When I saw you
You were full of light.
You shone more than the stars
And the sun was jealous of you
Because of your beauty.

The people want you
They wish for you
They cry for you
The love you.
But nobody knows that you exist just for me

A smile of yours is better
Than all the words
The people say.
And if you'll always be with me,
I'll not need God and his Heaven
Because my sky, my life, and my light is you

Don't stop to smile and shine!
I cannot breathe without them.

Kill the enemies and come back to me
There's no reason to survive
If you're not here to protect me.

This was written by a friend of mine's best friend, when I read it I immediately thoght of this story. So I decided to share it with you in celebration. (please note the author is Italian so some of the grammar isn't perfect, but this is the exact way she wrote it)

Wait, in celebration of what?!?!?

I'm glad you asked strange bold voice! I have officially put up the first chapter of the sequel!!!


My thoughts exactly!! And (if you're interested) you can find this story under the title of Love Song (although that title will be changing as soon as I have time to think of something else)

So what are you waiting for? Get over and tell me what you think!!!

~ Demonlrd