Tim: We've just never heard you say that much in one day before.

Ziva: Or in a week.

Gibbs: Wasn't my job before.


"What do you think he meant by that?" Tim posed the question after he and his two teammates entered the elevator to go home.

"The boss is better left unanalyzed Probie, trust me."

Ziva chimed in next. "He meant that it is his job to teach us McGee. You understood that yes?"

"Well yeah," he agreed. "But how often does he already know the answer when he asks us? I mean if he already knows than wouldn't he be wasting time by asking us…and in turn following leads he knows wont get us anywhere?"

"You've been spending too much time with Abby, McRunOn…"

"Gibbs would not send us on a wild geese chase." Ziva countered.

"Goose," Tony corrected. "Goose."

"But sometimes there is more than one goose to chase yes?"

Tony nodded. "Touché."

"I'm serious guys, I mean cant you help but wonder if we are just puppets in a show?"

Tony and Ziva glanced at each other for a moment.

"Probie, let me do the metaphors okay? First of all, could the boss do this job on his own? Probably. Does he really need us to take pictures, sketch and interview? Probably. Would it take him twice as long without us? Probably. So quit worrying about whether we're puppets and keep worrying about having an answer when he asks a question. Otherwise…you'll be doing puppet shows for a living."

Ziva nodded towards him. "Well said Tony."

"Thanks…" He sent her a smile before patting McGee on the back and stepping off the elevator. "That give you your answer Probie?"

Tim smiled in return. "You know, I never thought I'd say this Tony, but you're right."

Tony waved as he walked towards his car. "It's been known to happen."