AN: This episode has definitely joined my list of favorites. Enough Tony/Gibbs friendship to last a lifetime :). Here's a quick beginning to what I hope will be many inspired Tags! Thanks and Enjoy! More to come soon.


Tony: Boat. Bourbon. Basement. I get it.


Gibbs set his glass down when he heard the faint foot steps of someone in his home. His eye sight may have been going, but his hearing was as sharp as ever. And not just anyone had the designer shoes to walk that softly.

"Nothing worth taking up there DiNozzo…" He shouted well before Tony had made his way through the basement door and down a few steps.

"I was just…"

"Debating whether or not to come down here?" Gibbs finished for him and motioned towards the empty glass on his work table.

"You were expecting me?"

Gibbs poured liberally into his glass and let his stare speak for itself.

"Thanks boss." He took the glass and gazed around a bit. "She's looking good boss… think you'll ever take her out?"

"Bourbon. Boat. Basement, remember? I didn't hear the word talk in there did you?"

"Right," Tony agreed with a smile. "So should I sand or something?"

"How about you just watch for a little while?"

Tony knew better than to question him and sipped his drink slowly. It was after a fair amount of watching and a fair amount of bourbon before Tony broke the silence. "So you think you'll ever go back to Mexico?"

Gibbs picked up on the tone in his voice and almost smiled. He figured it'd be at least two full glasses before Tony started posing questions. "Itchy to get back on the mound already DiNozzo?"

"No," he finished off his glass and took the liberty of refilling both their glasses. "I was just curious. I mean, do you ever think about it?"


Tony accepted the short response. "So did I pass?"

Gibbs smirked a bit. "Did you come here for affirmation Tony?"

"Ha! Of course not boss." He stopped himself. "Okay, maybe I did."

"I only do sappy once a day. So keep drinking and keep watching."

Tony sighed. "But what about the Boat part of the equation? I know she's your baby and all, but how about a little trust? I used to work on my Dad's boat when I was a kid."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah," he stepped towards the hull. "He let me restock the bar on his yacht."

Gibbs managed a smile before tossing some wax in his direction. "Watch carefully. Or you'll be wearing that Bourbon."

Tony focused as best he could before he was allowed to venture on his own. It took a full ten minutes before Gibbs stopped hovering over him. After their fifth or sixth glass Gibbs figured he'd be carrying Tony up the stairs by the endo f the night.

"Time for bed DiNozzo."

Tony whined. "But I just started getting the hang of this."

Gibbs had to smile as a lasting memory of his daughter rushed his mind. "Boats not going anywhere…"

"And you're not either right?"

Gibbs ran a hand over his face. "DiNozzo, for the last time, I'm not going back to Mexico."

"I knew that." He took a step forward and stumbled a bit, only to have Gibbs reach out a hand to steady him. "I mean who wants around the clock sun, beer and Mike Franks to keep you company?"

"I'll take what I got here just fine."

Tony swayed a bit. "Even a peacock like me?"

Gibbs smiled as he began to lead him up the stairs. "Especially a peacock like you DiNozzo…"