A/N: Ok so I got WAY more reviews for this than I expected to and I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who left me a review! You all rock!!! So here is chapter 2 and it's not been edited or anything so I'll probably end up reposting this as an edited and fixed version later but I feel bad for leaving this hanging for so long. =D

A/N 2: I don't think I posted this in the last chapter or the summary but this is going to be fem-slash so if you don't like that then I suggest you quit reading right now!

Disclaimer: I don't remember if I put this on chapter one or not but here it is: Nothing is mine!! Except my best friend and my boyfriend! Haha :P

Chapter 2: Surprises

Selena's POV:

Standing about 10 feet away from me is my best friend, holding a camera and laughing really hard. She is still looking at the display on the camera when I squeal "DEMI!!!" and launch myself into her arms. With my arms around her neck and hers around my waist we stumble backwards a couple feet before just falling over completely. We just continue hugging while lying on the ground with me on top of her, by the way have I mentioned we are laughing incredibly hard! I pull back slightly when I hear Dem mumble something into my neck but I can't understand her. "What did you say?" I ask her.

"I said I've missed you SO much!" She replies with tears in her eyes.

I start to cry too as I say "Dem, you have no idea how badly I have missed you!"

I prop myself up on my elbows looking down into her eyes as she says "Well if it's anywhere near as much as I've missed you, I have a pretty good idea."

I smile before leaning down and kissing her on the cheek. Then I roll off of her and the two of us stand up walking into the house.

"MOM!!!" I yell as soon as we get inside. She comes around the corner before getting a big grin on her face and hugging Demi tightly. They pull away and Demi grabs my hand in hers before leading me up the stairs to my room. We collapse onto my bed and pull each other close before starting our meaningless chatter that caries on well into the night before we both fall asleep. We both were getting really tired so we got up and changed into some pajamas, then we got back into the bed under the covers. We say goodnight and I go to roll over onto my side with my back facing Dem, you know to give her some space seeing as how I've been crowding her all evening, but that doesn't work so well.

You see I get about half way there before Demi says "Umm, what are you doing?! I haven't been able to cuddle with you while we sleep for longer than a month!!" So I just smile and turn back around putting my head on her chest and wrapping my arm across her stomach while she wraps me in a hug. This is going to be the best sleep I've gotten since she left, I can already tell.

Demi's POV:

So I've been sitting here waiting for Selena to come out of the house for about 15 minutes now. I know that she has to go somewhere sometime soon; she never was able to stay in the house for very long.

OOH! There she is. Sel just walked out of the house and is on her way down the road to go for a walk so I stand up to head into the house and wait in her room to surprise her. I dropped my camera so I stoop back down to pick it up when I see Selena heading back, so I dive down into the bushes. I just happened to be sitting back up and seeing if my camera worked when Sel decided to check the mail which is right next to the bushes I'm in, so she heard me.

As she walks around the corner I snap a picture of her shocked face at seeing me. I'm looking at the picture on the display when I hear Sel squeal my name and the next thing I know she's launched herself into my arms. Out of habit her arms go around my neck and mine go around her waist. We stumble backwards for a couple feet before we just fall over. Sel lands on top of me while I land on my back. We just lay there hugging and laughing for a little bit before I say "I've missed you SO much!"

She can't understand me though seeing as how my face is buried in her neck. She asks me what I said so I pull my head back as best as I can and repeat myself…and now I'm starting to cry! She tells me that I have no idea how bad she's missed me but if it's anywhere near as much as I've missed her I have a pretty good idea. Apparently I said this out loud. She's crying too as she's propped up on her elbows and we stare into each other's eyes.

Suddenly I have this strange feeling in my stomach, and then I wonder what it would be like to kiss her. I'm snapped out of my weird thoughts as Sel leans down and kisses my cheek then rolls off of me. We link our arms and walk into the house. Selena calls Mom and she comes around the corner wrapping me in a huge hug.

After we pull out of the hug and I grab Selena's hand and lead her up to her room. We climb into her bed and snuggle up to each other and talk for the next couple hours. Then we change into some PJs and get back into the bed.

Sel starts to roll over so her back is facing me, but I will have none of that! I stop her and ask incredulously what she thinks she is doing. I haven't gotten good nights sleep since I left and I think it's because she hasn't been there to snuggle with me. I tell her this, and her eyes light up before she snuggles up to me with her head on my chest while I wrap her in a hug.

We are both almost completely asleep when I hear "Dem?" in a whisper so soft I almost didn't catch it.

"Yea Sel?" I answer. "I love you." she says. I can hear the smile on her face.

"I love you too, Sel. Promise me something?" I ask.

"Anything." she says.

"Promise me that will never change."

She sits up and looks me dead in the eye before saying "Demi Lovato, I love you now, I've loved you since we were seven years old, and I will love you as long as I'm still alive. Nothing could ever change that. This past month has been horrible not getting to see you everyday. Don't ever think that I don't love you or that I'm going to stop loving you." Somewhere in the middle of her speech I started to cry and when she finished I flung my arms around her neck. She could tell I was having a moment of insecurity and she fixed it just as easily as she ever does.

"I love you too Sel. Forever. No matter what." She just hugs me tighter.

Then she pulls back, kisses my forehead and says "Now, come on let's go to sleep. We have a huge day ahead tomorrow."

"Ok" I say. We just lie back down and she pulls me to her. Snuggling back up with each other we go to sleep.

Mandy POV:

I went upstairs to check on the girls and make sure they were sleeping. I brought my camera with me because I want to send it to Dallas so she knows that they are safe and happy.

Don't ask me how it got started but ever since the girls first met we've been documenting it all with pictures and videos. Now granite the girls don't know about half of the videos that we have but still.

Anyway, I especially wanted to bring my camera with me when I went to check on them after they see each other for the first time in over a month, I just know that it is going to be SO cute. When I say cute, I'm talking like a cuteness overload.

I push the door open silently and step in, raising my camera up to take the picture when Selena starts to talk. So I switch it to video and record the entire conversation. Turns out I was right on my thinking of how there was going to be a cuteness overload. It has to be the cutest, sweetest thing I have seen in so long.

I wonder when the girls will realize they love each other in all the meanings of the word. We all see it except them.

Alyson's POV:

So I sat in the car and wound up on someone's lap. I'll give three guesses as to who it is! Need a hint? Ah screw it, I'll just tell you. IT'S TAYLOR!!! The one and only Taylor Lautner. One of my best friends in the entire world.

Anyway, when I realized that I was sitting on someone I jumped off onto the seat next to said person. That's when I figured out who it was, by the uncontrollable laughing! "TAYLOR!" I squeal flinging my arms around his neck. He laughs and hugs me back.

Since I started filming Camp Rock 2 and Taylor was doing publicity for Twilight we hadn't gotten to see each other in several months. We joke around and mess with each other for the rest of the ride back to my house.

When we pull around the corner I see my sisters standing on the steps waiting for me to get there. We pull up to the house and I jump out of the car running up to them and tackling them in a huge hug. We were all standing there hugging; I haven't seen my sisters in WAY too long for how close we are.

I mean, we have been super close for as long as I can remember. Plus, ever since we started filming Camp Rock last year and they came to visit me on location the same time that Dallas was staying with Demi and Meaghan's sister was visiting too, the four of them hit it off, so all seven of us hang out as often as possible.

Anyway I got kinda sidetracked there. So we're still just standing there hugging when Taylor comes up behind us to wait until we go inside. That's when my sisters notice he's here and pull him into the hug too. They think of him as a little brother with how much time we've spent together over the past years.

Let me just say that I hate the paparazzi so much sometimes. Apparently they decided to follow me after I got in the car. I only know this cause about a million flashes went off from the time I stepped out of the car until just now while we are walking into the house. I wonder what the headline will be for these pictures!

We go inside and sit down at the couch talking and catching up in person, phone calls and letters aren't good enough. Then we decide to watch a movie. I'll let you know how that goes, should be fun!! It is so good to be home.

Meaghan's POV:

Let me just tell you that when I stepped into this car, all I expected to see was empty seats with a note from my parents telling me they were too busy to come get me. So, I am extremely happy right now because I am sitting straight across from my sister. I practically jump into her arms I'm so happy to see her. We hug for a little bit longer before I pull back and ask "What are you doing here?!"

She laughs and says "I have a surprise for you!"

"WHAT?! What?! Tell me please!!" I say getting all excited.

"Well, I talked to Mom and Dad, because I know how horrible it is living there with all of the fighting and screaming and everything, plus I felt so bad for leaving you there when I moved out, soooo, YOU'RE MOVING IN WITH ME!!!! Well, if you want to anyway." Rebecca tells me.

"OH MY GOD!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!! I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE WITH YOU!!!" I scream. I know…it seems like I'm being a little bit dramatic but I'm really not. You have no clue what it's like since she left.

Anytime Mom or Dad would tell me how much they hated me, or when Dad would get drunk and start being abusive, Becca would come into my room and stay with me. She would hug me close and tell me it was going to be ok, that she loved me, and so did Sean and Zach. Then my life went all to crap when she moved out the same year that Sean did, leaving Zach and me with the parents.

"Wait, what about Zach?!" I ask her as soon as I realize there is no way I can leave him there alone.

"He's already moved in. As soon as you left for filming again I went and picked him up with all of his things and brought him home. Sean's coming home too. Actually, we're going to go pick him up from the airport later tonight."

As soon as Rebecca finishes telling me this I'm too shocked to say anything else. Sean moved out three years ago and I haven't seen him since then. We talk constantly, but it's not the same.

Life is getting so much better, it's almost like I'm dreaming. *pinch* OUCH! Ok, so it's not a dream. This is happening!!!! I have got to call Alyson and Demi as soon as I get to my home. I've never said that before. I always said house. Now, now I have a home. And now, I can't wait to see Zach and Sean!! I'm so happy!!!!

Dallas POV:

I'm sitting down to check my email, expecting one from Mandy telling me that the girls are being unfairly cute—unfairly cos I'm not there to see it—like they always are. It's so adorable to watch those two; they are completely clueless about their feelings towards each other. So many other people can see it, and not just all of us that know them, I was searching the internet the other day and I found this entire community of people on livejournal that have all kinds of evidence supporting why they think they love each other! It was so funny to read all of that and they are way closer than they realize as far as I'm concerned. Anyway, I just got this email from Mandy saying that as soon as Demi surprised Selena they went upstairs and didn't come down for the rest of the night but she could hear giggling the whole time. She also said that when she went to take a picture of them snuggling like they always do, she overheard a conversation that will make my heart melt. Apparently she recorded it and sent the video to me. I think I'm just gonna have to watch it!!

Oh my God! Mandy was totally right about the heart melting! That was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen!!! After seeing them do that as best friends, I can't wait to see or hear every detail about when they realize their true feelings! I kinda hope that I get to see the first kiss! It's gonna be adorable!

I'm thinking about calling Becca and seeing if she wants to hang out with Jamie and Carrie cos I know that the girls are gonna want to see each other before we go back to finish filming. Plus I wanna see them; we haven't gotten together in a really long time.