
Nobody acceptt my two best friends know what it feels like to be me. I'm the dork of Forks, no let me refraze the dork of existance. My best friends Alice Cullen and Rosalie Hale were exactly like me. I had frizzy brown hair and dull brown eyes, Alice had a mousy black bob and blue eyes, Rosalie had frizzy hair like me but blonde and her blue eyes were amazing. I live in a small town in the continental US, Forks Washington to be exact and since it is such a small town everybody knows everyones business. I was a junior in high school, well soon to be senior. It was the last day before summer started and I would be leaving to Paris with my two best friends for the entire summer.

My friend Alice's family were very rich and they were taking all of her family, Rosalie and I, and Alice's brothers two best friends. Alice's brother was the most popular guy in school, and he wasn't one of those guys who were complete players. I had lived in Forks my whole life, even after my mother had walked out on my father and I when I was three. Edward was nice to me when we talked, which happened to be rarely ever, and at school he never noticed me. I sat in my last class that day, which happened to be gym. I never played, I usally hurted people, and when I did play people were up for ingery.

"Okay class you can go and change now." I got up from the bench and started to walk towards the door, I changed in the locker room at a normal pase and then waited for the bell to ring. I picked up my books and my car keys and then started off to the parking lot. I was looking for Alice when my books flew out of my hands, "Oop's sorry Swan." The school bitch (and head cheerleader) Lauren Mallory said. I rolled my eyes and bent down to pick up my books without saying a word, I was really getting sick of her. I met Alice and Rosalie in the parking lot and they saw the look on my face.

"Mallory book you again Bella?" I nodded my head and the girls climbed in my honda accord. I drove them back to my house where they were staying until Alice's parents picked us up tomorrow for the 7 a.m flight. We sat in my living room watching re-runs of Gilmore Girls until my dad came home with three pizza's in his hands. We ran to the kitchen grabbing plates and two slices of the greasy walked upstairs to my bedroom and blasted old pop songs and put on our pajamas. We tried going to be early but that ended up with us having a pillow fight and then talking all night long. When it came time for us to get up the next morning to go to the airport in Port Angeles we were so tired it was unbeiliveable.

But we managed to do it, we were putting our bags in Alice's parents Suv by 5:45 and then we sped off to the airport. We got to the airport by 6:30 and it sucked having to sit in the plastic chairs until we were called onto the plane. All first class passengers on flight 672 to Paris France is now boarding thats when we all got up and started boarding the plane. Everyone ended up falling asleep on the plane and I started dreaming about Edward, he is so hott. My dreams were filled with Edward and I falling in love and getting married, but I wasn't me, well it was but it didn't look like me. My hair was straight and I had make-up, I was different and maybe it was a good thing.

Twelve and a half hours later we were all getting off the plane and making our way to the hotel in Paris. It was called La Chature (I made it up!!!) and Alice, Rose, and I had our own suite. Once we had got upstairs to our suite I pitched my idea to Rosalie and Alice. "What do you girls think about us tottaly redoing what we look like this summer?" I asked and they looked up at me. "Bella, that is a great idea. I was reading an article about this personal stylist and if I call now I think I can get her." That ended up in Alice calling the stylist and booking the whole summer with her because she canceled all of her other appoinments.

Two days later

Today was the day that we were meeting the stylist. Right now we were sitting in her office waiting for her to arrive and I was nervous about what she was going to say. She walked in the door and we all stood up, "Velcom i'm Selena Voriscopo, and you vust be vey americans." we nodded and we sat down in the three chairs surrounding her desk. "Vell you girls a certinaly intervesting. It's alot to vork wif but it shall ve done. Helga, we start vif ve girls now." That day was spent with her taking us around Paris showing us what shops to go to and what clothes to buy.

We even ended up buying clothes and Selena was very happy with what we brought. The rest of the summer was spent with us avoiding everyone and spending the time with Selena shopping and learing about different things that we needed to know. It was the day before last in Paris, and this was the day that Selena was taking us to get our makeovers done. I woke up really early that morning and dressed in the simple clothes Selena told us to. Her limo picked us up out front of our hotel at 6:00 and drove us half way across Paris.

The whole day was spent with us getting out nails done, both a mani and peddi. Then there was the part when we got our haircut, highlights and everything. While our highlights were settling in we got facials and then they turned us around to do our makeup. When it became 6:00 that night and twelve hours were over we were able to see what the new us looked like. The three artists turned us around and I had to say we looked awsome. My dark brown hair was straightened premanetly and I had blond highlights, my makeup was done subtley but you could tell I wore it, I had a french manicure and my outfit was a flowy green tanktop with a belt below my breasts and skinney jeans.

When I looked to the right I saw Rosalie and she looked amazing. Her blonde hair was flowing around her face and she had brown highlights. Her makeup was different than mine, it was cleary visible that she was wearing some and her nails were exactly like mine. Alice's hair had changed, it was cut a little shorter into a pixie style and had brown highlights that could be seen in light, her makeup was subtle and her nails were also in a french manicure style. Rose was wearing a washed denium skirt with a green white and gray juicy couture tank top. Alice had on tulip print dress from dolce and gabbana and she looked fabulous.

We went back to the hotel that night and made sure no one would see us until tomorrow morning for the flight back to Forks. We went to be that night dreaming of what everone would think on the first day of school. My night consisted of dreaming of Edward and what he would think tomorrow. I feel into a dreamless slumber after that.

The next day

"Bella wake up Bella wake up Bella wake up." was what I heard when Alice woke me up the next morning jumping on my bed. I laughed at her and rolled out of bed going to take a shower with my calming honey vinilla body wash (that's the stuff I use, and it's awsome!) and my strawberry shampoo. I got out and went to my suit case throwing on jeans and a teeshirt. About and hour later Rose Alice and I met in the sitting area with our suit cases and carry on bags. We all had on jeans and teeshirts that were fancy enough for high heels and we walked down to the lobby to meet everyone.

"Hey mom dad." Alice said and everyone turned around. I saw Edward, Jasper, and Emmett's mouths dropped. "You might want to close your mouths boys you might catch flies." their mouths shut instantly and Alice Rose and I laughed at them. We put our bags in the rental car and drove to the airport. All us girls did was talk about fashion and we laughed at the boys staring at us. I knew Alice liked Jasper, and Rosalie liked Emmett, they were the reasons why they did this with me. We got back to the airport and took seats in the plastic chairs again. I pulled out a gossip magazine and started reading it, I could feel Edward's eyes buring a hole i the back of my head so I turned around.

"Is there a reason why your staring at me?" I asked and it looked like he was trying to get words out, "Hello anyone in there?" I asked waving a hand in front of his face, I rolled my eyes and turned back around. I turned towards Alice and whispered in her ear, "I think there is something wrong with your brother. One he was burning a hole in the back of my head staring at me, and two when I asked him why he didn't say anything." she started giggling. All first class passengers on flight 772 to Port Angeles Washington you may now board. I got up grabbed my bag and walked towards the door, I looked back towards Edward and he was looking at me. I gave him a wink and then walked threw the doors.