossoms are thriving, and I have a present for you, child," she whispered.

His eyes narrowed in concentration. "What might that be, Elder Sister?"

She raised a hand and clicked her fingers. A flash of light, and a crackling noise like placid thunder. At her silent bidding, a beautiful longsword suddenly manifested in the air before dropping to the ground before them, clanging against the ornate stone. It possessed a wide golden guard, and at its centre was engraved with an ivory and ebony symbol of Yin and Yang. Cao Cao stared at it whilst Nu Wa continued to stroke his hair. "This is the Sword of Heaven," she informed, "and for many centuries it has remained in my care. You require a new weapon, yes? I now entrust it to you."

"And the catch is?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

"There are none!" exclaimed Nu Wa, mildly offended. She slapped his cheek lightly, and he winced. "You paranoid brat. If you can't trust me, I'd like to see you trust human beings."

"I don't," muttered the man.

"You are so frustrating!" admonished the goddess, glaring down at him. "Are you going to take it or not – oh…"

He lifted his head from her lap and rose. He turned, taking hold of her neck and pulling her close. He met her lips and stole another deep, soulful kiss before relenting, cradling her cheeks in his hands.

He slowly opened his eyes to see her gaping at him.

"How dare you," she whispered in amazement.

"I thank you again," he replied, silencing her. "But I know that I can never fully repay the debt that I owe you."

He tore his gaze away from her and peered at the sword on the ground. "The Sword of Heaven," he repeated thoughtfully, leaving his stone seat and lifting up the weapon with care. "So you wish me to wield this blade on the field of battle."

"It possesses the element of ice and the power of the Void Flash," murmured Nu Wa, stroking her bottom lip with her thumb. She stared at him while he admired the sword's otherworldly craftsmanship and metallurgy. "It will banish your enemies in prisons of ice, and the Void Flash will allow you to slay them in one blow. With this present, you will not fall to men that seek to steal your dreams from you." She followed him and stepped forward, her white high heels gliding along the stone ground. She met his burning eyes, and her irises shone with an equal intensity.

"But if anyone manages to slip past the Sword of Heaven… then I will intervene."


She stopped in disbelief as he shook his head almost desperately. "That I enjoy your Mandate, the Mandate of Heaven, is salvation enough. I am strong enough, Nu Wa. My armies are strong enough. Even if the entire world corners me… even if I shall die an agonizing, tortured death… I wish to win you the realm I promised you with my own hands. Do not violate the free will of men. Do not concern yourself with something as insignificant as my life. For in my vision lies something beyond the worth of mortality itself."

"Then at the very least, on the day you perish, let me be there, ready to take you home with me," she replied immediately, her voice shaking ever so slightly.

The Sword of Heaven – Nu Wa's gift – clanged to the ground a second time as Cao Cao reached over and embraced the goddess, his arms tight around her and his hands firm on her waist.

"Elder Sister," he whispered.

She smirked triumphantly as she kissed him on the lips again.

"Happy birthday, little brother."