well here is the 2nd chapter!! hope you enjoy!

She nervously nibbled her lip and fidgeted with her attire. It was a deep blue Robert cavalla dress. The dark and mid light variations of blue were gorgeous and it was silk a big bonus for her. It had thin straps and high slit but the sway of the dress added a seductive but modest look to it. Her long black hair fell in waves with a part in the middle.

The little makeup she had included the usual on enhanced her look a lot; she had a feeling that she would attract a lot of attention tonight, but she had always opted to look her best.

She began to pull on her dress again when Masaru came into Sango's room.

"Mama, you look perfect, could you stop messing with the dress?"

Kagome laughed and leaned down planting him a kiss on the forehead. He giggled wrapping his little arms around her neck. They stayed like that for awhile and Masaru noticed when she squeezed him a little tighter.

"Mama if you squeeze me any more, I might suffocate"

She chuckled. "I'm sorry"

Masaru noticed when she moved her head, she quickly wiped her tears.


She faced him, holding her tears back. "I'm fine"

"Why do you cry, alone in your room" he asked all of a sudden.

She stiffened at the question, but saw in his expression that he was concerned and honest.

"It's just that…I think about you're father a lot…you look so much like him"

Kiyoshi poked his head in through the door and she laughed motioning him over. She sat on the floor not at all minding the thousand dollar dress she wore. Kiyoshi sat in her lap while Masaru sat close beside her.

"As I was saying, you and you're father look very much alike, the same silver hair and golden eyes, I see him almost everyday in you"

Yoshi blurted out. "What is he like?"

It pained her to talk about Sesshomaru but her kids were old enough, being that hanyous develop faster than the human race, deserved to know something about their father.

"Well, He's very intelligent, one the most strong willed persons I have ever met. He can sometimes be as stubborn as I am, annoying to boot…; he's sensitive, mysterious, and sweet…

Yoshi and Masaru looked at each other as Kagome stopped talking, spacing out again as if she was remembering something. Yoshi tapped her arm.

"Did he hurt you mama?"

The twins both watched Kagome stand up and slip on her silver heels. She fidgeted in her dress again and planted kisses on their heads. Kagome sprayed a perfume on and looked down at her boys.

"Your father is a good man and-" The front doorbell ranged and Sango appeared at the door.

Kagome nodded and quickly grabbed her purse. She kissed Masaru and Kiyoshi on the forehead and ruffled their hair.

"You two be good, I will be back later on."

"Yes mama" they said in unison.

Naraku waited outside for someone to answer the door. He heard whispers and laughing…was that kids running back and forth. He hated kids. The door opened and he was blessed with a view from the heavens.

"Hello Naraku" Kagome said smiling nervously.

He was speechless looking at Kagome up and down. The peek of flesh from her leg had him sweating.

"Damn, you got me speechless"

Kagome laughed blushing. She accepted the flowers from him and went inside to give them to Sango. Little did she know, Masaru and Kiyoshi could see Naraku and he them. Naraku stiffly waved at them and they gave him a mean glare that said 'you hurt our mommy…we hurt you' damn did he hate kids.

"Okay I'm ready" Kagome said. Naraku turned around and Kagome quickly blew her kids a kiss before closing the door and walking to the car with Naraku.

Naraku cleared his throat. "You didn't tell me you had children"

Kagome shrugged. "You never asked."

"Does he…know?" clearly knowing that the children were of Sesshomaru Tashio.

Kagome stiffly shook her head. "We divorced before I found out…

Naraku held up his hand. "And that is all I need to know, he will not hear a word from me"

Kagome smiled when in her head she was sighing with relief. She decided that tomorrow she would tell Sesshomaru. Kagome knew that he was going to be mad as hell but at least the weight would be lifted off her shoulders and her children would finally know their father.

Naraku opened the door for her and she got in. He then slid in next to her telling the limo driver to take them to their destination.


Sesshomaru was sipping some champagne as he walked around the Gala. The host decided to make the scenery different this year. The gathering was outside in front of a beautiful fountain in midst a lake. A crescent moon overlooked the crowd and Sesshomaru felt somewhat relaxed. That was until a certain couple arrived.

He took another sip and turned around looking through the crowd. A smell wafted through his nose and he breathed deeply taking in the familiar beautiful smell. Photo shots were being taken at the other end of the gala and Sesshomaru was grateful that he didn't have the flashes in his eyes now.

The figure that stepped from the crowd almost made his glass slip from his hand. His eyes narrowed when a man appeared beside her and placed his hand on her lower back.

Naraku…what the hell was he doing with her?

Kagome looked…damn he had no words. She was radiant in the dress that she wore, she glowed all over. He liked that she no longer wore her hair short but long, the look suited her very well. The constricted feeling in his chest grew tighter as he stared at her. Should he go over to her and say hello? How would she react to seeing him? He knew that by now, she probably hated him and she had moved on with her life.

He looked around and saw Yura flirting with a demon male much younger than he was. The male nervously glanced at Sesshomaru and took in his cold glare, the man fled and left Yura confused. She shrugged her shoulders and turned halting in her step as she saw Kagome hug and shake hands with old and new acquaintances.

He knew Yura had every right to be jealous. Sesshomaru took a cigarette from his breast pocket. He rolled it between his fingers instead. He felt a hard pat on his shoulder, but did not turn around when Inuyasha appeared beside him.

"Is that Kagome? What the hell she's doing with Naraku?"

The same thing I was thinking… as Sesshomaru turned and walked away. Inuyasha whipped around and ran after him.

"What? You're not going to go say something to her"

"I have better things to do" in truth, he would not know what to say.

Inuyasha shook his head. "Coward" and walked off.

Kagome had to say that this year's gala was the best. The beautiful fountain in the lake was something else, to top it off the glowing crescent moon in the sky gave it an almost magical look. The glowing moon instantly reminded her of him.

"Kagome is that you darling" a woman said behind her.

She turned to meet the smiling face of Kaede, the wife of a very rich man. She had met Kaede the first time Sesshomaru had brought her to the yearly galas. Not wanting to crowd around her husband on every limb, she walked around and made small talk with people. Some being demons was very cautious of her because of her being miko.

Kaede was a 65 year old woman that acted like a 30 year old bachelorette. She was strong willed and outspoken, a fearless human. Sesshomaru liked her even though he tried to act as if he didn't.

"Hello Mrs. Kaede" Kagome said as Kaede placed a wet kiss on her cheek.

"My dear you look wonderful!" She softly nudged Kagome in the arm. "I see you managed to snag Naraku out of his office"

Naraku turned from the men he was talking to. "I heard that"

Kaede waved him off. Kagome giggled. "It's not what you think"

The elderly woman held up her hand. "Sure, I was once your age, and after I divorced my third husband, I greatly enjoyed the advantages of being a single woman"

Kagome nervously laughed. She had a feeling Kaede wasn't just talking about being young and nimble.

A shock of silver crossed the field and Kagome knew that it was Sesshomaru. He was dress in an all black suit, tailored to fit his body to give him a polished look. His back was turned as he went to the men's bathroom and Kagome was grateful that he hadn't seen her face to face.

"He hasn't been talking to anyone much today"

Kagome looked beside her. "Who?"

Kaede smiled. "You're ex husband you were just looking at, I am old Kagome but I'm not blind…yet"

She shrugged her shoulders. "He's moved on and so have I"

Kaede grunted. The two little birds needed a good little bang on the head. She could easily tell that they at least had some kind of feelings for each other. Sesshomaru came out of the bathroom and pulled another glass from a waiter's tray.

"Just talk to him, Kagome"

"I am not! If anything he needs to say something to me…not that I want him to or anything. And plus Yura is going to jump my neck before I get ten feet near him"

They both laughed, picturing the image in their minds. Kagome felt a hand palm her back. She turned and saw Naraku and a man approach her.

"This is Kagome, Kagome this is Koga" Naraku said.

Kagome almost dropped her jaw when the tall male grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on it. The black shiny hair and dark gaze of his eyes had her heart racing, literally.

Kagome blinked "Uh…" Kaede nudged her. "Hello"

He smiled brightly and had the nerve to have dimples as well. "Hello to you too, beautiful"

Oh, he was definitely demon. That blaze of confident aura and charm poured from his body. He was tall almost about Naraku's height. Tan skin and supple lips was all that she could see.


"Yes" she said clearing her throat.

"I said that Koga will be your male partner in your photo shoots, he's been on our contract for years, and it would seem a good idea for a professional to help you learn the ropes" Naraku said.

Partner? She opened her mouth to say something then closed it. Not meaning to cause offense to him or Naraku, but Kagome did not want a partner, especially a man. She wondered if she could talk to Naraku about the arrangement. Just the thought of being so close to another man made her nervous and fearful.

Koga laughed. "If I'd known you would be this happy I would have brought you a gift as well"

Naraku narrowed his eyes at Koga. The young wolf was known for his suave talking with the girls, but he had to know that Kagome was his for the taking. He looked down at Kagome and could see the pink blush on her cheeks. She wasn't attractive to him…was she?

"Well I will see you soon Ms. Kagome….Naraku" Naraku nodded and squeezed Kagome's hand.

"I have to go and do some business talking; I will be back in a few"

Kagome nodded her head. She slightly jumped when a hand tapped her on the shoulder. She turned and her heart raced as she stared into gold eyes, the doggy ears on his head twitched in excitement.

Inuyasha gave her a boyish grin. "Scared you didn't I"

"Hello Inuyasha" Kagome said patting him on the arm.

He scratched his head as he looked at Kagome. She really did look better now than he had seen her years before. The argument that happened between him and Sesshomaru surfaced and he suddenly felt a bit guilty at how their relationship ended before.

"How have you been?" Inuyasha asked. He noticed an old lady behind Kagome eyeing him.

Kagome shrugged. "I've been well. Never figured I would be back here again…how are things going with Kikyo"

Inuyasha stiffened when she asked about Kikyo. She had never done that before. When they had broken up, Kagome stopped talking to her cousin and since she was married to his brother, she saw his face often. As he tried to form words, he noticed that Kagome wasn't asking the question out of anger or spite, she was being honest.

"Everything's fine" Inuyasha said cautiously.

She nodded. "Where is she, I haven't seen her yet?"

"She's at home; we came to the decision to start a family. Her pregnancy hasn't been going very well. She's been ordered to stay in bed"

Kagome felt concerned. Kikyo and she weren't on good terms but Kagome kind of felt what Kikyo was going through. To see Inuyasha here, she felt that he should have been with Kikyo tonight,

"She made me come" Inuyasha interrupted her thoughts. "I don't know why but she made me, your mother is watching over her"

Kagome nodded and looked around. A waiter walked by and she kindly asked him where the women's bathroom was. The waiter pointed nearby the men's bathroom and Kagome didn't know if Sesshomaru was nearby or not.

"Go ahead, Kagome. I'll talk to you later" Inuyasha waved and walked off.

Anticipation washed through her as she walked through the crowd. Her dim eyes scattered before in search of the 6 and a half foot silver haired youkai. She could feel him that was for sure. Unlike him tonight, his aura was searching out for her. It tickled the miko within her but instead of fighting against it, their auras both swam together, welcomed each other. As she got closer to the restroom, his aura was stronger, although he was nowhere to be seen.

She opened the door to the bathroom and walked inside. She was unaware of Sesshomaru walking out of the shadow with a lit cigarette in his mouth. In the bathroom, Kagome sighed, feeling her nerves ease a bit. She went to the sink that had a large mirror and checked her makeup.

She was trying to enjoy her time here. It was great meeting with old friends and all, she would have to get used to enjoying things without Sesshomaru. This was her first real outing with someone else besides Sango, Miroku and her kids. What was she going to do after this? She would refuse to return here every year with Naraku, her boss, even though they were not dating. But it wouldn't be that bad to lower her standards a bit. She was not getting any younger; she was almost 26 with two children and divorced.

Now she seemed desperate. Music was turned on from outside and Kagome could hear the happy laughs and shouts. She turned from the sink to walk to an open stall when another one opened. Kagome looked up, greeted with a smug from Yura in a black tight dress, dripping in diamonds.

"Hello Kagome"