I love this anime so much and I've been dying to make a Fanfiction! I hope you enjoy it and please review!

Chapter one

Sunako felt uneasy when she entered the house. The faint scent of burning incense tickled her nose. Light headed from the aroma, Sunako made her way slowly towards the kitchen. Gripping her grocery bags like weapons and adjusting her eyes to the darkness, she crept quietly through the house. What were these creatures of light playing at? This was obviously an ambush, they've done before and certainly desperate enough to do it again. But what could they possibly want from her this time?!

Candles created a flickering pathway on the floor. Dropping her load out front of the kitchen, Sunako decided it safe to make a dash for her bedroom. In a brisk stride she headed for her private sanctuary; the candles continuing to trail ahead of her.

Clenching her fists to her sides and bowing her head, Sunako fumed silently to herself. Her door was open. Why was her door open. Who had invaded her sanctuary…

"How shall I do this? Whisper her name seductively and draw her towards us or shall I lay across her bed and a wait our princess?" Ranmaru pondered aloud, dancing around the pitch black room.

"You're so disgusting and this room is scaring me… Why do we ALL have to be down here?" Yuki whined, clinging to Takenaga.

"Yeah, why do we all have to be down here?" Kyouhei growled from his seat in front of the television.

Yuki peered over the blonde boys shoulder, immediately regretting the action. Chain saws and blood didn't agree with him.

"When is she going to be home?!?" Yuki cried latching onto her bed post and wailing his heart out.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Takenaga paced the room hurriedly. He still wasn't sure whether this was the best way to go about doing this. Sure she'd love the eerie atmosphere of candles and incense but could that over ride the fact they were now crowded in her room? Would she brush that off or kill them all? Most importantly would she even agree to his request? Hell would she even give him a chance to ask?!

"I heard a door…" Yuki murmured tightening his hold on the bed.

Pressing her ear to her door, she listened to the sound of their muffled voices. She could clearly distinguish Yuki's childish whimpering.

"How dare they…Bastards…"

Throwing the door open, Sunako dived into the room. Breathing heavily and hunched over, she glared around at them. Ranmaru was sitting casually on her bed attempting to charm her with his smile. Takenaga of course rolled his eyes at her reaction and remained firmly in the center of the room. She couldn't see Yuki, perhaps he was hiding under the bed by now. But then there was him…

"MY MOVIES! GET AWAY FROM MY PRECIOUS MOVIES!" Sunako screamed, sending a good kick towards Kyouhei.

"Hey I didn't touch them! This one was already playing!" Kyouhei shouted back, jumping up and going on the defence.


"Sunako please. Please, just listen to us." Takenaga pleaded, motioning for the girl to settle down.

Sunako heaved in a gulp of air, the sweet scent of incense was fogging her mind. The darkness concealing their powerful lightness helped her control the spasm of blood that threatened to escape. Still, this was HER sanctuary…

"You have 5 seconds before I decapitate you all with my bare hands…" She seethed.

Dropping to the ground she sat cross legged, waiting for their response. Yuki crawled into view and hid behind Kyouhei who stood above her scowling.

Takenaga let out a sigh of relief. Much easier than he had expected. He knew the only way to catch her would be to wait in her room and with no lights on she'd feel comfortable. He's attempt to butter her up with spiritual scents and candles obviously helped a little.

"4 seconds."

"Alright, your aunt called," Takenaga began.

Sunako nodded her head, imagining all the horrifying things that could come from a single phone call. She loves her aunt dearly but that woman was nothing but trouble; always disturbing her solitude…

"She's flying us out to a secluded beach house." He continued, pausing for a moment to assess her reaction.

Any girl would have been jumping up and down by now, giddy with excitement. A beach house with four extremely attractive boys?! SWEET! No, not Sunako. Takenaga couldn't see properly through the darkness whether she was going to vomit or cry, maybe both.

"It's end of the school year vacation. Everything is already there. Clothes, food… She kept mentioning clothes…" Takenaga pointed out thoughtfully.

"Woman just wanted an excuse to go on a shopping spree…" Kyouhei grunted, back in front of the horror flick.

"I'll go."

Ranmaru tumbled off the bed and Yuki fell backwards. Takenaga appeared shocked for a fraction of a second and Kyouhei twisted his neck around like in the exorcist.

"YOU WHAT!?!" They all exclaimed.

Sunako shrugged her shoulders and stood up from the ground. It would hurt her aunt if she didn't except this gift. She'd just lock herself in room there… No big deal.

"You understand there's going to be sunshine. Lots of it and heat. Swimming and shopping and … and…" Yuki stuttered.

"The stupid dolls aren't coming!" Kyouhei snapped, pointing his finger at the girl.

Eye twitching and jaw popping in and out of place, Sunako reached for her best friend.

"Hiroshi goes where I go!" Sunako hissed, hugging the mannequin close to her body.

"I don't think so! The dumb thing stays here!" Kyouhei said, pulling Hiroshi from her arms and throwing him across the room.


"Sunako, You aunt demanded that we bring nothing. That includes Hiroshi, John and Josephine, I'm sorry." Takenaga sighed apologetically but went unnoticed.

Sunako let out a war cry and tackled the blonde haired god to the floor. Her delicate, white fingers grasping his throat.


"KYOUHEI!" Yuki cried, tears streaming form his eyes.

"GET OFF ME YOU CRAZY FREAK!" Kyouhei rasped, pushing at the girl with all his might.

Sunako straddled him to the ground, fighting to keep a hold on his neck but failed each time. He was much bigger than her and stronger when it involved him keeping his life.

"Yuki, Takenaga, shall we leave them to their kinky foreplay?" Ranmaru questioned politely, pushing the other two young men from the room.

"I said get off me!" Kyouhei growled, tossing the girl a side and making a dash for the door.

Sunako leapt to her feet in pursuit. A conveniently placed DVD case slid underneath her foot. Letting out a squeak of surprise, Sunako threw her hands out to shield her face.

Kyouhei turned in confusion at the sound just in time. Leaning forward and hooking his arms under his own, he saved her from a painful crash.

Sunako huffed gently, her violet eyes in a daze. Kyouhei felt a jolt of heat rush up his arms. A light shade of pink caressing his cheeks in the darkness.

"Dumb girl. Are you okay?" Kyouhei said in an irritated tone, masking something quite similar to… affection?

Sunako made the mistake of looking up. His full lips mere centimetres from her own. His eyes lidded lazily and his lashes fluttering. His breath was hot against her face, fanning her bangs away. His own backs fell gracefully over his eyes. Those beautiful eyes.

"OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" Kyouhei hollered in disgust.

Sunako charged for her bed, blood dripping in her wake. Kyouhei marched form the room, slamming the door behind him. Whipping the blood from his face and onto his sleeve. Kyouhei couldn't help but give a crooked smile. Sometimes it was easy to forget she was Sunako. Sometimes she just seemed like every other girl.

"Until she explodes with fucking blood…." Kyouhei muttered to himself, stomping away from the weird girl's room.

Well I hope you liked it so far and maybe you'll review? Please review!