A/N So what is this story? Well its inspired by a Mark Twain Story called the Diary of Adam and Eve. So that was the inspiration. Like those stories I'm going to go through a certain familiar tale and a little beyond it as well. I.E after the fall. So that's what you're in for.

If you're religious. Just relax this is just a story I'm not trying to push some agenda down your throat. If you're anti religious just relax this only a story I'm not trying to push an agenda down your throat

You may notice the shorter chapter length, its me trying something. Oh and I'll finish Scrooge eventually XD

So here's the story. With my SINCEREST APOLOGIES to Mark Twain for this adaptation which would probably suck in his eyes. (Oh if anyone can think of a better title let me know XD)



He was lying in the shadow of a tree, as nude as the day he was created; amongst a row of tall grass. He lifted his head slightly when a lion pushed through the grass and entered his field of vision. It carried a banana between its jaws that it dropped at his feet. He nodded to it in acknowledgment. Its job apparently done, the lion turned and darted back through the grass.

He grinned as he snatched the fruit off the ground, peeled back its skin and began munching on it.

"That's the problem with delivery, it never tastes as good handpicked," he sighed.

While he stuffed his mouth he noticed a small pink creature scrambling out of the grass towards him.

"Hey little guy."

The creature squeaked.

He smiled. "Eh, its paradise, I got no complaints. Though I think I'm losing weight. Like right around this area." He poked at the section of his body right above his abdomen region. "Something just feels less."

The pink creature squeaked again.

"Y'know a dip in the Spring of Heat and Gentle Stroking Waves sounds good. But there's one problem." He collected the small mammal in his hands and stood up. He pointed off in the distance and immediately a flash of red appeared. The animal squinted and rubbed its eyelids. It grunted in surprise.

He scratched the top of his head in confusion. "I don't know, but it's been following me for hours. I wish it would hang around some of the other animals."


She scanned the field. Disappointment quickly settled in as she realized she had lost the "other" even though she had been careful to follow it at some distance for most of the afternoon. She wanted to study on what it was, and what it was for. Even now she couldn't come to any satisfying conclusion, but what she did discover was that tracking it seemingly made it nervous and unhappy. Still she felt more curious about it than any of the other animals she had run across. She resolved herself that the next time she saw it she would approach it. But until then she might as well work on something else.

Looking around her immediate surroundings her eyes fell on a small stone on the ground. For now she would work on learning distance. Last night she had discovered stars and found them to beautiful. It had occurred to her if she could knock a few down from the air, she wouldn't mind placing a few in her hair. Though she had tossed stones up at the sky for most of the evening, she couldn't manage to hit one.

Scooping the stone she decided then it was also time to judge her arm strength. Rearing back she tossed the stone as far as she could. Shielding her eyes from the sun she watched the arc of the rock as it came down in the tall grass.

"Ow! What in the voice's name was that?"

Before she knew it she was rushing towards the source of the sound. She felt a thrill go through her. Not only had she found it again but it had used language.


"What is this?" He asked as he ran a hand across his forehead. "It's a very uncomfortable feeling."

He looked up just in time to see her come running up to him. She came to a halt a few feet away from him. Her eyes shined at the sight of him.

He held up the stone. "Hey you dropped this. On my head!"

"Are you a reptile?" She began to circle around him. "No I've never seen a reptile with hair. Blond hair, brown eyes, you have no hips…"

"And no…." with that she looked down at her chest. "Well they're not as out there."

His eyes fell below her waist. "Yeah, well from where I'm standing your short on some stuff. Did you toss them in the air too?"

"No a reptile doesn't fit....maybe a monkey."

"I have no idea what you're talking about" he said.

"But if you're a monkey where is your tail? Oh wait....why is it on the wrong side?"

"Are you planning on staying long...?"

"I think you're a man," she interjected. "I've never seen a man, but you look like one, and I feel for sure that is what you are."

He ran his fingers through his hair confusion. "Uh sure…So…uh...long hair….this is the first time I've seen you in the Garden."

"I am almost a day old now. I arrived yesterday. And that is the truth because I don't remember anything before yesterday." She placed her hand on her chin. "Then again that doesn't mean nothing happened before yesterday. I might just not have noticed. Well from now I guess I'll pay more attention to what is happening around me…...."

By then he had already lost interest. The Spring of Heat and Gentle Stroking Waves were calling him.

"This is the first time I've heard anyone else's voice but my own," she exclaimed.

It was the same for him but he couldn't bring himself up to the same level of excitement she was at. "Yes it's kinda different."

"So what do we do around here?" She said as she looked around.

"We? What is we?"

"It's a word I just thought of while we were talking. It means us."


She pointed to him and then back to herself. "You and me of course."

He shook his head. "We don't do anything. For six days I eat and sleep and on the seventh day I rest. That's how it is. That's all there is."

"Oh," she said simply.

He had turned to leave but he stopped short. "Oh, and here's something else we don't do. We don't eat from the Tree."

"The Tree?"

"You'll know the Tree when you see it. You can't miss it, just don't eat from it. It's the only rule around here. It's the only rule delivered by the voice."

"The voice. I think I do remember a voice."

"See all this?" He waved his arm about. "Everything is because of the voice. So if the voice says don't partake of the Tree, you don't partake from the Tree. Eat from any tree in the Garden except that one."

"That's fair. So what do we do now?"

We again? He thought.

"Well, long hair, I was thinking about going over to the springs."

"Springs? It sounds interesting lead the way."

He pondered on this for a second. The new creature was insistent but maybe in some way, like all the other animals she would in some way make his life in the garden more blissful. If that was even at all possible. He had once been sure he had maximized his potential blissfulness already; maybe something new can come from this.

"Follow me," he said.



She pointed to the large creature, "and that's a rhinoceros." Then she pointed up at the sky, "and those are sparrows."

Down at the ground, "well I do declare, there goes a snail."

Sighing with exasperation he watched on as the other pointed and named. It took the time to name everything they happened to come along. Before he could even protest the naming of one thing she would already be moving on to naming something else. And they would keep those names no doubt; the animals would just accept it. Who would, could they complain too if they didn't like their names?"

"Where are you getting all these names from?" He asked.

She smiled brightly. "Well the minute I set eyes on an animal I know what it is. As if it were from inspiration I seem to know just by the shape of the creature and the way it acts what animal it is."

"Hey how about if I name something?" He stated.

"Go right ahead." The other said.

They waited for the next animal to arrive. A few minutes later a creature about the size of a cat crawled down the road. The creature has a thick covering of hair all over its body except for the feet and bill, a flat tail dragged along behind it.

"Uhhhhhh." He hemmed and hawed for a long period of time before eventually blurting out, "thing!"

"We'll call it, thing!"

The other glanced at him and then back at the animal and then at him again. "Wouldn't you think it would prefer being called platypus?" she asked politely.

"Platypus?!" He exclaimed. "Why, Platypus?"

"Well, it looks like a Platypus," she reasoned.

He sighed again as it continued to name everything. He took to watching the Platypus crawl out of sight. It was probably ashamed of its new name he thought. It would most likely go home to cry over the loss of a name like "thing." He exchanged a weary glance with his small hairless friend.


It didn't look any more like a platypus than he did.



It had been happening more and more frequently. In between naps he would notice that some of the animals of the same type had gathered together. The wolves for example had packs. He had attempted to join a wolf pack once. It was not a successful endeavor.

Their lack of appreciation for an afternoon nap aside; the rigorous demands of the lead wolf were not to his liking. Why the wolves needed a leader to help them eat grass was still beyond his comprehension. Then he made the faux pas of eating before the others in the pack, or more specifically before the head wolf. This immediately decreased his regard with the wolves. Though it wasn't explicitly stated, as the days went on he began to feel that the wolves no longer wanted him around. This was confirmed for him when he awoke one morning to find that they had moved to the other side of the Garden without notifying him.

Though he enjoyed his brief stint as a pack wolf, throughout it all, he still felt what he believed to be some sort of instinctual separation with the animals. At times he would marvel at the natural beauty of the Garden and he would wonder if the animals truly saw. Did they see the shimmering rainbows? Did they notice the smell of the earth after water fell from the sky? Could they appreciate the delight and splendor of resting under the shade of a tree after dining on a hive full of honey? He wasn't sure if they could or did. At least he couldn't tell if they did.

He would of course eventually come to form a mini pack with his little hairless friend. It, unlike the other animals had learned like he did to take and advantage of some of the Garden's special features. Such as the days when instead of water sweet milk fell from the sky, or the Stream of Bliss where the wiggling fish, yes fish was what the other had named them, in the water would massage's one's body as they swam by. Still even with this new found friendship, he did feel a bit of distance between him and the little one every now and then. So it had come to pass he would occasionally look upon the Garden and see that it was special, in effect he would feel himself even more special. It was a conceited notion that seemed to handicap his relationships with the other animals. When the unwanted feeling presented itself he would sleep until it had passed.

He wondered briefly if the other had felt the same yet. This thought was brief because he knew that he would soon find out if the other did whether he wanted to know or not. For the new one was always talking. She would talk about her feelings or whatever other thoughts that came to mind. And she encouraged him to do same but would seem disappointed when he gave a simple answer. This amazed him, for how complex could one be in Paradise? Yet no matter what he said, no matter how disinterested he was in the topic or when he erred; which seemed to be frequently the case around her. He hardly remembered ever "erring" before she arrived. Still she would insist on conversing.

"I've been thinking I might be an experiment. Have you ever felt that you were an experiment?" She asked.

"I can't say that I have." Having no earthly clue what an experiment was he was in no position to answer this question. Obviously it was something she just invented so he was amazed that she would even ask

Knowing whether he was ignorant of the word or not, she took it in stride.

"I feel like an experiment, I feel convinced that that is what I am. And I guess you are two, we are two parts of an experiment. What do you think?"

"Um," a bird skirted out of a bush past them. "Hey look there goes a wildcat!"

"Actually I think that's a dodo bird."

"I never would have guessed," he mused.

"I've decided that my name is Kimberly. You can call me that when you want me to come over. I think it's a very nice name don't you? "

'I couldn't think of one better," he declared with a smile. This happened to be the truth.

This seemed to please her, and in turn, this pleased him that he managed to say the right thing for once. It occurred to him now that this creature was fond of compliments.

"You should pick a suitable name for yourself as well. Then we can we have a proper introduction."

He groaned inwardly, it would insist now on him having a name. And he was certain if he didn't pick one for his own she'd choose one for him.

This was surely something that would cut into his resting time.

"Oh and for future reference, I've thought about it, I've also decided that I am a she not an 'it.' And for sure that would make you a 'he', they sound much nicer don't you think?" With that she said she walked cheerfully past him.

It used to be so quiet around here he thought.

A/N Read and review tell me what you think. I think this is fairly orginal. Next chapter is in a few days.